Juan pov

I hugged sunny all the time, I really missed her so much, I wanted to pull out the pain from her heart and her mind and make her relieved.

I didn't know what I should do back then, except loving her from the deep and the full of my heart. Whether it was by bind or by true love that meant to put us together forever, then I was fully ready for this.

I checked her angelic face, leaning to her lips and placing a soft kiss that charged my emptiness in just a second. I sighed filling my eyes with her gorgeous beauty and whispered "if only, you know how much I love you. you would never cry ever."

And suddenly, unexpectedly, she wrapped her arms around my neck "then make me yours."

I cleared my throat, I wanted to. but not sunny! It should be an official mating ceremony, everyone should know about it. I should tell everyone too first about my sight.