Final Hour of Sleep (2)

'Why do I feel so self conscious when I'm around Mi Yeon?' Myeol Mang thought to himself as he looked at Mi Yeon gracefully eating her food.

After shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Myeol Mang picked up another piece of chicken and began eating again while trying to distract his mind from Mi Yeon.

"So Myeol Mang, I never got to ask this but, why do you want to learn sword martial arts?"

"Well, it's hard to explain. But I have the thought of a sword stuck in my head. It's pretty much always on my mind. So I want to find and be able to use that sword properly in the future."

"So you've seen a sword somewhere in your life that you can't get out of your head? When and where did you see it?"

"I don't remember when or where, but I know this sword has been in my mind for a long time."

"I see, well can you at least describe to me what the sword looks like?"

"Yeah sure, to start off the sword itself is jet black, but it has this weird blue stripe down the center of it. And it has a black handle guard with a blue handle."

"Blue and black? This sword must be made of some really rare metal since blue and black swords are practically never seen."

"Yeah, you could say that it's a rare metal. Either way once I'm finished with my training here I'm going to be searching for this sword so I can have it for myself."

"That sounds like a good plan, I'll make sure to teach you the basics of swordsmanship properly then." Mi Yeon replied as she stood up from her chair.

"Thank you Mi Yeon. And do you have somewhere you need to be?" Myeol Mang asked as he stood up from his chair as well.

"Yes I do, so I'll see you later Myeol Mang." Mi Yeon replied as she started walking towards the main hall doors.

After letting out a sigh as he watched Mi Yeon walk through the main hall doors, Myeol Mang began walking towards the main hall doors.

'I might as well do the rest of the training before I start going over the Foundations of Heaven and Earth again.' Myeol Mang thought to himself as he pushed open the doors.

However, as he walked through the doors and towards the training hall, a sudden pulse ran through his head, signaling that his time in the memories would soon be over.

'Shit not yet! If I pass out here I'll just be laying on the ground!' Myeol Mang thought to himself as he started sprinting towards his room.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

As the pulse in Myeol Mang's head continued after each step he took, Myeol Mang was on the verge of unconsciousness when he arrived at the door to his room.

'Fuck…. A little more…..' Myeol Mang thought as he opened the door to his room.


However, as Myeol Mang took one step into his room, a final pulse echoed throughout his head, knocking him unconscious as he flopped onto the floor.


"Thomas, you're out of the memories now. So get up, we have to leave for Grandpa's house remember."

"Uggghhhhh." Thomas moaned as he sat up in his bed and held his head.

"You're up, good. Now get up and get dressed, you can return to the dream once you get in the car." Lilly said as she started walking towards Thomas's door.

"Wait mom, did you help me with the Foundations of Heaven and Earth?" Thomas asked just before Lilly left his room.

"Yes I did, and I did it because you were doing the technique wrong. But I didn't expect you to achieve a realization while I was helping you."

"The realization was in the back of the book, I just didn't understand it until you started helping me."

"Enough talk for now, we can talk with Grandpa when we get to his house. Get dressed and go out to the car." Lilly said as she walked out of Thomas's room.

Getting up out of his bed and walking over to his dresser, Thomas grabbed a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and a pair of socks.

'Well, that's one question answered. Hopefully the rest can be answered once I meet with Grandpa.' Thomas thought to himself as he changed out of his drenched clothes and put on the clothes he had grabbed.

After changing into clean clothes, Thomas walked out of his room and towards the front door.

"Thomas, you're finally up. Get out to the car we're waiting on you." David said as he noticed Thomas walk out of his room.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I slept in a little bit." Thomas yawned out.

After walking past David and out the front door, Thomas noticed Lilly resting against the backseat car door.

"Mom, is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you that me and you are going back into the Transcendental path together once your dad starts driving us to Grandpa's."

"We're going back into that empty world? For the entire ride there?"

"Yes we are, but it isn't going to be us two, Grandpa is going to be meeting us there."

"Wait what? How is Grandpa going to meet us in that world?"

"Hey are you two done talking? We gotta go!" David suddenly intervened from the driver's seat.

"Yes dear, Thomas, into the backseat." Lilly replied as she moved out of the way of the backseat door and got into the front seat.

After climbing into the backseat of the car and buckling in his seatbelt, Thomas suddenly felt as if something had connected to his head.

["Thomas, don't worry about how Grandpa is going to be meeting us in the Transcendental path. I'll explain to you when we get there."]

After hearing Lilly's voice enter his mind through some unknown method, Thomas noticed that the car had started to back out of the driveway.

"Hey dad, how long is it going to take until we get to Grandpa's house?"

"With how traffic is looking right now, probably an hour and a half to two hours." David replied as he finished backing the car out of the driveway.

"Two hours? Alright, I'm going to sleep some more then." Thomas said as he leaned his head against the car door and closed his eyes.


Suddenly feeling something on his forehead, Thomas opened his eyes again and saw Lilly's finger resting on his forehead.


When Thomas looked around him after Lilly removed her finger from his forehead, he noticed an old man sitting on the pitch black ground.

"Mom, who is that?" Thomas asked as he pointed at the motionless old man.

"That's Grandpa, let's go and meet him. He's been waiting for us after all." Lilly replied as she started walking towards him.

While following Lilly across the blank landscape between them and his Grandpa, Thomas noticed something strange about the atmosphere.

'This place's atmosphere is denser than the atmosphere of the memories and the real world, does that mean it's better to use the Foundations of Heaven and Earth here?'

As Thomas and Lilly arrived behind the old man, Lilly cleared her throat before bowing to the old man.

"Father, I've arrived and I have brought Thomas as I said I would."

"Good, has he been properly introduced to this place and how to access it yet?" Lilly's Father replied as he slowly stood up from his sitting position.

"Not yet, but he has already learned how to use internal energy and has reached the Realm of Attainment already."

"Hmmm, that's good. Now, let's begin teaching him about this place and how to access it."

"Yes sir."

As Thomas noticed both Lilly and his Grandpa turn and face him after having a private conversation, a sudden rush of confusion ran through him.

"Uhmmm, what's going on?"

"Thomas, since you have internal energy, me and Grandpa think it's time for you to learn how to access this place by yourself."

"Wait, so for the entire car ride to Grandpa's house, I'm going to be learning how to access this place on my own?"

"No not yet, we're only meeting here for a little bit to discuss what we're going to do when you get to my house." Lilly said as she flicked Thomas on the forehead.

"Ow! Ughh, then what are we going to do here?" Thomas replied as he rubbed his forehead,

"You Thomas, are going to use the Foundations of Heaven and Earth in this place the entire car ride to Grandpa's house.

"So you can use internal energy techniques here! With how dense the atmosphere is, the qi must also be extremely pure!" Thomas exclaimed before taking in a large breath.

"Yes, but don't get too used to cultivating in this place, you should only do this once or twice a month."

"Why can I only do it once or twice a month? With how good the qi is in this place and with the time dilation between here and my body in the real world, I can go up to the next realm in a matter of hours!"

"That is precisely why you shouldn't do it more than one or two times per month. This place's qi is far too pure, it may be good for cultivating, but the speed at which you will cultivate will mess with your body, and your mind."

"It'll mess with my mind? Messing with the body sounds reasonable, but with my mind? How is that possible?"

"Thomas, have you ever heard the tale of a man in solitude?"

"No I haven't…. Why does that matter?"

"Well, the tale goes like this. Once there was a martial artist who wanted to become the ruler of Jianghu, so he locked himself into a mountain to cultivate. However, he made the mistake of cultivating alone, as after a mere two years of nothing but internal energy training. The man went insane. If you cultivate in this place more than once or twice per month, the same will happen to you, your internal energy will grow too pure and too powerful, and will corrupt your mind entirely."