Chapter 11: "Young Madam you are joking right ?",


"Why are you here...?", Old Wen spoke in a cold tone.

"Boss asked me to pick up Madam.", Rio explained calmly.

Just then Mia walked down the stairs...she was wearing a Light blue Napa gown which made her look gentle and elegant at the same time.

Rio raised his head as he saw the servant's faces in awe as they stared at the stairs. Out of curiosity, he turned his head towards the stairs.

The woman descending the stairs looked absolutely like a diva. Her long hair was neatly combed as her earlobe had the white pearls that looked extremely enchanting. She was shinning without any other accessories on her. Her body was like a sculpture that had everything in the right places. He gasped as his heart couldn't stop but beat louder.

A quick thought entered his mind as he wanted to hit himself. She was his future, Madam. Indeed he felt this Madam would be a perfect match for his Handsome Boss.

"Young look heavenly.", Elena spoke as she stared at the beauty in front of her.

"Thank you, Aunt Elena, but you are overpraising. I'm not that pretty.", Mia gently smiled as she politely spoke.

"Nonsense, you look like an angel. Even a plain dress looks like heavenly as you bring life to it.", Old Wen spoke as he patted her head.

"Thank you, grandpa, But I think the dress you choose is pretty awesome it matched my skin tone.", Mia spoke as Old Wen's eyes sparkled.

"Little one, how did you know that I picked the dress...?", He smiled as he questioned.

"Yesterday when I was checking out the mansion, I saw that most of your and Grandma pictures on the wall had Blue clothing ones.", Mia smiled.

Old Wen was once again impressed by her keen observation. He felt this girl would make a great doctor in the future.

"Child you never fail to impress me. Yes, blue is Alex's grandma's favourite colour.", He smiled yet it was a bitter one.

Mia stared at his longing eyes that looked like it has a mountain of words to say.

"Grandpa...Brother once said, When you feel lonely and unbearable the most precious thing you need is to hug yourself and pat because it is the warmest and understandable hug that one could ever get.", Mia smiled as Old Wen looked at her in awe.

"Did Lucas say that someone said this to him...?", Old Wen questioned.

"Yup my Big Ma.", Mia sincerely answered.

"No wonder.", Old Wen smiled as he patted her head.

The assistants, Mathis, Elena and Rio were very impressed with this new Madam of theirs.

After breakfast, Mia left with Rio as Old Wen looked at the car the drove away from the ATLANTIS.

"Master let's go in.", Mathis spoke as he covered a shawl over Old Wen.

"That child is similar to Sofia and Julia.", Old Wen smiled as he spoke.

"Master indeed Young Master Lucas has thought her well.", Mathis spoke.

"Do you think she can change that stubborn brat of mine?", Old Wen questioned in deep thought.

"Young Master will not be foolish enough to let go a wife this heavenly and who's smart.", Mathis replied.

"I'm not sure Mathis...after that day, he never spoke out his mind. After all these years I'm just worried this little girl will have to face the obstacles.", Old Wen spoke.

"Young Mistress seems lovely, let's keep our faith in her.", Mathis spoke as they both walked in.


"Excuse me...?", Mia tried to speak first.

"Madam I am Rio, Boss's assistant.", He smiled and answered.

"Oh...Hello Asst. Rio, I'm Mia. You can call me by my name.", She smiled.

"No Madam. I wouldn't dare.", He rejected her kindness.

"Cool.", She nodded her head and maintained silence again. The car was in silent mode as they reached the Marriage Bureau.

Mia saw that they arrived as she searched for that person.

Rio opened his door, then walked towards the back as he opened her door as he signalled her to walk out in an extremely polite way.

"Sorry to ask this, Asst.Rio, but Am I only one...?", She walked out as she questioned in confusion.

Rio's heartfelt a ting pain. How could he say that her groom didn't even care to attend their marriage along with her? He simply couldn't.

"Boss was...he...", He struggled to come up with an excuse.

Mia smiled as she seem to understand something then.

"Take me in and show me where I have to sign.", Mia calmly spoke as Rio was startled by her calmness.

"This...This way Ma'am.", He showed her the way as they entered the VIP lounge.

After a few minutes, the procedure was done as Rio assorted her towards the car.

"Sorry to ask but can I know where are we going now...?", Mia questioned politely.

"Ma'am you are the boss, you have every right to question us. We are going to Wayside, that will be yours and Boss's house.", Rio replied.

"Thank you, Mr.Rio.", Mia calmly responded.


The car entered the large compound as it revealed a luxurious villa with all other facilities. The garage was very big as it contained different branded cars. Mia was not very shocked as she saw a few of the brands in Nirvana because her brother Lucas was also a hefty spender on cars.

The villa was clearly in the city but it nowhere looked like a closed place. It got a garden and a court along swimming pool and an outhouse.

Rio stopped the car in front of the Villa as he walked out. Mia unlocked her door and walked out too. Rio was surprised to see her not being a rich spoiled princess who wouldn't come out until the servant pull out the door.

Rio satisfied smiled as he walked towards her side.

"Ma'am Wayside has everything. That outhouse is where Mr.Hugo and Ms.Leni live, As Old master said she and her husband will always be at your service.

Before he could say any further...Both saw Leni and Hugo walk towards them.

"Hello Young Madam.", Hugo spoke.

"Greetings Young Madam.", Leni also greeted her.

"Hello Sister Leni, Hello Mr.Hugo.", Mia smiled and replied.

Both were shocked by her way of addressing them and were pleased by her down-to-earth nature.

"I will be assisting you in the future.", Leni smiled and bowed. Mia quickly held her hand to raise her, at that moment she felt something as she frowned and held her for a few good minutes. Leni didn't dare to move as the people around just saw the show.

"Sister Leni Please don't do this in the future. It is not safe for the baby.", Mia warned as the people who stood there were shocked.

Seeing their faces in confusion. Mia understood that they were unknown to the news.

"Sister Leni you are pregnant, mostly it's six weeks now.", Mia smiled as she stared at the shocked Leni and the other two men.

"Young Madam you are joking right ?", Hugo felt nervousness and happiness.

"Ma'am they've been trying to have a child for 2 years. The doctor said there are fewer chances. If it's just your speculation then please...", He wanted to say 'Not to raise their hopes' but he paused as he saw Mia stare at him.

Mia simply smiled and walked a step ahead and took Leni's palm.

"Sister Leni your palm has a reddishness it is one of the signs of pregnancy, your eyes seem dull it also came to be due to fatigue which is early pregnancy signs.", Mia professionally spoke.

Leni couldn't help but feel emotional as she touched her stomach. Mia then touched her stomach.

"Your stomach also has slight bloat which can only be detected by a doctor. Most importantly your pulse says that you are pregnant. ", Mia smiled as she backed off.

The servants and the people around her were in shock.

"Mr.Rio can we find a doctor here...?", Mia turned towards Rio and questioned. Rio who was in shock quickly signaled a servant to call the doctor.

Hugo couldn't help but walk towards his wife and place his hand on her hand which is now on her belly.

After a few minutes they entered the villa and the doctor soon arrived. After examining she did the blood tests. The doctor said the reports will be there in 2 hours as everyone in the Villa eagerly waited. Everyone knew how long this pair tried to get pregnant.

After a few hours.

"Congratulations you are pregnant. Please come to the hospital for further scanning.", The doctor spoke as she walked out.

Hugo and Leni hugged each other in joy. People there were also happy for the pair.

Mia gently smiled and Rio saw her in admiration. 'Indeed Old Master's choice for his Boss is no ordinary girl.', he thought.

"Thank you Young Madam. Thank you.", Leni was so happy.

"Sister Leni I didn't do much. Please be careful.", Mia smiled in return.

Everyone there felt pleased by this new mistress of the house.

"Young Madam how did you know all...", Before Hugo could complete his words.

"I'm a Medical student. I will join the Medical University this afternoon.", Mia replied.

Just then they seemed to remember something.

"Then...Ms.Mia Chen the Medical National Exam topper...?", Rio was shocked to death. Indeed he felt the name familiar. He wasn't wrong he read her name in the newspaper, she was the top student who topped the exam. He paled in shock.

"The News exaggerated. I'm not that clever as they described me.", Mia spoke. They praised her so much in that article that she rather felt embarrassed.

"No wonder Ma'am was praised so much...Like the article described you are really a rare gem.", Rio spoke in admiration.

"Can we please skip this topic...I'm a bit hungry.", She awkwardly spoke.

Leni came back to her senses.

"Prepare to bring the dishes out.", She instructed one of the maids in the kitchen.

"Young Madam let me take you upstairs so you can get freshened up.", Leni spoke.

"Thank you in advance then.", Mia quietly followed her towards the stairs.

"Old Master has a good eye.", Hugo spoke as he stared at the two women as he spoke with Rio.

"I didn't expect Ma'am to be this down-to-earth, humble and intelligent.", Rio spoke.

"Young Madam is also a rare beauty, but why are you accompanying her? Where is Young Master ?", Hugo questioned in confusion. He heard that today they were going to register so shouldn't Young Master accompany her.

Rio who stood beside shook his head indicating that the Young Master wasn't with them.

"You accompanied Young Madam...?", Hugo questioned in shock.

"Yes. I feel pretty bad that Ma'am has to go alone to get her marriage done. But this isn't the first day you saw young Master.", Rio spoke.

"Indeed. I pity this little bride. I hope her kind soul will not get hurt.", Hugo sighed.

"We don't know what the future holds. Just like the incident now. Congrats on the news earlier.", Rio smiled as he walked out.

Hugo stared at the car that drove off.


Mia entered the room to see the room infrastructure in grey mixed creamy white decor. Indeed it was the same as the room she saw yesterday. It matched Alex's cold demeanor.

"Young Madam your wardrobe is to the left and the bathroom is located after the wardrobe. Come down once you are done.", She nodded as she left the room.

Mia's heart was in a mess. The nervousness she felt yesterday was now nothing but a disappointment. Indeed her guess was right, it wasn't a marriage that was done willingly but rather a marriage that was signed as an agreement. She couldn't help but feel heartache.

She walked towards the windows that were opened as the full moon entered her sight. It was already a bit dark now that they waited for hours for the results to come. Her heartfelt heavy and heavy as she walked into the dressing room.

As she entered she saw a big room that had different sections of clothing. The room was big enough in a size of a double bedroom flat. She gasped in shock as she saw the brands and the area that looked like a mini shopping mall.

'Indeed he was the topmost successful businessman.', She thought.

Anyway, she was not interested in expensive clothes or luxury goods as Lucas, Old Chen, James, and Ann always bought something for her all the time. She rather preferred simple and casual clothes that didn't have much attention.

She picked a rather casual top and jeans for now as she entered the Washroom. The washroom was also big enough as it has a bathtub along with other infrastructure. She sighed and walked towards the showerhead for a quick bath.