More Than Books In The Study

It was getting dark quicker here.

She stood by the window, looking out into the darkening orange sky, past the horizon and she rubbed her forearm with both hands, hugging herself as she did. It was getting dark and it was getting cold and it was about this time of the day that people would be retiring to their homes to rest and sleep, preparing for the next day, but Lyra could not sleep. She could not bring herself to be calm either, and she could not sit in one place.

She turned away from the window and paced a little in the room. The only thought in her head was the thing that that man had told her about; the year of Osyron. What did he mean when he had told her to find her truth? She let out a breath and looked to the ceiling, walking back and forth in front of the extremely large window. The curtains swayed in the breeze, reaching out to her like they wanted to wrap her up and cuddle her in their soft silkiness.