S5E15: Resurgence / Pax Vigorozonia / They Still Have the Last Laugh

And as we all expect from the Celestial Interferer's defeat...

The Arcanum Sanctuarium, and eventually the rest of Vigorozon, is gradually being restored to its former pristine beauty – a resurgence, if one wills.

What was once black marble – or more appropriately, white marble tainted with evil energy – is back to its once-glorious color.

The traces of the Lifeforce Mana Energy do their best to expunge the remaining traces of the curse, the plague, the darkness that enveloped the continent.

The wind circulates the atmosphere once again, bringing fresh breezes everywhere.

The seas calm down, allowing for safe swimming and navigation.

The earth's nutrition is restored, allowing plants to grow and kick-start the natural food chain once more.

The restoring touch is also felt by the citizens of the three towns – Dagbilieren, Cydoblonga, and Salvianalis.