Teachings of the Shaolin


Myeol Mang flinched at the sudden slamming of his door as Jin Tang left the room, taken aback by Jin Tang's harsh words of denial.

"Well…. I guess I have to sleep then, if I lose the right to be Master Tang's disciple, then I won't be able to figure out any of my questions."

Feeling that the weird pressure that Jin Tang had placed on him had vanished, Myeol Mang begrudgingly grabbed the blankets from under him and slid them over him until only his head wasn't covered.

'And besides, even if I sleep here, that doesn't mean I'll be asleep in Texas…..' Myeol Mang thought as he slowly slid into the depths of sleep.


"..... Mang….."


"MYEOL MANG!" Sung Ho suddenly screamed as he smacked Myeol Mang across the face, waking him from his sleep.

"Huh?..... What?....." Myeol Mang stuttered out, still half asleep.

"Wake the hell up, it's time for lunch." Sung Ho said as he turned around and walked out of the room.

"Ughhhh, wait…. Lunch? I'm still in the dream?..... Well, I might as well get up so I can eat." Myeol Mang said to himself as he trudged out of bed and started changing into the fresh pair of white and blue robes at the foot of his bed.


Pushing open the main hall doors and spotting Jin Tang's table, Myeol Mang noticed two people dressed in pure white robes with a white headband around their forehead displaying a weird symbol apart from the regular group that sat with Jin Tang.

After slowly approaching Jin Tang's table while staring down the two men dressed in white, Myeol Mang cleared his throat and bowed to Jin Tang.

"Greetings Master Tang, who might the people in the white robes be?"

"Take a seat first, Myeol Mang. I will explain while we eat." Jin Tang said as he gestured to a chair on his right next to Seok Hwan.

Walking around the table while continuing to stare at the two unexplained guests at the table, Myeol Mang sat down in the chair next to Seok Hwan and started putting food onto his plate.

"Master, who are these guests?" Myeol Mang asked after putting the last piece of chicken onto his plate.

"Everyone, these two people are martial artists from the Shaolin Temple. I have brought them here to begin teaching the basics of internal energy to Myeol Mang." Jin Tang said as he gestured towards the two men, trying to get them to introduce themselves.

"My name is Shik Ja-Kyung, I'm a first class disciple of the Shaolin Temple and I am currently in the Realm of Truth." Said the black haired martial artist who looked to be in his mid twenties.

"My name is Han Soo-Hyun, I'm a second class disciple of the Shaolin Temple and I am currently entering the Realm of Acceptance." Said the brown haired martial artist who seemed to be eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Wait, why am I learning the basics of internal energy now? I thought I had three months of physical training?" Myeol Mang asked after turning and looking at Jin Tang with absolute confusion spread across his face.

"Myeol Mang, I realized after discovering you in the training hall this morning that physical training will not help you, your body will grow naturally if you start learning the basics of swordsmanship."

"So since Sung Ho still needs to develop with physical training, you won't be able to teach me internal energy?"

"Exactly, and although I could have Seok Hwan or any of the others teach you, I think it would benefit you more if you learned from the martial artists of the Shaolin Temple."

"Okay," Myeol Mang turned and faced Shik Ja-Kyung. "So Shik Ja-Kyung, you said you were halfway into the 'Realm of Truth'. What is the Realm of Truth?"

"The Realm of Acceptance is one of the seven known realms of cultivation, that is all I will say as you will learn of the others once we begin to teach you."

"Alright, so when do we begin training? I just woke up so I'm ready whenever you are."

"Wait, you just woke up? Master Tang, is there a reason why you let your disciple sleep until midday?"

"I let him sleep because he had only gotten one hour of sleep. Him sleeping in today is going to be a special case, because if he decides to stay up all night training again he will no longer be my disciple."

Myeol Mang sat in silence as he heard Jin Tang's statement about him sleeping in and gulped before hearing Shik Ja-Kyung clear his throat to speak.

"Myeol Mang was it? Since you said you were ready to learn whenever, I say we should start now."

"I think we should too, Myeol Mang. Follow us." Han Soo-Hyunsaid as both him and Shik Ja-Kyung stood up and began walking towards a hallway to the right of the main hall doors.

Myeol Mang quickly stood up and hurried after Shik Ja-Kyung and Han Soo-Hyundown the hallway to the right with its wall lined with rooms down to the staircase leading to the second floor at the end.

"Are we going to use one of these rooms?" Myeol Mang asked as he observed the doors on the right side of the hallway.

"No, we're going upstairs, most of the rooms down here are the servants' rooms." Shik Ja-Kyung said as he continued walking without even batting an eye towards Myeol Mang.

After walking up the stairs and entering the third room on the left side of the hallway in complete silence, Shik Ja-Kyung finally spoke.

"Myeol Mang, this room is where you will be studying the history and basics of internal energy before we teach you how to properly cultivate internal energy. Han Soo-Hyun, give him the books."

"Yes, Master Uncle." Han Soo-Hyun said as he pulled three books out from his robes and set them on the table in the center of the small room.

Walking over to the table in the center of the room after Han Soo-Hyun set the books down, Myeol Mang looked down at the three books and read their titles aloud.

"History of Cultivation. Basics of Internal Energy. Breath of Heaven and Earth?"

"You will start with the History of Cultivation, once you fully comprehend the past of cultivation you can move onto Basics of Internal Energy. After you comprehend the basics Han Soo-Hyun and I will teach you how to cultivate with the Breath of Heaven and Earth method."

"Alright, is there a time limit on how much time I have to learn all of this?" Myeol Mang asked as he leaned back and stretched.

"For the first two books you have seven days to comprehend the knowledge in both. After that there will be no time limit as the cultivation process can be rather slow." Shik Ja-Kyung said, shooting a look at Han Soo-Hyun.

"Is it time, Master Uncle?" Han Soo-Hyun asked when he noticed Shik Ja-Kyung's glance.

"Yes it is. Myeol Mang, me and Han Soo-Hyun will be back in three days to check on your progress." Shik Ja-Kyung said as he walked out of the room with Han Soo-Hyun

After slightly wincing from the sound of the room's door being slammed by Han Soo-Hyun, Myeol Mang looked back down at the three books on the table for him to study.

"Two whole books in seven days, just to forget most of the contents later on for information I'll actually need… This feels so much like school…" Myeol Mang sighed out before pulling out one of the chairs surrounding the table and sitting down.

However, when Myeol Mang said the word school, he suddenly remembered that it was still Friday back in Texas.

'Wait, since there's a time dilation between these dreams and the actual time in the real world, can't I just spend my time reading these three books then come back already knowing everything?!' Myeol Mang thought as he quickly flipped open the History of Cultivation book.

Upon opening the book and reading the first line of text in his head, Myeol Mang was taken aback by the oddities it contained.

"The laws of nature are only bound by how it is perceived, the principles of cultivation merely lets you change how nature is perceived." Myeol Mang read aloud as he tried to understand what the text meant.

After reading the text aloud four more times, the only thing Myeol Mang could think of was how absurd the text sounded, in both its hidden meaning and its wording.

"Seriously? 'The laws of nature are only bound by how it is perceived,' what kind of nonsense is that?" Myeol Mang questioned before speaking again. "Well then again, this time period isn't advanced in science yet so they wouldn't know about how reality and stuff like that works."

Leaning forwards and hovering his head over the History of Cultivation book, Myeol Mang began reading line after line of the first page until he could recite the entire page from memory alone.

However, as he was about to flip to the next page of the book, a sudden pulse occurred in his head which slowly dragged him out of consciousness as he collapsed upon the table, just to fall unconscious as his head smacked the wooden table.