“Weird choice for a location...” Rick muttered, stepping out of the cab.
He looked up at the building.
He then realized the location was part of what used to be the Labs. The building was mostly destroyed, with a lot of rubble lying around.
Rick closed his eyes for a moment.
He thought about the day he rescued Maru.
His thoughts then wandered on to think about the last time he saw Norio.
Fourteen years ago, a family was getting ready for bed. A man tucked two boys into bed.
“I’m going to go say goodnight to your sister now,” the man paused for a minute.
He then gave a smile.
“Boys...I just wanted to tell you...” He gulped and looked down.
Before he could get another word out, they heard a loud banging on the door.
The man quickly turned his attention toward the doorway.
“...Hold on.” He said.
As he stepped out into the kitchen, he saw his partner standing, staring blankly at the door.
“Larkin?” The man called out.