Chapter Twenty

It was a sunny Saturday, and after doing all the chores that had seemed like they will never end, Bukunmi collapsed heavily on her bed, and lay there, staring at the ceiling, not thinking about anything, just trying to rest her back and free herself from exhaustion, maybe fall asleep while she was at that.

“Bukunmi,” She heard her mother yell.

Instantly, Bukunmi’s eyes shut close, as she pretended to be asleep. Whatever it was that her mother wanted from her again, she certainly could not give it to her. She needed to rest, and hoped that if she decided to come up to her bedroom, she’d leave, and not try to wake her up in her usual fashion. At least, in the spirit of reconciliation, she should let her be.

Many people hated Mondays, but for her, the day of the week she hated the most was Saturday, because she always had a lot of work to do, especially since she was the only female child in a Nigerian home.