The ride was anything but boring.
Tezani was happy that her Lady had allowed her to go on the ride with her as she could not remember the last time she had been able to leave the castle’s grounds, she was excited, but clearly not as excited as Lyra. Lyra could not sit still in the carriage and she kept looking from one window to the other, asking Tezani what this was and what that was. She liked Kilead, it was a busy village once they had gotten far away from the castle, and unlike what she had imagined the people to be like; frustrated and abused and malnourished and hungered, it turned out that the opposite was the case.
The people here were living in affluence and prosperity and she wondered how having a cold ruler such as Ryder, could not affect the people. Or did he treat them differently? Could not be so, but still, she felt like she had come to a totally different place.