Elijah carter pov
Yes, I wanted her. But once I slipped those words, which luckily, I didn’t say out loud, and Celine didn’t hear it. Once I noticed one of the guests ‘a new minister’ keeping his eyes on her.
I made a move towards him, and he looked as if he was there for something else. As if he wanted to hire anyone in my empire or my palace in another meaning to give him more information about my dirty work. The work behind the scenes that I kept hiding it from even my close younger brother.
I couldn’t tell if I could trust Celine or not. I couldn’t know if she might give him what he wanted or not. But I ignored her and told one of my men to keep watching them.
As I have imagined, he made a move towards her, shaking while stretching out his hands to her, “could you please honor me with this dance?”