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Prince Mathew

I cemented in my place in a daze.Seriously?I couldn’t process what they have said?Why haven't I ever heard about that before?I was always there after all!Was that kind of secret to be hidden or something?Or was that something new?But the king didn’t set the rules of werewolves.After all,to do that,he should inform me first.

After all,I kept attending all the royal meetings once per month.I didn’t skip any.

I snapped to myself to come back to reality to ask all of them again“what was that?I didn’t get it.”

The prime minister gulped nervously,then finally he decided to tell me“it’s not a rule or tradition or something.But to make your pack and the werewolves believe in your powers,then you should do one of two things.”He paused.

I raised my brows“yes,tell me about these two things.”

He explained,“you should go into a fight with the old king or other alpha warrior or to find your mate.”

I scoffed“what if I didn’t find my mate?”