
Angelo pov

I stood up, looking at Angela and Bella, "what does that mean? I'm sick enough of these kinds of games. I might die in any second. If any of you loved me then please just tell the truth now or leave."

I started to feel hopeless, I have had enough of such games. And I have had enough of women and sex, my heart became so weak because I exhausted myself much in sexual fucking desires. Even so, I was a doctor but I was blinded by loving and admiring women's bodies and forgot that a man at the end might die of extra sex.

Oh yes, any man might die of extra ex, according to scientific researches, men or women should have sex once or twice at most per week: first to do not lose interest in sex or their partner. Second: because extra sex ends with high pressure and rush of blood and using the muscles more than normal which leads to death after all. Or maybe worse: into incurable diseases.