Chapter 25: "Love marriage?",

"The Devil didn't even kill you for what you did? Big Brother what happened between you and him? Am I missing something?", Luke spoke as he stared at Alex with a peal of evil laughter.

"Someone pleaded for me.", Alex smiled and sipped his tea.

Simon heard his words and he stared at Alex in a perplexed manner.

"I'll make a move.", Alex spoke as he stood up.

"Alex don't always concentrate on that you are married...give it a try.", Simon spoke.

"Ours is an agreement...unlike yours...why don't you also try to speak with sister-in-law.", Alex spoke as he left the room.

Simon leaned back and laughed at Alex's words.

'Will that devil in the home understand that ours is not an agreement but marriage?', Simon thought as his mind flashed her image.

"I'm leaving too.", Simon spoke as he walked out.

Luke stared at both brothers and sighed.

"Zen do you think I will find that night beauty?", Luke spoke all of a sudden.

"Boss...this...", Zen was speechless because he couldn't find her no matter how hard they tried.

"Hmm...let's go, I have a meeting to attend.", Luke spoke as he stood up.

Zen felt bad for his Boss who was not able to find his dream girl.


Everyone left after Mia's continuous she was alone as she peacefully stood up and walked towards the balcony in her room. As they were VVIP rooms they had an attached balcony.

Mia opened the door and stared at the night sky which looked full and bright. Just when she was to close her eyes and listen to the sound of the night wind.

"Shush...Shush...", A sound came out of nowhere making Mia become alert.

"Isss...Isss...", The sound made Mia to turn her head towards the sound as she saw a woman in her hospital gown as she struggled to climb from her balcony to Mia's.

"Shuuu.", The woman hushed before Mia could speak as she extended her hand implying Mia to pull her.

Mia saw her milky brown eyes that looked like they stored galaxies that resembled her grandfather's and Big Paa's eyes, Mia was still in shock to a young girl be this daring to climb when she was on the 30th floor.

"Thank you just now.", The girl spoke as she entered the room.

Mia maintained calm and composed herself.

"You were Chased or kidnapped?", Mia spoke as she passed her a glass of water.

"Thank you.", The girl took the water and smiled after taking a sip...

"Neither...I just felt bored alone there and the guards didn't allow me out. So...", The girl shrugged.

"Hahah...", Mia was speechless and she couldn't help but smile.

"Mia.", Mia extended her hand.

"Myra.", The girl shook Mia's hand.

"So? Are you planning to stay here?", Mia spoke as she sipped a glass of water.

"I guess...Until my husband comes.", Myra spoke as she smiled.

"You are married?", Mia was shocked.

"I am.", Myra giggled as she stared at Mia's shocked eyes.

"Love marriage?", Mia questioned.





"Nope. It was mutual, he helped me and asked me to marry him.", Myra spoke.

"You agreed?", Mia questioned.

"What option do I have? I had to make sure my parents are alive...they both are in a coma...I was not so great to protect both of them.", Myra smiled as her pain was visible in her eyes.

"You like him?", Mia questioned as she patted Myra's hand.

"He is a nice person...I don't dare to love him. This marriage is because he wants a day when he doesn't want it...I might have to let him I don't dare to fall in love with him.", Myra spoke as her eyes carried the pain and fear.

"Did you ask him...why did he help you?", Mia questioned again.

"I didn't dare.", Myra spoke as Mia's door was knocked on twice.

"Come in.", Mia spoke as she took Myra's permission.

The moment the door opened Simon was sweating all over as he walked in.

"Mr.President.", Mia stood up as she saw him.

Myra's eyes widened as she stared at the man who was walking toward her.

"I...", Before she could say anything...he pulled her into a tight hug and spoke nothing.

Mia who understood the situation gave them some space.

"Myra...are you crazy?", Simon's face carried worry, anger, and fear. When he was informed about her getting hospitalized he quickly rushed to the hospital but when he didn't find her...he felt like his world fell apart...his heart fastened as he realized there was only one escape way that was the balcony. He didn't dare to make assumptions as he quickly knocked on the door beside.

"I felt suffocated.", Myra spoke in an apologetic tone.

"You are President's wife...of course, they can't let you wander here and there. Can't you wait till I arrive? Must you become a wonder woman in this gap?", He spoke as he checked if she has injuries.

"I'm fine...Simon stop behaving like this...there are still people in the room.", Myra felt uncomfortable.

Simon lifted his head to see Mia who sat uncomfortably smiling at him at the moment.

"Younger Sis-In-law, Nice to meet you.", Simon spoke as he stared at her.

"Hello.", Mia replied with an awkward smile.

Myra's eyes shook as she stared at Mia who is smiling awkwardly at them.

"I didn't know it is Mrs.President...sorry to worry you, Mr.President.", Mia spoke as she felt there is a need to apologize.

"It is my fault...Mia didn't even know what happened.", Myra spoke as she quickly supported Mia.

"I know that you are the adventurous one. Stay put here...I have an urgent call...I'll be back.", Simon spoke as he walked out.

Myra stared at Mia and both laughed.

"So the Chen's second Miss is this beautiful without her makeup.", Myra spoke as she smiled.

"You are a beauty too.", Mia smiled.

"Don't worry I heard about your story...I wondered how you looked but never imagine that you are this heavenly.", Myra spoke as she walked toward Mia.

Mia smiled as she felt embarrassed.

"Mia I hope what we spoke will be a secret between us.", Myra smiled. She didn't know why for the first time she opened up with a stranger who turned out to be a family.

"I will keep it a secret.", Mia patted Myra's hand that was holding hers.

Myra pulled Mia into a hug.

"If I'm still his wife...then I guess we will have more chances to meet. I hope this strange friendship lasts longer.", Myra spoke as the door opened.

"When did you guys become so close?", Simon spoke as he raised his eyebrows.

"We...We just became close. Simon can we go to my parents' ward I have to see them.", Myra spoke as she gave her contact details to Mia.

"No...first take some rest, I will visit them on your behalf.", Simon spoke as he walked towards her.

"But...", Before Myra could say anything.

"Ms.Stubborn listen to me for once...I have a meeting tomorrow I hope you can take some rest so I wouldn't worry about you.", Simon spoke as he placed his hand on Myra's head.

"But I've got an interview with Ms.Rudi...after a long wait I've got this chance.", Myra struggled as she shivered while she spoke.

" are an excellent artist...your illustration and digital art are will be selected for sure. Now I hope you take some rest, shall we go and let sister-in-law take some rest, hmm?", Simon spoke as he held her hand.

It is a known fact that ONE never came into public and only sang songs anonymously...after a long discussion with Ann they both decided to make a digital figure of hers and release her songs from now Ann wanted to conduct an interview to pick out the most appropriate talent.

"See you later.", Mia's thoughts were interrupted by Myra as she waved the pair goodbye. Seeing the pair Mia couldn't feel helpless and disappointed in herself.

'Simon clearly loves Myra but Myra was still afraid...maybe.. unlike her one-sided pathetic love...Myra has a love that's mutual.', Mia thought as she pulled out her phone to call.

The phone ring stopped as Ann's voice resounded in the room.

" you miss me? See, I asked you to not chase me away...It's okay, do you want me to come right now?", Ann spoke not giving space for Mia to speak.

"Babe, can't you at least listen to me first before you come to any conclusions?", Mia spoke as her lips turned up.

"Go on.", Ann spoke as she took the piece of Apple that Lucas just cut for her.

"Tomorrow choose the artist named "MYRA", I hope she will be my digital artist.", Mia spoke as Ann raised her eyebrows.

"Why?", One word left out of Ann's mouth.

"I will let you know the details when we meet.", Mia hang up the call making Ann speechless.

"Mi..Mi...Miaaa", Ann shook her head in helplessness.

"What's wrong?", Lucas questioned as pulled her into his arms.

" baby is checking up on me.", Ann smiled as she patted Lucas's shoulder.

"I think I'm the odd one out...I sometimes feel you guys are sisters and I'm the outsider.", Lucas spoke as he kissed her earlobe making her shiver.

"You...We both being so close makes you jealous? Luc, you gotta stop being a baby...isn't it good that we both get along?", Ann questioned as she turned her body and sat on his lap.

"I just feel you guys are inseparable...and I feel like a third wheel in between you guys. But still, I like the way you both are and I hope this will remain the same.", Lucas spoke as he hugged her tighter.

Ann let him go and she held his forehead to hers and she stared at him in the eyes.

"We have one thing in common...we both love you more than you love us.", She spoke as she leaned to the right to touch her lips with his...their lips intervened as Lucas's eyes widened at her sudden action.

His grip on her waist became stronger as his manhood became uncomfortable bearing her advancements. Her tease became more when she tried to unhook his buttons with her hands in a clumsy way.

Lucas's hands entered her skirt as she shivered and came to her senses...before Lucas could deepen the kiss Ann's lips parted as he could feel the emptiness clearly.

"Done with touching you...I've got some work to do.", She ran away leaving Lucas on the sofa.

Lucas was speechless as he stared at his body changes as he sighed in helplessness...Just one more year when they get the certificate...he would teach the little devil her lesson.

He stood up as he walked upstairs to the bedroom to have a cold shower to control his emotions.