The Last Straw

Ryder and Xanth sat by the small round table with Lillian in front of them, she had a large round glass ball placed in the middle of the table, supported by its stand and her hands placed on the table on either side of the glass ball. She wasn’t smiling at them this time, she had on a serious expression and so did Xanth and Ryder.

She had mentioned Indie and that had immediately put Ryder on edge, not that he feared the witch goddess but he was wise enough to know that he needed to be weary of her. And he was.

“She spoke to you…” Ryder mentioned again so that she could clarify.

“She speaks to all of us.” Lillian replied and Ryder narrowed his eyes at her. “All of us here follow her, we listen to her and she speaks to us, we consult her and she reveals to us the hidden secrets. There is nothing she doesn’t know, no where she doesn’t and cannot reach.”