
Elijah carter pov

I was standing there watching Celine puppy eyes and her innocent talk and sweet voice trying to control my instinct and forcing myself to kick her away. I rarely leave tails behind me. I always erase evidence or any witnesses to my bloody-murders. But not her, not that angel girl with an adorable face and the purest heart ever.

My brain couldn't win the battle over my heart this time. My heart wanted her, maybe because I tried to clean the mess in my life. But I was scared for the first time in my life. I felt like a lion who's scared of a newly born cat. Afraid to fall for her, threatened to hurt her as I've done before.

Flashback seven years ago—

Once I landed in the country, I took my limo, and the first thing I decided to go to was my fiancé's house. I proposed to her three years ago before leaving the country and going abroad to finish my masters. Yes, we were both too young. She was almost sixteen. But her family and mine have been together for centuries. We were the two most powerful families in the country.

I was so happy that I finally would be with her and tie the knot as we have arranged. I called my father on my way to prepare everything for the wedding that night. I wanted to make her my bride.

I didn't hear from her for months, though because I was so busy in my last project, and because of the time zone, it wasn't easy to catch up with her. Add to that she was in her first year in college. I didn't want to disturb her; I wanted her to take it easy and have fun too.

She was my love, my first and I couldn't see or touch another girl ever. She was my first everything. I didn't take her virginity. To be honest, I knew she was mine, so why the rush?

Once I reached her parent's palace, I jumped excitedly out of the limo, only to be greeted by her father. Who was my father's best friend back then?

I stretched out my hands to him, shaking hands, he said, "welcome back Elijah. Finally, you are back?"

I smiled and nodded, "yes, Sir. Finally. Please tell me that my father prepared everything for the wedding."

He chuckled, "why the hurry? She's still nineteen."

I blinked, "what! Did something happen? Have you changed your mind?"

He shook his head and patted my back, "sure no. But are you sure she's still in love with you? I mean, you both didn't see each other for three years." he mentioned, and that was unnerving for me. Why would she forget my love? I was still in love with her, even though I was twenty-five-year-old.

I kept myself for her.

I coughed, more suspicious "do you think that she—"

I was going to ask him if she might cancel our wedding night or something.

He hurriedly said, "no, son. She's waiting for you. She's out walking on the beach, I guess. Go and get her. I settled everything with your dad. Even the wedding dress is in her room."

I thanked him happily; he would be a great father in law.

I rushed to the beach, our both palaces were by the shore already. I knew where she used to walk. So, it was easy to find her.

But unfortunately, I was shocked, "Jackie!" I shouted. I couldn't breathe. She was there kissing passionately some sort of guy who looked like a police officer to me. He was in his formal suit.

She rapidly pushed the guy away and looked at me, "Elijah!"

I stomped closer, yelling, "what the fuck is going on? I thought you were waiting for me eager to get married! Our wedding is supposed to be tonight."

I couldn't believe my eyes. Aches in my chest, I wanted her to say it's fling or mistake, or even that guy was forcing her into something that could calm my broken heart.

The only girl I had dreamed of being with—— killed me emotionally. I had waited for too long to be with her. And from looking at the guy, he didn't look as rich as our families. He might be using her to be rich only.

She fiddled nervously with her fingers, trying to explain to me, "sorry as you've said it'd been three years already. I was so young too when you proposed. I was a foolish girl. Sorry but my heart is with him. I cannot marry you."

The agony of rejection took me into the darkest parts ever. Made the devil inside me arouse. Jealous and hatred controlled me.

I slapped her face with rage and vowed to threaten both of them, "I promise you to take everything from your parents. I promise you to make you both sleep on the streets."

And I walked away.

After two days, I canceled my wedding, and I killed that police officer guy with cold-hands, without even blinking. I used my connections to hide evidence. I hired professional killers and money collectors to help me. And I used the most experienced lawyers but with no morals to deceive her family and take everything from them.

Yes, I did it.

The girl couldn't take the pain anymore. She regretted everything. She came to me and begged me to forgive her because her parents didn't do anything wrong. But I couldn't forgive her.

I stood like a lion staring at her and said in a heatless voice, "take off your clothes. Let me fuck you first."

She obeyed. But I only kicked her later as a cheap slut.

That broke her heart. And that's why she slit her wrist and ended the pain inside her.

I regretted that because I was still in love with her. But my journey into the top—made me more ruthless, heartless, and mostly a killer. I made my dangerous hidden-Empire, but at the same time— I made me 'Elijah Carter' the most influential businessman and a senator.

End of flashback…

Celine's appearance in my life made me remember what I did my best to forget, my ex-fiancée. It made me think that I would never be able to live with me. I wasn't the old me anymore. Seven years had passed, and I became more deadly.

I emphasized my words, "No, you cannot come and live with me."

But she wrapped her arms around my waist and threw her tiny body to my chest, "please. I will die alone. Please…. I don't belong to this world. I beg you."

I pulled back, trying to force my tongue to say no again, but I couldn't! by looking into her innocent face. I just couldn't let her alone.

I guess the sinister inside me had a delicate part still in his heart.

I coughed, "okay."

She jumped happily like a baby as if she didn't see me killing anyone a few minutes ago, "thank you. Let's go now."

I chuckled, "you're' fucking insane."

She flipped her hair, childishly, "I know. Thank you. But I warn you; I will work to earn money."

Work! What kind of work exactly!

I stepped in front of her, and my men followed us, she suggested, before we can sit in the limo, "I can be your assistant. Or maybe I can cook for you. Or maybe…"

I wanted to make her hate me as fast as possible. The way she was talking made my heart flutter in my chest. She was cute ad irresistible and so fucking young.

She was only eighteen-year-old, and I was thirty-two!

She asked me out of the blue, "by the way, what's your job? I mean, aside from being a killer."

I choked her neck immediately and stressed on my words, warning her, "don't ever talk about what you had seen if you want to stay alive. If you want to work with me, then you have to be deaf and blind and zip your mouth."

She gulped nervously and trembled, "sure."

I pulled my hands away, letting her breath. I looked directly away from her eyes and said bitterly, "I'm a senator. And a businessman."


Then I continued my words, "and you will work as a maid. Only a maid. Is that clear."

"mmm. I don't mind. I was nothing already. Thank you." she said softly in a broken tone, feeling humiliated already.

But I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I only wanted her to hate me and leave me. I was so fucking dangerous, not a nice person at all!

Once we reached my palace, I stepped out and snapped my fingers to her, saying in a cold tone as if she was trash "you, listen. I will give you only a thousand dollars per month as a salary." I wanted to force her to stay away.

But her words were unexpected, "it's okay, I only used to eat two meals per day and get a pair of jeans and two shirts per year. It's too generous from you."

Damn! I wanted to pat her shoulder and cry! What the fuck happened to me.

I coughed, trying to suppress myself from not sharing any comfort with her or showing any pitiful feelings.

I raised my brow, commanding her, "follow me."

Once we stepped inside, I watched her eyes; she didn't look around as shocked or impressed by the gold antiques. As if she didn't care much about such fancy things. I had never met any woman like her.

I walked to the maids level room, and then opened a room, it was tiny, dirty, and not neat, "this is your room." I thought that might make her flee.

But she thanked me heartily and happily rotating in circles, as if she won the jackpot, "oh my god! A room for me? I used to sleep with twenty girls in the same room. Thank you, Sir."

Fucking shit! Could Somebody please pull that girl away from me.

I thundered, yelling to one of my men, "make her clean all the stairs now, then show her the kitchen to cook something for me."

She pulled my arm with her delicate hand, "Sir, what kind of food do you like the most? I want to give you something special."

I gritted my teeth; my heart was dying! No, she awakened something I thought was dead.

"I might eat you if you didn't stop touching me." She hopped away immediately and smiled gorgeously and shyly, "okay sorry. I will keep a distance."

She must keep a distance, or I might do bad things to her. Damn! I was sinister! Why did God throw an angel like her into my path?