S7E10: Area IX / X / We’re Almost There

Area 9, Peace and Solidarity Almost Achieved.

Irenaeus the Senpai, after watching us defeat the bosses of the previous area one by one, finally has his chance to speak.

"This area is basically an art gallery. A gallery composed of pictures showing past significant events in Daig'digaia's history. And they are all uplifting ones."

And to match the mood of the paintings, the curtains and pillars that comprise this area's walls are all pearly white.

Alright, time to see for myself the lore of this fantasy world, and see if it really is meticulously crafted according to my standards as an aspiring narrative designer.

And oh, there are no random encounters here, because it would be nonsensical for monsters to attack people who are just here for some art appreciation.

Painting number 1.

It's simply a picture of a young planet surrounded by a black void.

The caption reads… "From out of nothing… something is created by a higher power."