Chapter 31 : "She said, 'LOVE IS SELFLESS.'",

No one dared to speak with Mia or mess with her after the class. Joy was stuck with her till the end. It was time for lunch when the room saw Ann walking in with a woman beside her. She walked with confidence and the woman beside her looked like a statue of beauty.

They both smelled rich as they walked towards Anvi despite the looks they had been getting.

"Why is Senior Myra here?", Someone spoke as the crowd turned to look at the one.

"My goshhhh, the lady Picasso is here.", One of the person in the crowd spoke.

"Who are they? Why so hype?", Miara spoke as she jealously started at two women who just walked in.

"The one who's looking super hot is Anna Lee the only heir of the Lee group, also what makes her more dashing is she is the finance of Lucas Chen, the youngest lawyer who was awarded many awards and very hard to get him to work. He never failed a case, Chen corporations is the leading advocates in the country at the moment, that is the main reason no idiot still dare to speak or curse Mia on the face although she is just a second miss.", Salena who was Miara's good friend spoke.

"Second Miss?", Miara frowned.

"Yes Mia Chen, she is second Miss of Chen household. Although I'm not sure, The First Young Miss of Chen Household is treated like a princess, she has everything a girl would strive for. Her life is a living paradise. She got everything in her arms. Her father, grandpa, Uncle, Aunt and brother dearly loves her. How I wish I was her.", Salena spoke as she daydreaned.

"Miara you are knew here so you don't know of Chen group, they are really powerful. The Lee's, Chen's, Su's and ,Wen's are the families you can never touch in this country.", Salena spoke as she enviously stared at the girls.

"Wen group you mean THE WEN GROUP? You say Chen's know Wen's ?", Miara spoke in fright.

"Yes, there are family friends and what are you so shocked?", Salena spoke.

"My father has few projects with Wen Group, We shifted here because my father had to take care of it in person. He said the Wen's are one of the Top Businessmen in the world.", Miara spoke.

"That they are, Alex Wen is the most capable men I've ever heard of. Ahh, he is a dream catch for any girl. The legend and dream men to any girl.", Salena started to drool as she daydreamed.

Miara's voice silenced as she stared at those girls' in more jealousy no one know what's going in her mind at the moment.

"Babe's let's get some lunch, shall we?", Ann spoke as she lazily spoke.

"Did you drag me here so you could have lunch? I have art work to complete.", Myra rolled her eyes.

After that day they become good friends so they joked and spoke freely.

"This is Joy and this is Trudo. Also, this is Anna and this is Myra.", Mia introduced in turns.

"Oh my look who's here.", Ann spoke as she stared at Trudo who's standing beside lazily. Seeing Ann his frown deepened.

"Hello, I'm Joy I wish to see you...", Before she could complete her words Trudo pulled her collar neck and dragged her towards the door.

"I'm hungry", Was his reason.

After reaching the door he stared back at Mia and rest with a look as if he's asking 'Aren't you following?'

Joy rolled her eyes.

"Let's go to lunch.", Joy spoke as Ann gave a devilish smile.

"What's with you?", Mia saw her as she questioned with curiosity.

"Don't you remember that punk? He is Trudo Son, my cousin brother. My mom's sister son.

"Shit.", Mia memories went back.

"Are you saying he's the guy who used to cry because you bullied him so much?", Mia questioned after she came to her senses.

"My brother seem to change by the time I returned from abroad.", Ann smiled.

"He acted like a stranger towards you?", Ann questioned as she frowned.

"Hmm.", Ann agreed as she smiled and walked along with Myra as they left Ann behind.

"Hey didn't you protect him from me back then? Why is he so ungrateful towards you?", Ann spoke.

"Who cares it was decades back.", Mia spoke as they spoke about random things as they entered cafeteria.

Once they saw Joy saving seat for them, Mia and rest walked towards them. Just when she was to sit down.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour Sister Mia, I couldn't recognise you until I saw her.", It was trudo who bowed her.

She awkwardly carried the plate in hand as she smiled at rest.

"It's fine, I recognised you a few minutes back.", Mia spoke as she sat.

"Good to see you again, sister.", He spoke although his voice was cold, his sincerity was heard.

"Aren't you happy to see your own sister?", Ann spoke with an evil smile.

"Do I look stupid ? Why would I feel happy knowing you are a pain in A**.", Trudo spoke without any expression making his words more funny.

"Brat I should have cut your rude tongue back then.",Ann spoke in anger.

"I'm studying medicine beware I might kill you before you know.", Trudo spoke as Mia choked as a giggle left her mouth.

"I have my babe to cure me, now shut up and protect her.", Ann spoke as she passed tissue to Mia.

"Sister Mia is a good person, unlike someone.", Trudo spoke as he eat without any expression.

Joy stared at them as if she is seeing a good movie. Meanwhile Myra lazily ate as she was busy thinking about her art piece she was forced to left alone by Ann.

After Lunch they parted as Mia and rest entered their classes.

When it was time to leave home, Ann had some work with Myra so both left together while Joy and Trudo were forced to collect all the submissions. Mia waved them good bye as she walked towards the next gate.

A black car stopped as she walked into it without turning or any fuss.

"Young Madam.", Hugo greeted her, beside him was Blackey who sat like a statue.

"Why didn't he come to university today?", Mia spoke as she frowned. She didn't like this atmosphere.

"Ma'am there is a situation in home.", Hugo spoke.

"Brother Hugo take me Home.", She spoke as she leaned back, her deep sigh made Hugo shiver at her calmness.

They reached Wayside in few minutes as Hugo drove there with the best speed he could.

Mia walked out of the car before it reached the front door. She stared at the staircase where 4 doctors waited patiently without making any sound.

"Is Dr.Den not here?", She spoke as her frown deepened.

"No Young Madam, Dr.Den was also injured and was sent to Lee Group. Young Master was persistent as he...", Before one of the servants could complete his words, Mia dashed towards their bedroom and wide opened it.

Leni stood there in calmness, she knew the Mia now will not listen to any other person. Soon after she walked in as doctors around started to get worried.

When one of the doctors wanted to enter to stop her.

"Don't you dare step in, once you did I'm not responsible for your life.", It was Rio who spoke at the moment.

The doctor gasped as he moved back.

"Do you think she can manage?", It was Hugo who just entered the upstairs spoke.

"After Den she was the one who was able to touch him when he was unconscious 3 years back.

Hugo eyes widened.

"So that's the reason you agreed her as Boss's wife?", Hugo warily questioned.

"She is worth the tittle Mrs.Wen. Only she can be this calm and quick witted in this kind of storm.", Rio spoke as his eyes were dangerously gazing.

"So, is the attack 3 years back and now, done by same person?", Hugo questioned.

"Yes.", Rio's voice shivered. Hugo could clearly see he was controlling his emotions.

"What are you planning to do? Who is the culprit?", Hugo's questioned was done when Lucas walked upstairs.


"Mr,Lucas.", Everyone greeted him as he gave a small nod back.

"Thank you Mr.Lucas if not for you...", Before Rio could complete his words.

"Only this time, when I know you did it again. I will kill you with my own hands. Also, don't let her identity known, it should be same as last time.", Lucas eyes were gazing him with anger.

"I understand.", Rio bowed, as long he could save his boss as is well.

"Also Did you catch him? Where is he?", Lucas questioned with a lazily tone.

"He is on escape.", Rio spoke as his fists tightened,

"Escape you say? Huh, who are you kidding ? Escaping Alex hands means hell and there is no other way. Why did he let him go ?", Lucas was curious now.

"Because he is a friend of you guys.", Rio tried to bluff.

"Are you taking me for a dumb man? Rio my patience is limited.", Lucas voice was dangerous.

"I'm not sure too, when we knew there is a trap...but wanted fell into their trap and got the shot avoiding the vital parts and asked us to let him escape.", Rio spoke.

"Good, So that Andy has woke up the sleeping Lion, I wish him good luck. Huh, I'm about to lose a friend again. Anyways Adios.", Lucas walked downstairs as he walked out of wayside.

"Andy Lebonon ?", Hugo's eyes widened.

"Yes.", Rio folded his fists.

"Why? Aren't he a good friend of Boss?", Hugo couldn't believe what he heard.

"He was the one who shot boss 3 years back too.", Rio spoke.

"That guy...I will just kill him.", Hugo felt an immense irritation.

"We were able to destroy all his secret places, but the price was the shot Boss got.", Rio spoke as he started at the sun that's about to set.


Alex was sleeping like a handsome statue while his face had a frown which didn't spoil his amazing features.

His head had sweat as he struggled to control his pain. The doctors from outside where seeing this scene yet they couldn't do anything since 4 hours. If they tried to touch him they were thrown to other side of the bed like flying objects.

When Doctors saw Mia walking towards him they all gasped as they didn't want this lean ugly woman to get hurt. But what happened next was shocking them to the core.

When Mia walked towards him, she saw his discomfort. She walked towards the drawer she pulled out the Medical kit. She took it out as she placed it beside her. Then she slowly walked towards him and placed her hand in his.

Sensing a hand, the other hand wanted to twist it but a moment pause the man didn't do anything violent, instead let out a groan and passed out.

Seeing that he's cooperating she turned towards Rio and signalled him.

"Take the necessary equipment to take out the bullet with you.", He spoke this to Hugo.

Although Hugo was in shock like everyone else at the moment he still did what Rio asked for.

Hugo knew how impossible it is to let his boss loosen his guard. He himself never saw his boss like this. Even with Den he's never this comfortable. Hugo was in shock to speak any further.

"Brother Hugo give me the equipment and leave.", Mia spoke as he did what she asked for.

She held his one hand and started working with other hand. One bullet on the left side, it was a pea work for her she was completely okay doing it with one hand.

When Hugo walked back he saw Rio who just walked back after taking a call.

"How the hell did she do it ?",Hugo was in dead shock.

"I see the 3 years younger me in you.", Rio smiled as he looked at Hugo's expression.

"Don't joke.", Hugo wanted to kill the man in front.

"Not sure, but you know why Madam choose Medicine?", Rio questioned.

"Don't tell me...", When Hugo's eyes widened.

"Yes, that night when she saw him in that state, all she did was catching his hand while Mr.Gary took care of his wounds. But still boss frowned when he was touched by Mr.Gary so she choose Medicine to avoid these circumstances.", Rio spoke as he took deep breath.

"Why did she go that far for a person?", It was leni who spoke this time.

The two men where startled as she saw red eyed women.

"Leni.", Hugo gasped.

"Why so much love for a person who doesn't even care about her? What's the point?", Leni questioned again.

"The same question was asked by Ms.Anna back then.", Rio smile widened.

"Then, what is her answer?", It was Hugo this time.

"She said, 'LOVE IS SELFLESS.'", Both Rio and Leni said the same sentence.

"How do you...", Before Rio could question.

"I know her too well.", Leni spoke as she walked away.