Chapter 13: "You knew...?",


Anna felt a slight hand patting her...she forcefully opened her eyes to Lucas slowly tried to pat her so she would wake up.

"Luc what's the point in waking me up like this...?", She spoke as she found him staring at her.

"I know you are a light sleeper so I know the pat will wake you up, but I still hoped that you wouldn't wake up.", He spoke as he sat beside her and kissed her forehead.

"I would seriously become a lazy and spoiled wife because of you in the are the reason my grandfather scolds me saying that I don't care as much as you do.", She spoke as she smiled and pouted.

"To me, you just have to follow your dreams and become as spoiled as possible. So don't worry about what others think except your husband.", He smiled as he hugged her.

"Okay okay I'm late I have to pick up Mia then go to university.", She pushed him and ran towards the washroom. Lucas shook his head and when he was to get up from the bed he was thrown. He saw Ann running towards him. Before he could stable himself she pulled him closer with his tie and placed her lips on his.

Lucas was startled and happy about her small attack...before he could hold her she again pushed him and ran off to the washroom. Lucas was really speechless at his girls as he tried to calm himself.

Lucas went down as the maid brought the food out.

"Aunty you don't have to cook lunch for Madam this afternoon so take a day off after this.", Lucas spoke as he sat on the dining chair and took the newspaper beside.

"Sure Young Master.", She spoke as she left the house like she always did.

Ann came down after she's done with her fresh up.

"Did Aunty leave early ?", Ann questioned as she sat beside Lucas.

"Yup I already informed her. Go and pick up Mia then after submitting your certificates come to Chen group I will wait for you both.", He spoke as he passed her the milk and the sandwich.

"Okey Dokey.", Ann smiled as she drank a sip of milk and started eating her sandwich.

Later Tony arrived to pick up Lucas and Ann drove her sports car to Wayside.


Aditi woke up early and saw the room empty like last night. She was clear enough that this so-called marriage is just a cover. She wasn't feeling so low because she felt it's already beyond her luck to exit the hell that her parents made her live in.

Aditi saw the sunrise as she entered the small size shopping mall wardrobe and pulled out a gym pair. She was like a cloth hanger, the clothes looked heavenly with her wearing them.

She walked downstairs as she saw the maids were busy cleaning the house. Mia saw Leni standing aside and giving instructions to the 3 chefs. Mia walked down to see Leni turned towards her and smiling at her. Mia smiled back as she walked down.

"Miss the running track is in the backyard. Later you can find the gym on the left side to the track.", Leni spoke as she smiled at Mia.

"Thank you, Sister Leni. But you have to take proper rest it's only 6 in the morning so go back and have some nap.", Mia spoke in a caring tone.

"I will, Miss. I know that you will be doing a Morning jog so as it is the first day...I'm here to give instructions. Hugo is right near the track you can find him.", Leni spoke.

"Alright, Sister Leni you don't have to do this. Thank you for the care but I'm not really that delicate. Just take care of the little one inside you.", Mia smiled and walked along with Leni to the backyard.

The backyard entrance had the outhouse area with 10 different small villas 2 storeyed. They looked like one from the design but different when we approach them. Behind that area, there was a running track with a gym beside it.

"Miss then I will enter the house. Hugo is coming to accompany you.", Leni spoke as she entered the first villa.

"Miss this side.", Hugo walked towards her and showed her the way to the running track.

"Miss these are the quarters for the servants. Young Master was particular that only married pair will be working in the Wayside to avoid unnecessary troubles. So mostly you'll find the elder couple in the kitchen and couple like us maintaining the remaining household. I and Leni choose our rules as she deals with the internal area of Wayside and me with the external.", Hugo calmly explained.

"Mr.Hugo you really don't have to explain these to me. I believe you guys are eligible and capable enough to get to the place you are in.", Mia smiled.

Hugo felt touched at the way she is. She wasn't the bossy type to order around or she wasn't a type to take control over the household the moment she entered.

"Miss you will have to know these to avoid problems in the future.", He simply spoke.

"Then sorry that I have to bother you to explain these things. But I'm a rather quick learner so you will not have a need to repeat again.", She spoke making him wonder how naive and kind she is.

"The track has courts in the middle. The right side is the gym and the left side is the Meeting room which is off the limits. The front side has a garage and swimming pool. The house looks rather small from the front but the backyard is the main space taker.", Hugo spoke in one go.

Mia listened to him as she stared at the fancy-designed meeting room. It was a double bedroom flat-sized room with the latest design techniques.

"That room is maintained by Young Master when he holds important meetings. As you know he is the Cousin of Mr.President...", Before Hugo could complete Mia's eyes were widened in shock.

"Miss don't tell me you didn't know his maternal Uncle's son is the Mr.President of our country.", Hugo thought she was kidding as he questioned her.

"I...I didn't know...", She split these 3 words from her mouth in difficulty.

"Young Master's Parents, Uncle, and Aunt died in an accident. As for Mr.President and his younger brother grew along with Young Master. So Elder Master really wanted a girl to lighten up this place and the family.", Hugo explained.

"Mr.President[Simon] is the elder one, Young Master[Alex] in the Middle, and Mr.Luke is the youngest of them. Mr.President is recently married I guess you are at least aware of this news right Miss...?", Hugo questioned.

"I'm sorry I'm not into news and any...", Mia tried to explain. She was busy with her songs, her parents, and Medical studies that she never cared about the News of the President or others. She knew Mr.Simon is their President but wasn't clear to what family he belonged.

Hugo smiled at how naive his young Miss was.

"Mr.Hugo I'm a quick learner...I will make sure to remember and understand the required information.", Mia was really apologetic.

"Miss you are too naive and kind. I know how good your IQ is after I heard you are the top Medical rank student in the country. I'm sure you can deal with this information with ease.", Hugo smiled and spoke.

"Then I will try not to disappoint you.", She politely replied.

Hugo and Mia entered the track. Mia started to jog as Hugo went to the gym to make arrangements.

After she was done with her workout she returned and entered the washroom to get ready for the university.

She walked down as she saw Leni who was checking on the Maids as they brought the breakfast out. Maids gasped in awe as they saw the lady Boss in her Blue jumpsuit looking absolutely like an international Model.

Mia walked towards the table and soon picked up her spoon to scoop some soup.

Just then,

"Mr.Hugo there seems to be a guest for Miss. She claims to be Miss's sister-in-law.", The security guard's voice came through the walkie-talkie.

Hugo looked at Mia, seeing her nodding her head.

"Send the Guest in.", Hugo replied as he saw Mia quickly running out like a child. The maids and servants were equally shocked to see the childish girl image of their Miss unlike her elegant side they aw yesterday.

The sports car paused as Ann walked out of it to see Mia standing to welcome her near the entrance.

Ann walked towards Mia as she slowly pulled Mia into his arms.

"How are you feeling? Were you able to adjust ?", Ann was literally like a mother who has come to visit her child. Hugo and Leni saw the scene and felt their bond was closer and stronger than they expected.

"I'm good people here treat me 100 times better.", Mia spoke as she wanted to let Ann know that she was really fine.

"Good then.", Ann spoke as she let her go.

"Let's go in.", Mia smiled as they turned towards the entrance.

"Is this Sister Leni I spoke?", Ann questioned the moment she saw Leni.

"Yup.", Mia smiled and replied.

"Nice to meet you, Sister Leni, I'm Anna. Mia's Sister-in-law.", Anna extended her hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you, Ms.Anna. I'm Leni and this is my husband Hugo.", Leni warmly extended her hand too and spoke.

"Hello, Mr.Hugo. Nice meeting you.", Ann politely greeted.

"Nice Meeting you Ms.Anna.", Hugo replied.

"Hope you'll take good care of yourself and my Mia.", Anna smiled and spoke.

"Miss is now our Madam. Of course, we will be loyal and caring towards her.", Hugo spoke as if it's natural.

"Yes, Ms.Anna don't worry. Our first priority is Miss. The Wen's only had Males in the family till now. Miss is like a princess now that she became the Mistress of Family.", Leni spoke.

"Isn't Mr.President Married recently...?", Anna questioned. Mia was shocked to know that Ann knew about this. Hugo saw Mia's expression and realized it was all along only Mia is the one who didn't know about this.

"Yes, but Mr.President and his brother come under Mo's so as Wen's Miss is considered to be the Mistress of the family.", Hugo calmly explained. Soon the couple showed the way as both friends entered the house.

"You knew...?", Mia silently questioned Ann.

"About what...?", Ann whispered back.

"That Mr.President is Cousin to Alex.", Mia whispered.

"Of course I'm a Manager I have to keep up with all the information in the world. Mia, you are a legendary singer ONE do you know how many people I speak to every day for your album's sake...?", Ann spoke.

"oh.", Mia smiled awkwardly.

"Miss, Ms.Anna then we won't disturb you.", Leni spoke as she left with Hugo.

Soon Mia took Anna upstairs.

"Okay, so what happened? tell me everything.", Anna spoke as she sat on the chair on the balcony.