In school .
Isabelle P.O.V
I was taking my history textbook from my locker when Bella came, almost scaring the life out of me.
“Guys,” she says, “Lara’s here! Everyone hide!”
Oh, Lord!
Everyone sprinted to any hiding place. I hid behind the dustbin as Lara strolled through the hallway. The worst thing to happen was to be transferred to Lara’s class.
She may be innocent, but she’s the devil in the flesh.
When Lara first came, she was kind, but after a terrifying incident, we learned the truth. I still hid behind the dustbin when her perfume wafted to my nose. As Lara passed by the bin, I sighed quietly. Then, she stopped, remaining in her spot until she shifted her attention towards me, or at least what it seemed. I had no idea she was staring at me until our eyes met.
As Lara was coming towards me, my heart pounded like a drum. Anyone she touched or came close either couldn’t talk or become petrified.
The parents weren’t sure what happened to their child after the encounter.
Lara couldn’t be expelled since her dad was our school’s proprietor, and the school was the best one in town, though getting admission was hard. Besides, any parent would never believe anything a child would say.
Lara still remained as she glanced at me, tapping her feet on the floor. She scratched her left arm roughly and then left. As I sighed mentally, I didn’t understand why did Lara do that. Was she scared of me? No, that couldn’t be because Lara was never afraid of anything.
Later That Day.
I was sitting in class, with my mind replaying what happened this morning. Both Lara and I share history class, which we’re in now, and English. The bell rang, bringing me back to reality as the teacher came inside the room.
“Good morning, students,” she said.
“Good morning, ma’am,” the students said in unison.
“So. I have an important assignment for you today. You must go through the past traditional superstitions, read one, and present it to the class on Monday.”
Everyone pouted. No one wanted to do the assignment, but our teacher didn’t care and mentions that it carried twenty marks, which brought everyone to groan softly. As for me, I didn’t care. This assignment was easy pickings for me. The bell rang indicating it was lunch break.
I arranged my books and headed to the cafeteria, The cook serves the most amazing food she is talented. Today was spaghetti and meatballs in the cafeteria, I walked into the cafeteria with my tray of food. The cafeteria was large and spacious, it had chairs and tables all around the room, there were flower vases that was kept on very window, the floors were tiled, the walls were painted blue which matched the chairs and tables.
I took a sit near a window, I was eating my lunch when she walked in. She has never been in the cafeteria before, Lara was there standing next to the food serving counter. Every one turned and saw, some people let out a loud gasp when they saw her. Lara has never been here, what was she doing here I thought?.
Lara stood in front of the counter, the lunch lady saw her and gave her a smile.
"What will you like to have?." The lady asked with a smile on her face.
"Meat." Lara answered.
"Beef, Pork, chicken, turkey which one sweetie."
"Human meat." Lara said in a low dark voice. "Will you give me that." Lara asked.
The lunch lady gave her a look, she couldn't say anything, she had no idea what to tell her?, It was creepy.
"I have no idea what you are talking about?" The lunch lady said.
"You will give me human meat won't you?." Lara said in a low creepy voice, she looked up and her eyes met the lunch lady's.
"I will get you a chicken." The lunch lady said while leaving.
she had no idea what just happened?, When she looked into Lara's eyes she felt like time stopped. She felt like Lara was trying to steal her soul with her eyes.
Lara stood in front of the counter waiting for the woman but she never came.
Few hours later.
Isabell. P.O.V.
With class almost over, the teacher was about to leave when Lara asked a question. Everyone shifted their attention—as did I and found it strange. Lara never asked any questions during her time here.
She glanced down at her desk. “Ma’am, are some of the past traditional superstitions real?”
The teacher drew a deep breath before she said, “I don’t know that, Lara.”
“Well, some are real, and they do exist.”
Ms. Narwin froze like a statue. It took her almost a minute before she spoke, “Lara, I don’t know.”
Once the teacher left, everyone followed. I reached my locker to exchange books until I remembered I forgot my bag in class. I headed back and glance through the window if anyone was there. Lara was still there, at the same place, still staring upon her desk. What was wrong with her? How did she know some superstitions are real? Why was she looking down?
With the rest of the class going by, I waited until the next one to get my bag. Today was a hectic day. Lara was still in the same position as she was before. My mom came to pick me up today. We had to go for prayers before going home. We were driving out of the parking lot when I noticed something strange, Mrs. La Lallana arrived to pick up her daughter Lara, but she never did.