New Abilities and Close Accidents

"So, Myeol Mang. I assume you've come to realize that my words were true?"

"Yes, all it took was one conversation with Sang Chul to realize it. If this world was just a reconstructed memory of yours then Sang Chul wouldn't be nervous, he would have a stoic attitude towards training Sung Ho."

"So have you changed your mind yet? Do you care about the people of this world?"

"Sigh… Yes, I do care about the people of this world, I've come to realize that. But right now I only care about the people I've met so far. So until I meet this body's biological father I don't think I'll be able to have an attachment to him."

"Well, that's a start. Now, are you going to continue forging your sword?"

"Actually, is it possible for you to wake me up in Texas?"

"Yes, it is. But you would be passed out in the Forge, and time would continue to pass so somebody might find your body."

"Alright, let me do one thing then you can send me back to Texas."

Myeol Mang grabbed a piece of charcoal from the furnace before walking outside the Forge, only to write a message on the door.

Myeol Mang is staying in this room until further notice, do not enter!

Walking back into the Forge and throwing the piece of charcoal near the furnace, Myeol Mang looked at his master.

"Oh, one more thing Master, while I was at my grandpa's house, Grandpa and my mom kept talking to me in my head. Can you teach me how to do that?"

"Oh, you want to know how to perform a Qi Message?"

"Yes, I would. Can you teach me how?"

"Sure, the process is really simple. All you have to do is bring internal energy into your throat and think of the message you want to send. Then force that internal energy out of your throat towards the person you want to communicate with."

"It's that simple? Can I try sending you a message first to practice?"


Pondering for a moment about what he should say, Myeol Mang then allowed the internal energy in his dantian to flow up into his neck.

'I'm ready to return to Texas now.' Myeol Mang thought before forcing the internal energy in his neck towards his Master.

"So, you're ready to return to Texas now. Very well, I hope your message on the door is enough to stop anyone from coming in."

Myeol Mang closed his eyes as the pulse that announced his return to Texas echoed through his body.



"Thomas? Are you awake back there?"

"Yeah… What is it?"

"We're about fifteen minutes away from being home. So you should stay awake until we get home." David said while continuing to stare at the road.

"Alright." Thomas replied before he began to move internal energy from his dantian throat.

["Mom, we need to talk."]

Noticing Lilly flinch after forcing his Qi Message towards her, Thomas then cleared his throat.

["When did you learn how to use Qi Messages? And what do you want to talk about?"]

["Myeol Mang taught me the basics about Qi Messaging. And I want to talk about Manyilite, the metal that Fallen Star is made of."]

["Why do you want to talk about Manyilite?"]

["Because I've started the blacksmithing training. And I want to be ready for when I retake the Manyilite from the Demonic Cult."]

["How do you already know about the Demonic Cult possessing the meteor that contained the Manyilite?"]

["Again, Myeol Mang told me. Now, do you have an estimate on how much heat it takes to melt the Manyilite."]

["I don't know anything about Manyilite except for the fact that it's harder than Cold Iron and it excels at absorbing and expelling internal energy."]

["Dang, well next problem then. The Demonic Cult is going to be raiding Jin Tang's palace in a month. Do you know who will be partaking in the raid on the Demonic Cult side?"]

["The raid is already going to occur for you?! How did that happen?"]

["Jin Tang failed to kill one of the spies sent to watch over me and Sung Ho. Now, do you know who is going to partake in the raid or not?"]

["No, it's different every time. Both me and your grandpa had different people leading the raid."]

["Damn it, so I have to go into this raid knowing nothing at all?"]

["Unfortunately yes. Now enough questions, you should relax until we get home. Don't go back to the memories or think about anything. Just relax."]

'Mom's right, the last time I got a proper rest was before this entire situation started…'


The Ten Thousand Mountains, home of the Demonic Cult.

A mountain range of cruelty that was surpassed only by its inhabitants.

Yet above those mountains, a singular hawk glided unwaveringly with what seemed to be a rolled up sheet of paper attached to its leg.

When the hawk suddenly dove towards a lavishly decorated palace spanning over a hundred meters in length and width, an ear splitting screech echoed throughout the mountains.

A window within the lavish palace swung open a moment after the screech rang throughout the mountains, allowing the hawk to fly inside and land on a wooden perch.

A man dressed in red and black robes wearing a veil over his face then reached out from the desk and grabbed the letter off the hawk's leg and began to read.

"Hmmm, it seems the Illusion Fist Squad had a member escape from the Vanishing Demon's palace with information about the targets, and is on his way here. Hmmmm…."

Thud, Thud!

"Lord, may I enter?"

"Come in."

After waiting for the man dressed in jet black robes with grey hair to enter the room and close the door, the lord then asked.

"So, how was your mission, Head Guardian?"


'Taking a good fifteen minute rest was nice… I really needed it to help with the fatigue I had…'

"Thomas, we've been home for a couple minutes now, are you going to get out of the car?" Lilly asked as she tapped on the car window.

"Yeah… I'll be out in a minute." Thomas replied as he sat up off the car seat.

'Well, I'll be entering another eight days in the other world without a break once I get done eating dinner, so I should relax as much as possible.'

As Thomas got out of the car and walked into the house, the stench of raw meat spread through the air.

"Sniff, sniff… Steak tonight?"

"Yeah, you can go relax in your room some more. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes or so."

"Alright, call me when it's ready." Thomas replied as he walked towards his room.

After Thomas entered his room and locked his door, he walked over to his bed and grabbed Fallen Star out from underneath it.

'Ever since I discovered this sword in the attic there's been a couple things I couldn't get out of my mind. Why does Fallen Star have qi stored within it? Why is Manyilite able to hold qi within it? How does qi work on a subatomic level?'

Thomas unsheathed Fallen Star from its jet black sheath, revealing the sharp black edges and the deep blue hue of qi down the center of the sword.

Yet Fallen Star was not the same as the last time Thomas had gazed upon the sword, as the blue qi reminiscent of the ocean floor had now turned darker.

'There seems to be more qi in the sword now. The line of qi didn't expand, rather it just condensed even further…'

It was at that moment that Thomas remembered his experience with Fallen Star at the metallurgist's office.

'Wait, Steven said that there was a mass of electrons obstructing his view of the blue parts of Manyilite. So that stands to reason that qi or internal energy is simply a large density of electrons flowing across atoms in nature. But that shouldn't be possible since electrons are negatively charged, so they should be repulsing each other, making it impossible to form high density clusters of electrons in one spot like a dantian…'

Thomas then set Fallen Star and its sheath down upon his bed and moved to his desk, which was littered with papers from the previous school year.

'Not only should the high density clusters of electrons be impossible, but also Manyilite's ability to absorb, condense and expel those electrons whenever an outside force wants to. Not only should that be impossible, but the dantian, the dantian shouldn't even be possible at all. Not only would the large amount of negatively charged energy residing in a circle within a human body be impossible. But the side effects of which would cause abnormalities within the stomach cells which could lead to irreparable harm…'

Thomas began searching through the numerous chemistry papers across his desk, searching for one that could help him with his current conundrum.

'The only way for there to be that many electrons connected together would be for there to be loose protons or neutrons connecting them to each other. But even then they wouldn't directly attach to each other, they would form an electron shell around the protons and neutrons that are holding them in, inevitably creating…. Atoms…'

Yet it was as Thomas began to think about atoms that a familiar voice entered his head.

["Thomas, stop thinking about that at once!"]

"Master? Where are you? Why are you stopping me from figuring out a mystery?"

After watching as his room disintegrated around him and was replaced with the empty world of the Transcendental Path, Thomas looked around to find Myeol Mang.

"Thomas, I will say this once, and only once. Do not attempt to figure out the atomic structure of internal energy until I tell you again. If you were to have that realization at your level it would completely ruin your development."

"But I-"

"NO BUTS! Do not try to figure it out until I say so. Do you want to ruin your body and internal energy beyond repair?!"