Chapter - 1 (THE LIVING HELL)

PART - 1


In bell town, Japan

As the sun is rising beautifully between two mountains

In a certain house, There is a young boy who is looking into his dreams. in his dream---

"So you are my host, huh"

A huge figure with a red-colored aura surrounding it speaks to the boy. From the silhouette of the figure in the aura, it can be identified as if it is a dragon. The dragon continued speaking to him

"You look quite different than any host I have seen until now, ......interesting....."


Then everything around him disappeared suddenly and then


A huge clash was taking place between two people that look like a black body with stars on their body itself and one person has bright blue colored hair while the other has bright purple colored hair and some warrior ornaments that are glowing in a color similar to their hair. Their clash was going on in a huge black universe of nothingness, simply a black empty space. The clash resulted in very big blasts that could feel like it could mix any being which was swallowed by those blasts could be mixed into the very nothingness they were fighting in. as he was watching the clash-


A huge asteroid came towards him.







As the asteroid was about to hit him, He woke from his sleep while breathing heavily as if he had seen a scary nightmare and at the same time-


An alarm clock beside his bed started going off and then he stopped it with his sweaty palm. His palm was so sweaty that the alarm's top was covered in the sweat itself.

as he was still sweaty and breathing heavily

*knock. knock*

The door of his room was knocked.

"big brother~, wake up~"

"sora, I am awake you can go now"

He answered his little brother's cute wake-up call as he was cleaning his confused and sweaty face with his arm while breathing heavily.


PART - 2

*knock. knock*

"big brother~, wake up~"

My name is katsu legami. A normal 17-year-old high school virgin I mean student.

"big brother~"

The one that is knocking on my door is my little brother sora legami 5 years old child. Our entire house no, our entire area's energy ball. always resupplies energy to a tired and exhausted face. He is loved by everyone in our area and even in our school. Well, he is cute after all. You guys might be thinking that he is an adopted son to our family but no it is just kind of a thing that happened to me that he was born so cute while I was born just …. average?

"sora, I am awake you can go I will come out"

"no, mama said not to leave until you come out of your room"


While he was saying that I walked to the door of my room and as soon as he completed his sentence I opened the door.


His face is somehow dazziling as if it is in front of a flower background. How cute~. No matter how much difference we both have it does not come to surprise to me since he is that cute.

"see, I am awake and came out. You can go now"


As I said that while patting his head he responded to me in a cute dazziling smile.

I always do this. He does not stop waking me up until I show him my awaken face. Whenever he goes back I will go back to sleep since I am always waking up because of a weird dream.

A red dragon showing up and saying some kind of nonsense like you are my host and suddenly disappears and big fight between two different coloured hair guys happening in a black universe.

At first my dream always start with me having a date with 2 pretty ladies from my school and as soon as we were about to have a good part the line this red dragon bastard shows up and ruins everything damnit.

"hm?, oh my, crying so early in the morning. What for?"

"big brother, why crying?"

"mom, sora why are you both here I thought you guys were down stairs "

As I was bring out the tears of a man who is in frustration while gripping my fist. My mother comes to upstairs while holding sora in her hands.

My little brother is showing a concerned face for me. Awww, so cuteeeee

But on the otherhand my mom is looking at me with a teasing look on her face. This old hag. She knows that I always dream of pretty girls everytime but luckily she does not know the dream of the red dragon.

As for the dream of pretty girls I had been murmuring about them in my sleep apparently and she and my old man over heard that in the middle of the night when they came to check on me. Dammmnnnnn, so embarrassing

"poor thing, don't worry about it. You will definitely meet some girl who would love you."

"shut up you old hag, what kind of a mother wishes her son like that and feel pity for him."

"come on. Is it wrong of me to wish to have a daughter as well? May be I will have to wait until sora grows up and brings me a daughter by marrying."

"hey, it maybe true that I don't have a girlfriend but don't say as if I am never going to get married, and sora is still too green for that kind of thing damn it."

"big brother, no shouting on mama. If you do I will not talk to you."

"guh-, s-sora, I am sorry. So don't make a crying face and please talk to me."

Aaaaahh he is so cute. The only problem is that this child loves mom a little too much. Like for example, is we have an earthquake in a certain range the first one he checks on is mom even though she is way too out of the range of the earthquake.

"what is this ruckus about."

"great, not you too"

This time my father came to upstairs after hearing all the ruckus that was going on.

"dear, well the thing is that katsu is crying fot missing his dream again."

"oh man, maybe I really have to wait until sora becomes bigger for him to bring me a daughter."

"not you too. Old man, damnit."

"alright. All of you lets eat breakfast. You are going to be late."

My morning mess was over after my mom declared that. Man, what a messed up family I have. But this much is good when compared to my school it is a pure hell for me. No one likes me in the school and see me as if they watch a trash bin in the road. As I was thinking that I went to eat my breakfast with my family.


PART - 3

"sigh~, ahh man, my morning is so bad this time around as well. Well, it might not that bad when it is compared to my school."

I am on my walk to the school while thinking about today's ruckus in the morning. My family sure is a lively one. They even made fun of me even while eating breakfast. I may complain that I am having a bad time but I enjoy my time together with my family. They love me so much that even I can feel that but my school is different when it is compared to that. I always face criticism and trouble due to so many rumors that have passed which of them I have not even done.

Nobody speaks to me friendly other than two people. They are the only two best friends that I have had in my whole life.

"hey, katsu. Let's walk together"

"me too wait you guys"

As I was thinking that I heard two familiar voices from my back.

"Miyamoto, tsubasa"

Miyamoto mizuhara, one of my only two best friends. his family runs a dojo.

Tsubasa tsukumi is another one of my best friends. He is a great kickboxer.

These two are the only people who extended their hand to me refusing to believe the rumors on me. These two stood by my side in every possible way.

"yeah let's walk together."

I answered Miyamoto as we three walked side by side.

As we walked like that while casually talking with each other we ended up at the school.

Bell highschool. The school where the rate of females is higher when compared to males. This school is a new-made co-educational school, the people here have the power according to the position they hold. The highest in the power for the students which are almost considered as the equal on the chairperson is student council president. The next one in the position is the student council vice-president and then the members.


As soon as I entered the school premises the students that are going in looked towards me with clicking their tongue and started looking at me with a disgusted look. I am used to this anyway. Since I am facing this from my childhood I have never seen peaceful days.

the reason that they are like that to me is because so many rumors have been spread about me without me doing anything and those are way worse. one of them is like this, I have sexually harassed many girls and even sold their inners to delinquents for making money. like hell, I would do that, damn it !!!. as I was thinking that I heard a very familiar voice

"well, well, if it isn't the disgusting katsu legami, oops sorry for my rudeness where are my manners."

"kyaaaa, it is monoma"

"why is he talking to that disgusting piece of shit"

"in the first place why are the schools two of the most handsome four boys of the school are hanging out with that piece of shit"


the one who appeared in front of me with a disgusting grin on his face is monoma. this is the guy who is the reason that I am facing all this criticism and hatred. this is the guy that had spread so many rumors on me. I know him since my childhood. we used to be in a normal relationship. but I don't know when he started to harbor hatred towards me. and from the time of middle school, he started to say all those rumors about me. since he is one of the most handsome 4 of the school he has so many followers and fans that made the rumors spread fast and become solid proof.

he is a cool and handsome guy on the outside but he is rotten and ugly inside. and that rotten and ugly guy is right in front of me and started talking again as all the students who were going to the classes stopped and started looking at me and the students in the classes were peaking out of the windows as well. he started talking with an act of disgusting face and covering his body

"what is a piece of shit like you was about to do something to me"

"ah did you hear he was about to do something"


this bastard is trying to provoke others. generally, the student council president or vice president stays at the entrance but today neither were there, and seems like he used this chance to make me hated even more. Miyamoto and Tsubasa could not bear this and were about to walk front towards monoma. right then, she came to us.

"what is going on here, what is this all about?"


all three of us along with monoma have all exclaimed in unison to her response. yes, this person is the student council president. the person with cool-headed and spectacles that make her look smart and she is even smart enough that she was even praised by the chairmen himself for the absolute guiding the students and also the keeping them within the rules. and beside her was a person with long hair and short eyes which makes her look like a serious person. and behind them is the student council.

even though a group known as the student council is present why am I treated like this you ask?. just as I said monoma is one of the 4 handsome boys in the school which makes his popularity so great among the students that even the student council could not stop the rumors from being spread. that and also the student council members treat me the same way by believing those rumors as well.

"monoma, I see that you have started yet another ruckus with katsu as center early in the morning."

"i-i did not do anything, it is katsu who did it, not me"

"the hell !!!"

being afraid by the president he suddenly started blaming me. this bastard.

"y-yes it is that guy who started it."

"yes monoma was just a victim"

all the others who were watching also supported monoma in his false plea. even the student council members were grinning while looking at me.

(damn it, why do I have to face this kind of treatment what have I ever done. this time even the president might be deceived. I am will surely get some serious punishment for nothing I have done.)

while I grinding my teeth in frustration and thinking that. president spoke. with a serious expression


as soon as they heard that everybody fell silent then looking towards monoma she said with a serious expression

"monoma, do you think I don't know you used your popularity to spread false rumors on katsu. all I need is evidence to prove that and the evidence for this incident is "this"."

then she took a smartphone and showed the recording to monoma and as soon as he saw it his face became pale. that was the recording of what happened right before. then the president spoke.

"The reason why I did not stand in front of the gate is to take this. I thought you were avoiding the front gate but you were doing what you did over in the class to him since you both are the same class."

yes, what she said was true. then she speaks with a huge tone so it could be heard by everybody

"are there anybody to say that monoma is the victim. if there are please step forward. whoever supported shall be punished. do you still think that katsu was the one who started it "

after hearing that loud and intimidating voice everybody fell silent. no wonder she is capable. she continues

"monoma, this your last warning"

then he answers with a pale expression


then she says again loud voice.

"Everybody move to your classes now."

"umm, thank you very much, the president"

"thank you"

"thank you"

I turned to the president and bowed to her and said my thanks and Miyamoto and Tsubasa did the same and she replied with a serious expression.

"no problem, all I did was my duty."

after she said that I have left the class. before moving inside I have seen monoma for once. he was glaring at me with angry eyes as if they were thirsty for blood

"katsu, I will make you pay for this humiliation"

he even murmured something to himself with I did not hear clearly. well, it might be just him cursing me. so I just ignored it and went into the building. and walked to the classroom and as I was walking in the hallway everybody was looking at me just like they did at the entrance. and as i stepped into the classroom every looked the same.


I was hesitating to enter the classroom due to all those glares. it was way too disturbing to be hated this much.

as i was thinking like that Miyamoto places his hand on me and says

"never mind those glares."

"mhm, those are just empty heads believing fake rumors that is all"

Miyamoto and Tsubasa noticed that I was conscious of those glares and encouraged me to let go of those. so I replied to them to assure them.

"Yeah you guys are right I need to let it go right?"

at least that was what I thought but I had my words are eaten back right away by me later. the incident that happened later that day had changed my entire life.


PART - 4

*ding-dong, ding-dong*

the bell rang which was meant as a lunch break in the school. katsu took his lunch and went out with Miyamoto and Tsubasa. some were eating some were playing. but there was a group of people who were out of the class who katsu did not notice. they were outside as if they were waiting for the opportunity. it was monoma and 4 other people. they were plotting something while holding some books. and with an evil grin on his face monoma spoke.

"let's do it. katsu, with this your life ends here."


"well, that was great."

"yeah, by the way, katsu what are your plans this evening."

"my plans huh, all I do is just walk home with you guys and after going home, I take a shower and go to the shrine that's all. just like every day"

I always go to a shrine every day to make a wish for the god. as I said that Tsubasa makes a complicated expression and asks.

"you are still doing that huh?"

then Miyamoto says

"it is not like wishing God would help you make friends you know."

yes, the reason I always go and visit shrines is to wish that I want to make friends. the reason is simple

"it is not just to go ask for more friends, it is just that the first time I ever asked for friends in the shrine that was the day I met you guys when I am alone and that was the same day you guys ignored the rumors on me and held your hand out to make friends. so it is just like giving gratitude to God for giving me these two best friends."

as I said that with a smile on my face those two smile back at me as well and Miyamoto who said before replies with a smile

"I see"

we were walking on the staircase that leads towards the class while talking with each other after eating lunch.

as we entered the hallway there was a certain ruckus

"it is miss yugina and miss Levina"

"We get to see the two goddesses together what a great thing."

"uuuu, I am glad I am still alive."

"I get you, the school two idols are the only reason that many boys and girls come to school"

when we watched the commotion. I saw two beauties walking. these two are the beauties that always come to my dreams. yugina gremory and Levina jinja. great proportionate bodies, great elegance, and great beauties. every body's school idols. I wish I could get them as my girlfriends. well not that it is gonna happen. I cannot even get a normal girl to date me. how the hell would these top idols would come to me. haaah man, I do hate my life.

as I was thinking that those two who were coming in our direction went right past us and as we were watching


miss yugina looked at me and smiled. all others also smile while looking at me. but somehow this felt different. it even made my heart skip a beat.

"oh man, they really are the beautiful girls"

"well, this is to be expected from big sisters"

"wait, did you just big sister Tsubasa?"

as Miyamoto was saying something, what piqued my interest was what Tsubasa said but Miyamoto answered with a cheerful smile.

"well yeah, those both are like our big sisters after all."

"huh? what do you mean-"

*ding-dong, ding-dong*

as I was about to ask him about that the bell rang I just dropped it and hurried to my class.


*ding-dong, ding-dong*

the final bell rang and we were packing things as soon as the teacher left. but suddenly-

"what the hell is this!!!?"

a girl suddenly shouted with surprise. as soon as we heard that all of us turned our attention to her. that girl's name is Ayumi yokinawa. she is the cutest girl in our class. I heard that she even rejected confessions from popular senior students. and what that girl holding is an adult magazine.

"who the hell put this in my bad!?"

as soon as she said that the girl beside her asked her

"was it not you who bought it?"

"huh? if it were me why would I expose it in the first place!!?"

"well, you certainly are right, then who would bring this and plant it. don't tell me..."

as she said that she looked at me. huh, what the hell?

"what is happening?"

among all this fuss vice - president of the student council came as she was passing by.

"vice president this is-"

as upon seeing the magazine in the hands of Ayumi. the vice president looked serious and said

"why are you bringing magazines like these into the campus"

"n-no, this is a misunderstanding. I have not done it somebody is trying to frame me."

then out of nowhere, some unpleasant voice came out.

"hmmm, if it is planting a book. then I might know who to suspect."

it was monoma he was standing in the middle of the classroom and said that and looked at me. and he continued with an infuriating grin on his face

"I suspect katsu because I have heard that he would plant things like these on female students in other schools and blackmail them."

"what the hell!!!"

"monoma what nonsense are you spouting he was with us this entire time"

"yeah we were walking with him the entire school time"

as soon as refuted Miyamoto and Tsubasa started supporting me

what is he talking about?. I have not done anything like that until now. I get a bad feeling about this. he continues while not changing the smile he has on his face.

"hmm, what is this. it is as if you are saying that you have not done anything like that"

"because I have not done anything like that."

"then let us check your bag contents."


everybody was murmuring to themselves.

and I was checking on them a group of 5 members with monoma as a center came to me. then monoma said

"if you really did not do that then let us check your bag. if you did then it will be our clue."

as he said that one of the other 4 members came to me and took my bag forcibly and opened the bag.

as he opened the bag and looked at me with a grin on his face and he reversed the open bag as if he was intended to empty my bag contents.


what came out of the bag were the books that Ayumi were holding in her hand and there was a bunch of those and through the fall of those bunch of books, I looked at monoma he and the other four were grinning at me.

looking at the books I, Miyamoto, Tsubasa, and everybody else were shocked except monoma. he was smiling at me as if were mocking me. don't tell me he did all this.

he replied with a smile

"now, this gives us our culprit, so he really did plan on blackmailing Ayumi huh"


everybody started to murmur even more and some people even cursed me. Bringing an adult magazine is not that big of a deal but planting it in the girl bag is a big thing and me doing it is an even bigger thing to them due to those false rumors. why the hell is this happening to me.

"wait this is a misunderstanding, I did not even bring thes-"

as I was trying to clear my name Ayumi walked to me-

"How dare you"

she slapped me and seeing that everybody came to hit me some boys started to hit me and when I looked at monoma he was grinning at me and when all the others were about to hit. Miyamoto and Tsubasa tried to stop them and the vice president who was watching all this said with a heavy and intimidating tone

"stay where you are."

everybody went silent after hearing her then monoma stepped forward and said

"vice president, the president said something about the proof this morning to me and what about this we have the direct proof that he did something like this. then why are you defending him? we must not let him attend school anymore. we should expel him."

after hearing that everybody shouted the same thing

"""expel, expel, expel"""

then vice president as if she has lost she started to speak with a tired voice.

"you do have your proof but there is also proof that he was hanging with his two friends and even have seen them together during that time so we still don't know whether he really did it or not. but it cannot be overlooked that he has some kind of proof. so katsu you are suspended from school for one month."

w-w-what!?, I was suspended for not doing anything. as I was devastated by this. I heard something among the people that were murmuring

"um, monoma thank you for saving me from him."

"oh no, it is my duty to help a beautiful girl like you"

Ayumi showed her gratitude for saving her. but he was the one that planted that magazine in her bag. he replied to her with a grin while looking et me. all the others who saw that were cheering.

whatever I say will only make me more of a villain so I just stood and walked out of the class with frustration while the people were cursing me. Miyamoto and Tsubasa also walked along with me to the outside and defended me from others.


"damn that monoma, he must've been the one to plant like that."

"I did not expect that he would go this far. that bastard."

"hey, katsu don't let that get you."

"we will make sure to prove that you have not done anything."

katsu was walking with looking down on the road he did not even think of anything he is only balming his own misfortune for this. yet there were his friends that are getting angry for him. that was when he suddenly remembered one of the students that were talking in between them this morning

-in the first place why are the schools two of the most handsome four boys of the school are hanging out with that piece of shit.

that was when he realized that both of those reputations are also reducing due to hanging out with katsu. but here those two are worrying and getting angry for him. it would be good if he leave them for their reputation. but he could not even think of leaving them because once he leaves them he is the only thing that awaits him is the dark loneliness that he once felt. but he could not bear the thought of his friends also getting hated. so he thought that rather than he left them. he thought that he should make them leave him.

so he tightened his grip and thought of everything that happened that day and katsu said to them honestly

"hey Miyamoto, Tsubasa. I think you should leave me"


both of them exclaimed in unison and stopped walking then Tsubasa was the one to break the tension

"what are you talking about all of a sudden"

then katsu replied

"Maybe you did not realize it but when you guys were hanging out with me your reputation is also getting bad"

after listening to that Miyamoto said that with a serious expression

"yeah, you are right. we noticed that as well"

after hearing that katsu became even more frustrated and tightened his hand grip.

"but that does not matter for us"

when katsu heard this from Miyamoto his eyes were wide open and he looked at them. as he continued

"if we were to care about that then what is the difference between us and those damn scumbags."

"you told us yourself right. that we extended our hand to you right on the day when you started to pray in the shrine right?. then just believe in that katsu. we do not care about our reputation we only care about you our best friend."

as he listened to those tears started to flow from his eyes. then he lowered his head in front of the sincerely smiling Miyamoto and Tsubasa and asked.

"then just let me ask you one thing. do you really believe in me?"



they did not even hesitate then katsu continued

"even if the entire school is against me. will you guys really be with me?"



both of them hesitated this time. a teardrop from katsu's face who was thinking that he would be alone and even his best friends would leave him if he were facing the entire school. when he thought that it was natural Miyamoto replied by placing his hand on katsu's slumped shoulders.

"We don't care if you are up against school or the world"

"we would be by your side and help you no matter what."

when he heard both statements he suddenly widened his tear-filled eyes and looked at them. they were smiling not even an ounce of lying. after seeing that. katsu said to himself.

"I am an idiot to even think about leaving these best friends"

he went and hugged both of them and said to them while crying.

"I am sorry, thank you *hic* *hic*"

then they both hugged him back and said while laughing

"hey are apologizing or showing your gratitude."


"There is no need for these in-between friends right?"

"you guys are the best. thank you very much for being my friends"

those three hugged each other for a while and left to their respective homes.


PART - 5

after parting ways with Miyamoto and Tsubasa I went home. seeing my face mom asked about what happened. I explained the situation to them. well, they will get an official call anyway.

"what the hell is that. I will come to school and talk to them."

as soon my mom heard what happened she suddenly started to shout with rage and even dad did not try to stop them. they were so angry. luckily sora was playing in another room. I replied to mom and dad that were angry.

"just don't do that It will only make things worse."


my mom did not seem to agree with me but as soon as saw my face she became silent. even I can tell that my face is lifeless. then I continued.

"I would like to go to the countryside. to grandma since she does not use any kind of technology and only uses letters. it will take time to inform her. but after telling her I would like to go and visit and stay my entire suspension period over there."

when I said that both mom and dad became silent and after a while dad spoke

"Yeah, it might be good to have a change of pace."

"and please when I go there do not call me and also do not send any letters. I don't wanna be reminded of what happened of today until the time I stay there."


"hmmm, I will go to bed for today"

I said that and stood from the couch and ready to leave the room but mom asked me

"b-but what about dinner?"

"I am not hungry mom, thank you"

I said that while turning back and with a smile on my face and left the room and went to my room. and as soon as I entered my room I hit the bed.


in the middle of the night, katsu was not able to sleep. all he could remember was the grin of monoma who framed him and all the other students of the school. so he woke up from his bed and went to the park where the shrine he always visits is built in.

the park was near the foot of the two mountains that is far away from the residential area. and right at the foot of the mountain, there are the shrine katsu visits. he did not go to the shrine this time he went and sat on a bench and kept starring at the shrine.

*hah, haah, haaaaah*

he slumped down his head and started breathing heavily and all of a sudden he


he burst into crying. he has been holding it in from leaving the school.

"why, why, why it is always me, why it should be me. don't I deserve to live peacefully? why, why should i face these consequences. what kind of sin I have ever made. all I wished for friends at the shrine. then why the hell am I facing such a thing. oh goddddddddddddddddddd"

he has pent up a lot of frustration. he was humiliated, beaten, punished, hated all of that have pent up his frustration. it is even a miracle that he was able to hold to himself without crying all this time. he was crying out loud yet nobody cannot hear him crying. due to him being far away from the residential area

he did not even know why but he kept remembering those of the students that framed him in school. he continuously cried and kept hitting the with his fist while sitting on his knees. he was so angry, so frustrated.

he hit the ground so much that his knuckles started bleeding. his palm started to drip off blood due to him gripping it too strong. his lip was cut due to him biting it out of frustration. even though all of this has happened he could not relieve his anger. he was still remembering all those disgusting grins on the face of those students. he clutched his hair and started to pull it off and screamed

"*hic**hic* get out, get outttttt, what the hell have I done to you bastards get the hell out of my head, get the hell out of lifeeeeeeee*hic*"

he continuously remembered what happened back at the school and was crying it all out. nobody was present in the park since it was nighttime. the only sound that can be heard in the park was katsu screaming and crying.

while he was crying like that


a huge blast had been made as if a meteor was fallen from the sky and the place the blast took place was the shrine. the blast was so strong that the entire shrine was erased leaving a huge crack

katsu who was crying a second ago suddenly went to a state of trance by the sudden explosion and ran in that direction since the shrine he was visiting from his childhood had suddenly been blasted away.