S7E5: Area VII / VIII, Part 1

Area 7, People Are People.

"Senpai" explains this area's trait.

"This area contains souls of tortured persons. They offer questions that the passersby must answer. If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded. Otherwise, expect a hard battle."

I just reply, "I guess… it's time to sharpen our analytical skills, then. Rote memorization will do diddly squat here."

At every corner of this corner-filled pathway, there is indeed a tortured soul in each.

And each tortured soul always asks us philosophical questions.

For instance, the first tortured soul we encounter is a woman… who was fated to marry an alpha but was trying to do everything to escape that fate… until she took her own life.

"I don't believe in fate or destiny or anything related to those… I just want a normal life! Why do those people always propagate the myths of the alphas, betas, and omegas, even though science is able to prove that otherwise?"