Flower Sparrow (Ming'er)

"Yes, that's me." Hua Maque deadpans as she raises her hand in acknowledgement. 

"Took you long enough." Hua Maque drawls as she casually tucks the Imperial Guard helmet under her left arm and pats her head with her right hand. Even though her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, there were a few stray strands of hair sticking out because of the helmet that she'd been wearing. 

"Gosh, do you know how suffocating it was to have that thing on my head?" Hua Maque complains as she frowns down at the Imperial Guard helmet tucked under her arm, "It's quite surprising, honestly, considering how loose it was on my head. I thought there would be, like, better ventilation in that thing or something. Oh, how wrong I was..."