Chapter Four

Meanwhile At School.

Everyone expressed the same mindset as school ended: what was wrong with Lara? She sat down but didn’t move, it was like she was frozen, she didn't say a word to any one, she refused to answer any questions in class, she sat there looking down. Her mother came to pick her up, but she couldn’t find her. She asked students and teachers, but they all said the same: Lara is in the class. She walked through the halls looking for her daughter, the hallways were large, it could occupy twenty students at the same time, the lockers attached to the wall, the lockers had every student names on it.

Mrs. La Lallana went there, but she didn’t see her. Actually, Lara was there, but her mom just couldn’t see her, though others did. She sat down on a chair near the principal office, trying to figure out where her daughter was, when the principal walked out of his office.

"Good afternoon madam." The principal said while smiling.


"Are you looking for someone?".

"Have you seen Lara? I have been looking for her." She asked.

"I saw her near the library." The principal said.

"Are you sure?" Lara's mother asked.

"Yes Ma'am."

She headed to the library to check since it was Lara’s favorite place, Lara loved reading, she loved knowing new things, exploring books made her very happy. The library was big, it had different shelves all around the room with varietys of books, tables and chairs at the center for students to sit and read, a computer and a desk at the corner for the librarian, full air conditioned, the walls and doors were painted brown, the floors were beautifully tiled, there were beautiful painting that spoke a lot.

Upon her arrival, Mrs. La Lallana opened the door and spotted Lara sitting on the floor with a large book in front of her.

“Lara,” she said. Lara faced her mother, a soft gasp escaping her. Mrs. La Lallana approached her daughter, hugging her. “Lara, I have been looking for you, where have you been?, Do you know how I have been so worried?, I thought something happened to you".

“Sorry that I troubled you, mommy. I was reading, sorry Mommy".

“What are you reading, Lara. El Diablo?” Mrs.La Lallana said pointing at the book.

"You can speak Spanish".

"No baby, I just happen to have an idea how to read it, What does that mean?”

“Nothing, mommy. It’s an assignment I have to complete, do you know read spanish”

“that a story for another day okay. Let’s go. I have a business meeting to attend, so I’ll drop you off at home, where the nanny will be there to take care of you.”

Lara was the only child of her parents. They loved her but didn’t know much about her. She was always left at home with a nanny because they are too busy for her, they barely know what she does?, Whom she meets, and how her friends are?. Lara was getting a new nanny today since her previous one went missing, as did the rest, they mysteriously went missing, the police investigated but didn't find any thing, Her parents never suspected anything about her, they saw her as just an innocent ten-year-old who couldn’t harm a fly.

Flash Back.

Lara's first nanny.

Lara was just three when she got her first nanny, her parents were going for a meeting that day and would be back late. They needed someone to watch over their baby. They hired a nanny that would stay with her.

"Lara, your nanny is here." Lara's mother said while entering her room.

Lara looked up and saw her nanny, she didn't say a word and continued writing down something on paper, she turned her back at the nanny.

"Baby, mommy will be back soon." Her mother said while giving a kiss on Lara's forehead. She explained some things to the nanny then she left.

Lara's nanny stood in front of her bed, she took a sit, she has been there for over thirty minutes but Lara hasn't talked or looked at her.

"Hey Lara do you want to play?" The nanny asked but got no answer from Lara. Lara was still turning her back at the nanny. The nanny got tired she stood up and walked to Lara.

She was about to touch her when Lara spoke."Don't touch me, leave me alone." Lara said.

"I can't leave you alone, your Mamma paid me to be here with you." The nanny said while putting a hand on Lara's shoulder.

Lara's body was hot, very hot. It almost like she has a fever.

"Lara are you okay?". The nanny asked worriedly. But Lara didn't answer, when the nanny turned Lara to face her, she was shocked with what she saw. Her face was covered with blood, fresh blood and her eyes or face wasn't visible, all the nanny could see was blood.

The nanny shouted a loud scream. "What's on your face?,. What happened to you?" She asked. She hurriedly went to the phone to calm Lara's mother when she felt a sharp pain on her back. She was stabbed not once not twice but a twenty times.

Lara stood in front of her nanny's dead body, she ripped the body apart and took what she wanted?, What she carved for a long time?, her heart. Once she was done she cleaned her self up. Lara sat on her bed knowing it was almost time for her parents to arrive. When her parents arrived Lara pretended to be asleep, she told them that she didn't know where her nanny was?, And her nanny put her to sleep after that she didn't see her.

Her nanny was gone, she was never found or heard from again.