Summons and trap

The next day at the school rooftop Rafael can be seen holding a conversation with the raven haired princess of the student council

Rafael" look I'm gonna keep it real here so I find you attractive abso-fucking-lutely but I still have standards and I won't force you to be with me yes my goal is a harem but I want quality over quantity do I flirt with you Tsubaki , Akeno, Rias occasionally yes know why cause I find each of you beyond beautiful for each owns uniqueness like your high intellect that far surpasses mine hell even told Issei why I liked you told him smart is sexy and that's the truth for you"

Sona" what you mean you want to cancel the engagement because you have standards and your telling that you really do like me but won't take this god given chance to have me for life because you don't force yourself on people and to top it all off despite running around with your perverted friend shouting at the top of your lungs about being harem kings your after "quality not quantity" did I miss anything?" She had asked deadpanning and a tad bit confused at the situation

Rafael" yup about right and what's the matter you don't seem as happy as I thought you would be I mean I'm telling you. You can now go off and find someone who will love you for who you are and no consequences for you since I'll go and talk to your parents and siblings about it granted they're gonna think I'm fucked up in the mind and so will your other suitors but hey fuck those guys right it's not their life it's yours to do with as you want tho I do wonder what's the big plan"

Sona" yea I guess I should be happy about this but you shouldn't do the talking with my family cause you'll probably get killed by my sister as much as I love her she can go over board and your right it is my life to control which was the point of the chess matches but as for your question about my big plan it's simple I want to eliminate discrimination against reincarnated devils by making a school that will show young devils how to play raiding games and build a better future for our society"

Rafael" that's the dream huh nice sure your future husband will support it I know I will since it sounds so cool but hey when you do it mind showing my kids the way to be a proper devil and stuff like that I mean since I probably won't be any good at this stuff as you can tell I have a problem with guys telling me what to do and I have a tendency to settle things with my simple solution of kick my ass and I do what you want"

Sona' you know I was kind of expecting him to be trying to have sex with me immediately when he found out we were engaged but the horny dog is actually considering my feelings in all this and not only that he didn't consider my dream a dream but a sure thing that going to happen'

"Hey let me ask you something?"

"Yea what's up?"

" why are you so calm and chill with this it's almost like you were prepared for this"

" well to be honest I kind of was I mean when I found out we were engaged I was really excited I even had thoughts along the lines of how damn lucky can I get to marry a beautiful woman and she's so damn smart hell I even flirted with Akeno and Rias inviting them to become brides too but then after the initial reaction was over it hit me that your a person not some damn object that I just won out of a lottery. Plus it's not like it's completely over I just have to start us in the right foot so sona would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday so we really get to know each other and not as some prude and some stoner but as two people looking to know if what they have with each other is special but if you don't it's fine don't worry about it we can be friends and that will be all we will ever be"

Sona' wow I don't think he was capable of having any thoughts other than getting into a hole any hole but he surprised me maybe he isn't as bad as everyone thinks' " I will agree under the condition that you show me the real you not someone always changing the subject or acting ridiculous just to make others seem better than you"

Rafael " yea that can be done but I want you to do something for me"

"Oh and what's that"

"Show up as sona not sona sitri heiress of the sitri clan be a regular girl looking to have fun and be a little reckless let loose because all that stress isn't good for your health devil or not"

Saying this he took a blunt out lit it and slowly took a long puff from it released the smoke and looked up at the clouds drifting by

Rafael' I think that is the most serious I've ever been since showing up here man who knew she could infect me like that to the point I don't just want to be with her but be worthy of her time and affection haaah I better make sure I don't waste her time cause she really is a girl who deserves more than some guy who has two basic skills kicking ass and smoking but I'm not gonna change so I am maybe just improve my good features'

Rafael " oh yeah just remembered there was something I wanted to ask you about Tsubaki"

Sona " oh are you already trying to set up another date with another girl after just asking me out"

Rafael " yea sort of not really just wanted some info cause there was something that was bothering me about her"

Sona " oh and what was that?"

Rafael " well I don't know might just be me but have you ever asked her what she thought of herself"

Sona" well not that often very rarely in fact but she seems fine"

" oh so she's fine huh" he said this with a melancholy look a faraway stare at the clouds

Sona " am I missing something"

Rafael " no it's just ok look I heard from Akeno and Rias that during my fight with Saji that she called my victory long before my win but what bothers me is how Akeno said it was uncharacteristic of her so I wanted to check with you if that's true cause then she normally would what keep her head down do her work and leave right?"

Sona" yes that's correct"

Rafael "sigh….. then that means she doesn't feel attractive and she probably wouldn't want anything to do with me"

Sona " what makes you say that"

Rafael" ok look if she doesn't interact with others often and only does so when necessary but also isolates her self what do you think that would mean normally it she just doesn't want to be bothered by others right but think of it from this perspective constantly surrounded by beautiful girls who seem interesting and unique and are always the center of attention and then her in her eyes she sees herself as bland boring uninteresting so I'm a bit worried she doesn't understand how beautiful she is not for her looks but as a person just because someone may seem boring plain and unimpressive doesn't make them any less special and I was kinda hoping I could get her to understand that about herself"

As he was finished speaking band sona was responding and appreciating his care for her and Tsubaki

She heard it all and was shocked and taken aback by what she heard while blushing a bit

Tsubaki' how did he know how I feel and why does he care so much about me'

After the conversation Tsubaki left first the sona left on the roof alone was Rafael looking out at the horizon in deep thought

' man can't believe I said all that with a straight smile though I get how Tsubaki feels especially when your friend seems so much better than you and all you can do is hear about their amazing achievements while you sit their with your best being average in comparison it hurts and makes you feel like a mob character in their show and personally no one should feel like a mob in their own damn life especially when they deserve to know they're the protagonist in their story'

Later in the night

Issei on a bike " man I still can't believe I'm the bitch of chess If I was born into power like Rias then I would have a harem already and wouldn't have to bust my ass to high ranking so I can have my harem and not deal with these shitty small devil duties"

After complaining about his circumstances he arrives at his destination the home of his client who summoned him

Issei" hello devils knocking at your door man what it's open this is really weird should I turn back but why prez said"


In the club room Rias could be seen looking out the window while koneko was nearby on a couch eating a chocolate bar Issei entered the room with Rafael who took a seat opposite to koneko and began rolling a joint

Rias" good your both here looks like koneko got double booked I would like one of you to take one and get some experience and make sure to bring back a pact this time"

Issei " yes ma'am I'll be right back"

Koneko" huh how come fighting pervert wasn't put to consideration of going between you two"

Issei" ah that's simple we have a unspoken rule of when he starts rolling don't disturb lest you want to eat soup for three weeks"

Rias" why?"

Issei" cause if he loses concentration it will cause him to make a mistake that will ruin it and then it won't be as good as the others he will make"

Rias " really it's that important"

Issei" yup had a bully in middle school who learnt that the hard way heard while he was on a soup diet and he came to find his favorite in fact he's now considered a soup connoisseur after that experience"

Rias " are you serious he injured a student for that reason"

Issei " yup and if you don't believe me go over and find out but beware in that state he said and I quote "these hands are rated E for everyone I will go yujiro hanma in this bitch lace up the ones and we'll see how funny it is then" he wasn't joking tho saw some kid bother him and that kid must still be flying to this day"

Rias " *gulp* I'll see you later Issei"

Issei "yup see you later prez"

End Flashback

'Well guess I'll just walk in can't fail again'

"Hey don't be alarmed just the devil walking in Hello can you hear me"

"Woah what is this weird wet and warm feeling ahhh"

What Issei was describing was fresh blood he stepped on when he walked into the house he screamed when he found the source of the blood and he saw a body cut to pieces and completely mutilated

"Ahaha what a great night for killing don't you think so too blahhh"

A voice had responded to Issei's cry of shock. The voice belonged to a deranged looking man who wore a white vest lined with golden thread on it and some plain white pants and a black cloak with crosses on it this was none other than rogue priest and psychotic killer Freed Sellzen

Issei" ah who are you"

Freed "Freed Sellzen vanquisher of evil and nightmare to devil scum like you at your service"

Issei" why did you kill that guy"

Freed " because he was done being human. He was tempted by evil the evidence was right when he tried to summon a devil and look your here so he did"

Issei" what your nuts"

Freed " whatever now time for you to die hahahaha"

After saying this freed took out a gun in the shape of a cross and a bootleg lightsaber

Issei" oh no a sword of light"

Freed " yup standard issue devil killing gun with devil killing bullets and one sword of light to shove up your ass hahahaha "

Issei" Damn your messed up in the head"

Freed " who cares I'm gonna cut you up into little pieces I wonder if we can get a new record with you to see how long you last hahahaha "

After saying this freed opened fire at Issei he shot three bullets two missing Issei as he had dive to his left to avoid the bullets however one of the bullets went straight into his calf making it difficult to stand . He still did and immediately summoned his sacred gear

Issei "Damn it arghhh take this sacred gear "

Issei stood up and swung at freed with a haymaker but missed as he was slow and instead was slashed on his chest by the sword followed by two shots from freed to his right and left thigh leaving him on the floor bleeding try as issei might die another hit all he did was miss and get slashed on the back by freed after saying

Freed " man your slow and weak. Well your no fun let's get this over with" as freed was going to approach Issei to kill him he was interrupted by a young girls shout

"Kyaaaah "

Freed" huh Asia did you finish setting up the barrier"

Asia" what is this" she said this horrified upon seeing the corpse in the room

Freed" ah forgot your a newbie this is what the job entails my dear hahaha"

Asia " how could you kill him he could still be redeemed"

Freed " are ducking stupid he gave up his right to be human he's now devil scum"

Asia turned to Freed's direction and saw who he was pointing his gun at

Asia" Is ….. Issei "

Issei" yea it's me Asia"

Freed " what the fuck do you two know each other"

Asia " yes he's my friend he's a good person but what are you doing here"

Freed " he's here cause he's devil trash"

Asia" no it can't be true"

Issei " it's true I'm here because I'm a devil I never meant to hide it from you I swear"

Freed " well isn't this touching it leaves me all tingly but Asia you know a devil and nun can never be together so now it's time to kill this sorry sack of shit hahaha"

Freed then took his gun and took aim at Issei before he could pull the trigger Asia steeped in between the gun and Issei spreading her arms out she said

Asia" wait father there's still good in him couldn't we let him go "

Freed " what the hell do you have maggots growing inside that tiny brain of yours our job is to eliminate devil scum."

After saying this he slashed at Asia and cut her nun dress vertically exposing her tits.

Asia " kyahh"

Freed " our fallen angel friends said not to harm you but I don't care why shouldn't a upstanding priest like myself do what he wants with a little whore like you it's not so wrong now is it"

He said this as he pinned Asia by her arms against a wall and began fondling her tits and rubbing his gun on her underwear licking her cheek

Issei " stop let go of her" he stood up and punched him with a straight right it launched the priest back however the priest stood right back up

Freed " that wasn't half bad now die"

He charged at him however Issei staggered and failed to prepare a counter but before freed could impale him a magic circle appeared and out appeared a blonde pretty boy with swords

Kiba" looks like we showed up late to the party"

Then came the rest of the peerage

Koneko" sup"

Akeno " goody we didn't miss anything"

Rias " ohh Issei look at you your all hurt"

Rafael" yo you need me to bail you out again"

Freed " looks we got ourselves a good old fashioned gang bang"

Akeno " wow aren't you a piece of work"

Freed " and you my dear are a hot piece of ass"

Rafael " yo elf on crack that's my hot piece of ass keep shut before I fuck you up"

Freed " ooh so scary what's the big bad devil gonna do"

Rias " what a filthy mouth for a priest"

Freed "well this is an issue now we got everyone against me but who cares this is gonna be fun"

Rias " stand down he's with us Gremory family"

Freed " why should I care devil scum are all the same "

Issei" hey how did you guys find me"

Rias " there was a barrier preventing us from getting here sooner but it came down all of a sudden"

Freed " what you stupid bitch you didn't keep the barrier up"

He then started kicking Asia who was on the ground

Issei" hey stop leave her alone"

Rias" I don't forgive those who hurt my servants but I especially don't forgive those who hurt innocents koneko get Issei Akeno prepare to jump"

Koneko picked up a couch and threw it at freed witch hit him launching him back Akeno prepared a magic circle to teleport then koneko ran to Issei and picked him up brought him back to the magic circle and as they were about to leave Issei looked into Asia's eyes he saw the fear in them than began struggling while saying

Issei" wait we can't leave her bring her with us"

Rias" this magical circle only works on people who are from my peerage or household so she can't make the jump"

Issei" so your saying leave her no let me go ASIA"

Rafael " how much does she mean to you Issei"

Issei" she means a lot to me and I can't leave her"

Rafael " ok I'll get her better treat her right.

NIKO STYLE Flame Kata Raging Fire" a technique of the flame kata that is performed after digging their toes into the ground, allowing them to accelerate at unthinkable speeds after performing this technique Rafael had left the magic circle and was above Asia as he was about to grab her freed attacked from behind with his sword of light

Akeno" nooo look out"

Rafael turned around only to get stabbed in the abdomen or so it looked to everyone else in the room but in reality he performed a move from the water Kata

"Niko Style Water Kata Seagrass Hold"

is a technique used to evade and then lock a thrusting movement; the user quickly dodges a thrusting weapon (such as a spear) or thrusting attack (such as a punch or nukite) and grabs and locks the offending weapon/limb under their armpit in one fluid motion after performing this he followed up with an ironbreaker uppercut on freed who was sent flying back before he could grab Asia he was interrupted by a portal opening from the ceiling of the room

Freed " hahaha looks like back ups here your fucked now you shitty devils ahahahaha"

Akeno" uh oh prez it looks like more than one fallen we have to go now"


Rafael " fine I'll see you guys back at the club room"


Rafael " sorry can't do that she means a lot to Issei and she doesn't have a good fate waiting for her"

Rias " I know but we are leaving wether you like it or not AKENO"

Akeno" yes ma'am "

Then before Rafael could comprehend what happens he was struck by bolts of lighting enough to knock out an ordinary man but he wasn't ordinary

Rafael " your gonna regret that especially you Akeno NIKO STYLE SECRET TECHNIQUE DIVINE DEVIL"

After activating Devine devil he used it to pick up Asia and start moving towards the front door to escape but he was stopped by freed who took advantage of the situation and stabbed him form behind then tried shooting his legs but before he could pull the trigger he was knocked out by a right hook to the jaw from Rafael who after doing stumbled on the corpse from earlier dropping Asia just as he was about to go after her he felt another bolt of lighting then as he was hit he summoned all his willpower to power through it to get to Asia as he almost reached her he then sensed a object coming at him at high speed this object was Kiba who was ordered by Rias to knock Rafael out and bring him so they could leave complying with his kings order he approached him from behind at a fast speed similar to when he fought the stray and made a blunt sword so as to not kill or maim Rafael but to his surprise when he swung and made contact his sword broke this was because Rafael used indestructible right when the blunt sword made contact things were now getting out of hand so Rias gave an order

Rias" koneko knock him out and let's go Akeno hit ''em again but more juice Kiba distract him"

After receiving their orders they all responded "yes president"

Kiba approached first and began a barrage of attacks with his blunt sword but to their surprise Rafael was coping with it by using Weeping willow

Before he redirected the sword into a nearby wall Rafael had to dodge a bolt of lighting he jumped to the left but it was a trap there was a waiting koneko who swung with all her strength right into the area he was stabbed in instead of Keelung over in pain or being sent flying as they expected instead Rafael used the momentum of the punch to do a backflip but during the backflip he used ironbreaker and kicked koneko who narrowly stepped back enough to avoid the hit the fight continued on like this until Akeno hit a lighting strike on Rafael which slowed him down enough for Kiba to capitalize on the opportunity enough to land all his swing but by the end of his barrage his sword crumbled to pieces from trying to defeat Niko style indestructible upon landing and recording from the strikes Rafael was ready to take off but he missed the loli beneath him who hit him with a uppercut containing all her strength which took his consciousness after seeing this monster begging to fall Rias and her peerage members were tired but relieved until they saw him stop midway and continue moving in the direction of Asia thinking he recovered they quickly began performing more combos but the issue was he stopped fighting back he simply yanked it all and kept moving in her direction until Rias shouted

Rias" enough he's not awake anymore stop hitting him Akeno go get him use a magic rope"

Akeno" what he's not awake ok I understand "

Akeno approached Rafael and tied up his arms and legs then walked over to the circle and they all left with two injured devils one from the enemy the other from them no one felt good with themselves that night in fact Rias, Akeno , koneko and Kiba couldn't even look at their new members because of guilt and shame because one they beat severely just to make him stop from rescuing a girl who was going to be in trouble and the other who they made watch what happens when you disobey