S7E26: How Are the Twilight Warriors Faring? ~Next in Line~ Part 2

36. Francois Verboomen

The Warrior of Beautiful Songs

Establishes the Open Hands Music Ministry in the real world. The essence of the ministry that he carried in the world of Daig'digaia remains intact.

35. Craig Bergoglio

The Warrior of Ordinary Life

Goes back to being a homebody. He does nothing but eat, sleep, watch TV, anything else that can be boring if done routinely. One year later, he decides not to slack off and chooses to make sculptures out of trash, considering the stuff being thrown away by his neighbors.

34. Jermaine Jones

The Warrior of Honor

Decides to relinquish the way of the sword and lives in peace – in the world of Daig'digaia, anyway. Now that he's back in the real world, he embarks on his true dream: Having his own food truck. So far, the results are promising, as his first customers absolutely love his cooking.

33. Pearce Abellanosa

The Warrior of Electronic Gaming