Change (3)

I couldn't believe it at first.


That he dealt with Blood Fang himself.

Had it not been for the reporting person, Captain Jonathan, Baron Romero would have thought he was insulting him.

" I don't know how to explain this situation now, but one thing is for sure, Master Roman seems to have changed. Master Roman killed Ben Miles, leader of the Blood Fang, in front of everyone. And even in the face of Viscount Lawrence, he showed an attitude of proudly explaining what he had done for what he was doing. That was not the master Roman we know."

Jonathan is not a liar.

Baron Romero, hearing about the situation at the time, revived his hopes for the eldest son, whom he had given up on.

'Did Roman really change?'

Romero's three sons.

Among them, Roman is a sore finger.

A child who experienced a time when he was a commoner like himself, and became crooked while trying to take care of one more thing.

It hurts my heart to look at him.


Baron Romero was working hard to secure the mine shafts in the Iron Mine by manpower.

It was such an important task that Baron Romero's life took place, and he worked so hard that he lived in an iron mine all day.

Roman was only three years old at the time.

Toddler with a step that he couldn't even walk properly, he handed him a small cookie to me.

how cute it was

Baron Romero, whose face had turned black due to the tunnel work, hugged Roman with a big smile.

was that so

He wanted Roman to live a happy life.

Unlike the other two sons who where born after he became lord of Dimitry, he didn't know how to do it properly, so he gave him a lot of pocket money in the hope that he would not be ignored anywhere.

I didn't know it would lead to his down fall.

Roman resolved the grievances accumulated in his heart with luxury, and from then on, the word Dmitry's idiot was born.

Baron Romero was an inexperienced father.

He was heartbroken at his son's departure, and the marriage to Lawrence was a gift for his son, who went on with it even at a loss.

But it's changed.

I had no choice but to expect.

The process didn't matter.

Even if Roman had hired people to bring down the Blood Fang with his own money, the fact that Romero took the lead was important to Baron Romero.

Baron Romero was ready to dedicate himself to his son at any time if he where to see any change in his son.

"I see you, Father."


he showed his face

It was hard to believe that a terrible event had just happened, and his expression was so calm.

I knew instinctively.

Roman has changed.

Roman's attitude, Roman's expression.

That alone made him realize that his son had changed.

No, he may have anticipated the current situation from the moment he raised his voice proudly against himself in the first place.

"You dealt with Blood Fang yourself?"

words that pop out.

Even if I knew it instinctively.

Baron Romero wished to ascertain the truth from Roman himself.

The answer to the question is simple.

Yes or No.

Stop telling the truth.

There is no need to think about it, and if you tell the truth about what you went through, this case will be resolved naturally.

In addition, his father's trust.

Roman can achieve a lot.


'Exceeding expectations will come back as a boomerang.'

Expectations for Roman were zero.

However, it was a huge event because a person who would make people admire even if he showed 1 showed a result of 10.


how will he do it.

Will you reveal it or will you hide it?

In Moorim, nangjungjichu is a dangerous word.

If he showed outstanding talent to the point of protruding, that person inevitably met the end of his head being crushed by a hammer.

one at a time.

People who survived the attention of those around them were called gosu in Moorim.

'I have not yet fully grasped this world. A guy named Roman Dmitry possessed a power as insignificant as an ant being stepped on compared to when he was Baek Jung-hyuk, and exposing me too much would not be good for my safety. What I need now is time to be aware of reality and grow up enough. Dmitry's reputation as a nerd is very appropriate to buy time.'


laughter came out.

rational judgment.

He knew what was right, but from the first confrontation with Blood Fang, such a premise meant nothing.

revealing yourself.

Roman didn't know how to hide it.

"Yes, I did."

Cheonma Baek Jung-hyuk.

He was a person who could not live a normal life.

Everyone has a childhood when they were protected by their parents.

But Roman.

No, Baek Joong-hyuk was different.

When Baek Joong-hyuk gained some strength to move his body, he was left on the cold cave floor.

Inside a dark cave.

Baek Joong-hyuk's father said:

"You are the son of Heaven. If you are truly worthy of my successor, prove yourself and survive from the cold bottom. son I have 12 sons. If one of you dies, nothing will change, and if all twelve of your sons die, I will create another son. So remember. Rising to top is the only way to prove your worth."

12th oyster.

The life of Baek Joong-hyuk, the youngest, began like that.

It was miserable.

The children who lived together in the cave did not take care of them because they were the sons of Cheonma.

At that time, Baek Joong-hyuk was very weak.

His dwarf physique was a difficult condition to win in competition with others, but Baek Jung-hyuk instinctively knew what to do.

to reveal one's presence.

Even if his strength was weak, he knew that he could rule by inflating his body and demonstrating poison.

like that.

Baek Joong-hyuk smashed his head with a stone in a fight with the strongest child.

Blood dripped from the stone as it slammed several times, and the children around looked at Baek Joong-hyuk in surprise.

The king of 12 caves.

Baek Joong-hyuk's position was decided.

Baek Joong-hyuk always revealed himself and survived to the end despite numerous threats.

Heaven was born through adversity.

If he hadn't walked on the thorny road, Baek Jung-hyuk knew he would not have ascended to the throne of Heaven.

'There is no such thing as perfect preparation in the world. In my reality, it is only important to prove myself to the best of my ability.'

The life of Baek Joong-hyuk.

The interest was familiar, and far from ordinary.

But do you want your new life to be normal?

that's funny

The life he has lived has made Baek Jung-hyuk who he is today, and now he has become a person who cannot lead a normal life.


new name.

He had no intention of hiding himself at all.

this day.

A little explanation was needed.

Based on the information he had heard from Hans, Roman gave a common-sense answer.

"Actually, I was doing swordsmanship training separately."

"Why were you hiding that fact? If you had told me,I would definitely have given you full support."

I know. However, there was a time when I was lost and wandered, so I could not confidently ask for something from my father. People call me Dmitry's nerd. For me, I wanted to show that I could do it on my own, and although I was self-taught, I was able to reach a certain level."

It was an ambiguous answer.

Did you learn swordsmanship alone?

Given that Roman had the power to deal with Blood Fang, the question was not quickly resolved.

"How did you deal with Blood Fang?"

"According to my research, the Blood Fangs are not a group of strong trust in each other. Intimidation and conciliation that started from the bonds formed a point organization, and a small number of leaders took full control of the organization. They were sand castles, and they were scoundrels. I lured them with false information and attacked Ben Miles directly."

"Ben Miles? You mean you lure him in?"

Yes. Blood Fang has shown a clear pattern of behavior in the past. A powerful noble family kept their notoriety by keeping their mouths shut when they touched a member of the gang, and by always retaliating for friction with a noble. It's a bit embarrassing to say, but I am called Dmitry's nerd. I was sure they would come after me. So l used myself as a bait, and when the troops were dispersed,l attacked Ben Miles and got their heads."

"It is a very risky plan. If they had decided to get revenge, they could have given up on Ben Miles' comfort and killed you.

My heart sank.

Roman's plan.

it was dangerous

Baron Romero's eyebrows trembled at the fact that his son had experienced it.

said Roman.

"It's a risky plan, as my father said. So, in fact, if my father could grasp my movements, I thought that the Knights of Dmitry would move. And that information must have been delivered directly to Blood Fang. Then I will ask my father. If your father is a member of the Blood Fang. With no idea when the Dmitry Knights will arrive, would you risk your life to rescue leader Ben Miles? The premise of this plan is that they are sandcastles. There is no reason to risk my life when those who have been organized through intimidation and coercion can regain their freedom."

It was similar to reality.

Roman attacked Blood Fang.

There was no incentive, and after slaughtering all the enemies that filled the space, he secured Ben Miles, who was about to run away.

subsequent situation.

The members of Blood Fang abandoned Ben Miles.

As Roman explained, in a situation where the knights of Dmitry did not know when they would come, they could not hold the time.

Some truth and most lies.

Roman solved the situation with common sense.

The fact that Dmitry's idiot killed Blood Fang with pure force does not end with revealing himself, but may raise suspicion of his existence.

So I gave a realistic answer.

Although the other party was able to convince him, he did not deny the fact that he had done it by himself.

explanation is over.

Baron Romero, who asked over and over, as if in disbelief, was unable to speak from a certain moment.


It was shocking.


sore fingers.

How did you show your son, who he thought he couldn't do anything at all, in such a planned way.

Baron Romero did not give up on his son.

The act of trying to correct his life, even by blowing his son on the cheek.

Baron Romero's sincerity was revealed.

"You did a really great job. My son has done what no one else in this neighborhood has ever done."

Is it because he was excited?

He wanted to see his son's change in person.

"Can I ask you one thing?"

"Say it."

"I want to check your swordsmanship skills. How my son has changed, and what kind of sword he used to deal with Blood Fang. Commander of the Knights Jonathan. Can you prepare the Dalian right now?"


His gaze turned to Roman again.

Abby's heart.

I understood enough.

My son, who was called a jerk, has accomplished something, and of course I can't help but want to see it in person.

Roman nodded.


new life.

Roman was faithful to reality.