He waited and she put up her middle finger and he sighed with relief.
She was okay and it was all just a dream. He adjusted and carried her to the edge then huffed and jumped down, his legs shapeshifted to the rocky kind on a plate drifting and he manipulated the lava to flow his way,
The armadillo rolled on the river like a jet ski, Angel was following an animal, the bottom line was he didn't have any more "good ideas" he was scared out of his mind but doing something was the best thing for now.
He gasped when they reached a river that flowed both ways, it directed them to an alcove, Angel gasped turning back to look up for any place to grab on to before they hit the nook.
The place was falling apart and the sprites screamed at the rocks falling into the lava causing a tide, Angel blocked a spray from hitting Amanda, his skin simmered.
"Oh man"