Love Is Love (Ming'er)

"Seriously?" Hua Maque scoffs, "Of all the questions that you could ask me,  that's the question that you're asking?"

"You can't really blame me, you know," Ming'er drawls as he shrugs nonchalantly, "After all, it's not everyday that you see a childhood friend that you haven't seen in years clad in the Imperial Guard gear from head to toe."

"Fair enough," Hua Maque hums as she folds her hands across her chest, "Well, you see, young whippersnapper, this is what you call a 'disguise'."

"I'm afraid," Hua Maque sighs sarcastically, "That a tiny brain like yours could never understand the abstractness and the complexity of this concept."

"Yeah, no shit it's a disguise," Ming'er snorts as he rolls his eyes at his childhood friend's sarcasm. "But what for? Aren't you a guest at the Imperial Palace?" 

"Oh, you young grasshopper," Hua Maque chuckles as she shakes her head, "You really don't know anything about the Choosing, do you?"