Characters Recruited So Far in Season 3

[Giuseppe Parisi]

Age: 18

Weapon: Lightsaber katana

Job: Hyper Scientist

A scientist who makes inventions along with his seven assistants.

[Cherami Maynard]

Age: 17

Weapon: Swiss knife

Job: Angry Hitokiri

The Ishi-shiro's chief combat techniques officer. Despite her somewhat innocent appearance, she uses the deadliest art ever known, the "Blood Gulch no Jutsu".

[Radolf Goldstein]

Age: 17

Weapon: Great axe

Job: Extreme Berserker

The Ishi-shiro's assistant chief combat techniques officer. He endured lots of scars from killing many enemies. Also has his own fighting style but that is second only to Cherami's in terms of killing foes instantly.

[Iain Oersted]

Age: 17

Weapon: Thief gunblade

Job: Expert Blade Man

The Ishi-shiro's chief strategy officer. Draws his unsurpassed war strategies from strategy-RPGs... and actual war strategy books, of course.

[Karenina Nashville]

Age: 17

Weapon: Great sword

Job: Berserk Blade Woman

The Ishi-shiro's chief food supplies officer. Eats a lot even though she doesn't get fat. Encourages the soldiers not to go to war on an empty stomach.

[Vanna Mercado]

Age: 17

Weapon: Large shuriken

Job: White Kunoichi

The Ishi-shiro's chief medical officer. A nurse-cum-white mage by training, she embraced the way of the ninja after she entered the Ishi-shiro.

[Randall Bathwright]

Age: 17

Weapon: Buster arm

Job: Replicant Android

The Ishi-shiro's chief acquisitions and ordnance officer. Even though he is a half-human, half-robot, he never knows this fact until an event strikes him.

[Antoon Abadilla]

Age: 17

Weapon: Nodachi

Job: Military Ninja

The Ishi-shiro's chief espionage and assassination officer, and also Darby's half-brother. He believes in honing his skills to become the ultimate ninja.

[Renton Germinal]

Age: 18

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. He never goes anywhere without his trusty backpack.

[Roxette Abellanosa]

Age: 17

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. She tries her best to keep her B. O. in check.

[Maristelle Valles]

Age: 17

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. She's a proud lesbian, and she's in love with Nicole.

[Kei Gotanda]

Age: 17

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. Due to her surname, which includes the number 5 in Japanese, she fervently believes in the power of the number itself.

[Nicole Apostolos]

Age: 18

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. She's also a proud lesbian, and she's in love with Maristelle.

[Charles Saint Etienne]

Age: 17

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. He's also a professional wrestler. His finisher is The Saint Etienne Death Drop.

[Maria Joie Balthazar]

Age: 16

Support-type character

One of the scientists working under Giuseppe, and was also a member of the science club Giuseppe helmed for the entirety of high school. Taking a page from MacGyver himself, she uses chicken drumsticks either as normal tools or as weapons.