A Good Friend (Yuying)

"Tian Gou," Yuying reassures, "It really isn't your fault. After all, I was the one who chose to go down to the Humanities Building to help Professor Williams out with her research project. I should've known better than to head down since I was feeling unwell."

"Still, I could've done something," Tian Gou protests, "Maybe I couldn't have prevented you from falling down the stairs, but I could've at least, like, given her a heads up or something. What if I'd informed Professor Williams that you weren't feeling well instead of just seeing you off at her office?"

"Ugh, darn it," Tian Gou curses, "I should've told Professor Williams not to go too hard on you before I let you walk into her office. I mean, isn't that why you fell down the stairs in the first place? You were probably overexerted, or exhausted, or both..."