S2E2: CrazySexyCool Politics... NOT! / Bringing Back the Splendor, Part 1

There is a tale of something political. In the Theresentien House of Politics, of course.

Two conflicting political parties vie for the highest position allotted in all of Shurilesia: The Kingly Prime President.

The contenders? The Rebirth Party and The Unity Power Coalition.

Every now and then, the people, locked up in their homes, have nothing to do but to watch a fiery debate on TV.

A showdown between Ferdinando Jose Shimokawa of the Rebirth Party and Corey Fiedel Glorio Mitsumaruyama of the Unity Power Coalition.

Currently, the people are watching the fifth day of the debate. The topic? How to remove the spores that are plaguing some places in this snow-laden continent.

The moderator starts speaking in the house's session hall, his face the focus of several cameras.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We are now in the fifth day of the debate titled 'The Quest'.

"For those of you who missed the first four days, here is a recap: The two aspirants for the Kingly Prime President, F. J. 'The Red-Orange Guy' Shimokawa of the Rebirth Party and C. F. G. 'The Yellow Guy' Mitsumaruyama of the Unity Power Coalition have presented their platforms and dreams to make Shurilesia a better place to live in.

"So far, both sides presented a top-down approach in eliminating poverty, but their methods of implementation are different.

"Shimokawa said that crime is the result of poverty; so it must be stopped, if not wiped out entirely.

"Mitsumaruyama suggested that basic services must be given to the masses, and the government must employ high-tech plans for them.

"And now, on the fifth day of this debate, the two sides will cross swords regarding their approaches to effectively remove the so-called 'killer dancing spores' that are currently plaguing Shurilesia without sacrificing innocent lives."

As the moderator steps aside, a referee wearing white and black stripes takes his place, facing the two opposing politicians.

"As I have said before, debaters, I want a good clean fight. No swearing, no throwing of things, no excessive violence. Got it? Let's get it on!"

He rings the bell, signaling the start of the debate.

No sooner does Mr. Shimokawa begin with the following...

"Spores? I nary have an idea where they came from!"

Mr. Mitsumaruyama schools his opponent.

"Listen dumb-head, here's the origin. I was hunting for deer in the grasslands when suddenly... there was thick mist pouring out of nowhere! By closer inspection, I saw those things in a strange castle protected by an unknown force. Monsters appeared and ate almost all of my bodyguards. And then, I ran for my life until I found a safe place in Splendido."

"Oh, I see. I just consulted with my buddies how to remove the spores if I win the position. They all said: Raid the castle, Wild West-style."

"Hey, firepower and brute force won't solve the problem alone. Just USE YOUR HEAD. Hire secret agents. They'll tell me the weaknesses of the castle and voila! Problem solved."

While the two contenders are babbling about, someone suspicious watches the debate from a hidden air vent.

"Hee hee hee. Well, those politicians are so busy in overpowering each other. Well, time for them to taste the spores!"

He then brings out a long tube connected to a special vacuum containing the spores, and finally ejects the spores through the vent.

Mr. Shimokawa continues...

"Intelligence? I don't trust the likes of Ador and..."

His statement is cut off as he chokes on the spores.

Seconds later, he mutates into a grotesque monster as he lets out a horrifying roar.


Mr. Mitsumaruyama, staring unfazed at his rival, just quips...

"Hahahaha. You deserve this, dumb-head. Traditional politicians go to..."

Even he is also affected, as he chokes and later transforms into a monster.

The referee can only wonder, "What the heck is going on?"

And the live audience, who are religiously watching the debate, scurries around the House's session hall as they scream...

"WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Spores! Panic! Panic!"

The moderator, trying in vain to maintain his composure, belts out...

"No! The dreaded spores are here! Who could have orchestrated such a..."

He is then attacked by a monster coming out of the spore-filled gas, and immediately faints.

As for the many others who fill this entire House...

Most, if not all, of the government officials are turned into frogs and toads suitable for dissection.

The rest evolve into crazy biological gory dancing mannequins.

And thus, with that incident, Shurilesian politics goes down to the dirtiest level possible.

One powerful entity is responsible for all of this. Who could that be?


We're currently in the town enveloped in thick mist and infested with monsters, which is ironically named Splendido, based on the sign located in the town's entrance that is indicated by a large metal gate.

Bearwin states, "I knew SARS is prevalent here."

Juniper asks his buddy, "What? Severe acute respiratory syndrome?"

"Nope. Severe accumulation of restless spores."

Nolan comments on how the entire town is locked down, as if it's in the midst of a disaster...

"Doors and windows are locked... thick mist... lots of monsters... this is pretty depressing, to say at least."

CJ musters her courage to speak, even while still beset by coughs due to the thick mist.

"A smart move to do... is to find the nearest inn."

I comment, "Why not?"

We all explore the opening section of this town, on its main road named Gata Salvaje Road, tearing through hordes of monsters while still keeping Agaton safe.

And then, somewhat tired and worn-out from all that fighting, we finally get to the inn, which is named Endermende Inn.

The inn's proprietress, a middle-aged woman by the name of Esperanza Endermende, greets us all after she locks down her establishment.

"Welcome back, Princess CJ! Did you find a way to make yourself immune to those spores?"

The princess answers after some silence, "...Well, not really."

"Then who are those persons accompanying you? And why is that man unconscious?"

"Before we begin, may you please prepare us some food?"


I'm wondering myself on how she and the innkeeper know each other.

Hopefully, there will be some context later on.

Fifteen minutes later, and we are all treated to a full-course meal consisting of barbecue chicken tenders with rice, Salisbury steak, beef shawarma, eggplant katsudon bowl, and several pieces of meat and vegetable empanadas, all complemented by several glasses of cereal-flavored milk.

While we are all munching on this honestly generous treat, we introduce ourselves and recount what happened – from the point CJ, Christian, and company all had their fates intertwine at Dillingtonlandia, to the chase that led to the landing at Shurilesia.

The innkeeper reacts, "So, there is a big organization that is trying to dominate the world using those so-called 'dancespores'.

"To tell you all the truth, I once served under the late King Tristram Sotnas, and I even met Her Highness once she first stepped foot in what used to be His Highness's castle. When I knew that organization was out to invade us, I hightailed it out of Dillingtonlandia and into Shurilesia, trying to turn a new leaf even here in this town of thick mist. And oftentimes, I worry about Her Highness's safety. I've known her to have a frail body, but her spirit is otherwise strong."

Now THAT is some much-needed context.

I reply, "And mind you, those numb-skulls REALLY coerce us into doing those dirty deeds dirt cheap! Glad we all didn't fall for that bull!"

Just now, Agaton finally wakes up, albeit a bit uncomfortably, after what seems to be an eternity of sleep.

"Uugghh... Where am I? And who's this... old woman?"

Bearwin hushes, "Ssshhh... calm down! You're talking to an old hag!"

Juniper counters, "I don't tolerate speaking to an elderly person like that!"

He then hits his partner in the head.

Mrs. Endermende banters, "Well, even though you have all went through those toilsome trials, you are still a great, cheerful bunch."

She then elicits a chuckle.

Nolan then asks an important question.

"So, do you have any further knowledge of what is actually going on?"

"Sadly, I actually do not have any idea regarding events outside this town. But I do know a secret.

"There is actually a monster residing here that sucks out the energy from the pollution-absorbing trees. With the energy gone, of course, the trees wither and therefore cannot absorb the dancespores.

"Probably, that organization made that monster to reinforce their spread of those accursed spores."

Christian suggests a simple solution.

"So please... let us beat the crap out of that monster!"

"Whoa, whoa, hold your horses. Defeating it with brute force alone is impossible. You must first consult a woman by the name of Ayana Crossriver."

Agaton cuts in, "Hey! I know her! She's an old friend of mine!"

CJ inquires, "How did that happen?"

The widower confesses, "Well... she formerly owned a dojo that teaches several martial arts for very small fees. I was a student of hers... until the dojo became bankrupt because of the appearance of the spores."

I react, "Oh, I see."

Jurina probes, "Where does she live, anyway?"

The innkeeper has the answer.

"Her house resides near a mansion in this town, where the trees once stood proudly."

Gershwin just announces as he yawns, "Oh man, we're sleepy. And we're tired of fighting those weirdos!"

The lady ensures, "Well, I've got good news for you all. Since you are with Princess CJ, you will stay in this inn for free, not to mention that the food I've prepared with the help of my trusted cooks is also free of charge. So everyone... have a nice sleep!"

We all bow to her as a gesture of gratitude as she shows us the biggest suite possible, which can accommodate a maximum of ten people.

Alright, we're all having a good night's sleep at last.

The next morning.

Mrs. Endermende greets us all.

"Good morning, everyone! You all feel refreshed? Well, if you are, break a leg saving this town! Local folklore tells us that 'when a great evil terrorizes this world, fifty warriors of destiny shall come near the twilight'. So uphold that prophecy, especially you, Your Highness!"

CJ answers with grace, "Affirmative. I will do my best."

After some routine checks to ensure our item stash is a-OK, we nine all leave the inn.

As we set out again in the town's foggy exterior, I instruct everyone...

"Priority number one: Find Ayana."

Gershwin responds, "Pretty easy to do."

"But we're all aware of the great risks the spores bring to both CJ and Agaton, so let's huff it! Avoid monster encounters as much as possible, OK?"