S3E7: The Cube of Trials / Dónde Están Las Mujeres? / The Perverse, Part 1

"Now then," Edilbert continues. "Because the Cube of Trials has more or less 17,000 rooms, one party will surely not be enough for this mission. I require that four parties must be formed to infiltrate the dungeon all at the same time, since we want to take advantage of our larger retinue and uphold efficiency. Three parties will comprise of six combatants and two entourage supporters each, and the fourth one will only be composed of Lagenstrom and Knightley, as they will provide sniper support to the other parties. Moreover, the dungeon has no means of jamming signals, so we can safely use our phones to talk to each other. But we are also concerned that the enemy will wiretap and intercept our communications, so I advise you all to enable encryption of data lines on your phones, and there should be an app for that. So... Valmonte... I leave the party management to you."

I reply while snappily saluting him, "Sir, yes, sir!"