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I sealed my eyes and in a few minutes I was hit strongly,fainted or went into a long darkness or maybe I died.

I couldn’t know what happened to me but I was sure that all the memories of finding Luna‘my mate’was roaming and scrolling down in my mind.I was feeling everything as it happened yesterday.no as if it was happening now!

As if I was talking to Viola at that moment.As if my wolf was talking to me too!

There was strong aches and deadly pain all over my body,but what really made me cry loudly was the pain in my heart.Because I opened my eyes all of sudden to find myself alive!Yes!And she was drowning in her blood with closed eyes next to me.

I crawled next to her and pleaded“please wake up Viola!Please come back to me!what curse is following our love!Please”

She mumbled,hardly breathing,still shutting her eyes,“I love you Mathew,I always did.”

And she stopped talking,she stopped breathing and the word mate echoed in my ears all over again!