The Frail Girl

Alisa - Her apartment

“Laura, where are you going?” I shout right when the door slams shut behind her.

Why would she answer me? I let out a mocking sigh and flung back onto the couch. The cigarette rolls over the table until it stops next to the blood bag.

Raising my head, I stare into the broken TV screen. My face has cracks all over the place. How did I end up here?

Yeah, right, that pesky book. When I was little, I read an old book that turned my perceptions upside down.

It was about vampires. Funny, right? Never thought back then that I would end up as a strigoi.

The book showed me a glimpse of darkness I could never picture otherwise. My heart broke at the sublime loneliness one can feel, shunned by society. The two options were to live alone and forgotten, hiding from sight, or be hunted down and killed just for existing.