Participation in war (1)

Thud !

The gates were opened.

Breaking through the rising dust, Lawrence's soldiers rushed forward like crazy.



Hundreds of soldiers.

Their faces were full of fear.

The flames due to flare burned over the walls, and in front of them, a large number of enemy troops were seen rushing toward them.

Even if they were called soldiers, they were people who did not receive regular training properly.

However, knowing that Lawrence could collapse if they retreated like this, they clenched their teeth and slammed into their opponent.




Armies from both sides clashed.

The soldiers at the forefront were pushed back and entangled with each other, and Barco's soldiers trembled with blood flowing out from there body at the attack that Lawrence's soldiers stabbed with all their might, due to which Braco soldiers where slightly pushed backed beacuse of Lawrance soldiers full power attack.

The joy of this clash didn't last long.

And a Lawrence's soldier withdrew his weapon and tried to attack another opponent, but a attack struck him right next to him and his throat was blown away.




The battle has begun.

Soldier who seemed unable control them self due to someone death, a melee battle ensued, killing each other.

The early clash in the battle was started with Lawrence's dominance.

Supported by arrows fired from above the wall, they pushed Barco's soldiers strongly.


puff puff puff!

Barco's soldiers collapsed in, due to rows of arrows targeting them.

[ The knight of Lawrence, stepped on their corpses, boasted by silver armor glistening in the sun, and slaughtered the enemy in front of him.

Blood spurted like a fountain.

In an instant, corpses piled up like a mountain, and Lawrence's soldiers followed the knight and dug into the enemy camp.

Even then, they believed they had a chance.

Checking the appearance of the enemy forces falling by their weapons, they thought that Barco's power wasn't that great.


That was an illusion for them.

At first, Barco was embarrassed by the unexpected counterattack, but as time went on, the situation turned around. ]

Around the one corner of the battlefield there were a group of people who where slaughtering Lawrance soldiers among the Barco soldiers.

They were the Bergue mercenaries.

They made a living by fighting, and they where very skilled compared to any other ordinary soldiers.

They helped each other out and slaughtered Lawrence's soldiers, even in the midst of a difficult battle where they couldn't fully understand the situation, and their counterattack began turn the table, which had Lawrence get due to there full power attack.

Even if the opponent was a knight, they will kill them easily.

Knight are better than normal soldier since they have ability to control aura and poses aura, and Lawrence Knight where fighting on the forefront, a Lawrance knight was wielded his sword frantically at the pincers of the mercenaries, and was eventually attacked from all sides.



He screamed due to the pain caused by pincers pierces his flesh.

The knight screamed desperately and collapsed.

It was from then on, the atmosphere completely changed.

Lawrence also recruited mercenaries to replenish their forces, but they did not perform as prominently as the Berge Mercenaries.

At some point, Lawrence soldiers where not able to advance any further on the battlefield.

Although they advanced only 50m from the wall, Lawrence's soldiers lost their momentum and struggled to survive from then on.

Lawrence soldiers where dieing continuosly, which lead to spread of fear among the soldier where terrified to see there friend die in front of them.

"Ooh, we're done for. We can never win!"

The power difference them where beyond imagination.

Lawrence soldiers started to step back slowly, they felt they where facing the ferocious hordes of wild beasts, in the end their will to fight a desperate fight declined.

Due to the variable in the battle.


They couldn't even play the role of bait properly.

After firing arrow for while Flora arms were shaking from the repeated action already several times, but Flora continued to fed the next arrow.

That was then.

Soldiers screamed.

They had to wait a little longer, and they were retreating helplessly like the sand in the tide.

'You can't be pushed back already.'

Her heart plummeted, because Roman's plan was a two-way operation.

If the gates were opened and Lawrence's soldiers counterattacked, Barco had no choice but to focus his forces on these opportunity, it was opportunity for both Roman and Barco.

That was the opportunity Roman spoke of.

Because of the battle in front of the castle gate, there would not be many troops behind Barco, and Roman was planning to crush the flare at that moment.

Flares are expensive equipment.

Since the price is not at a level that can be replenished by any normal means, Lawrence can secure the advantage.

"Do not back off! Hold on to the end!"

Flora cried out loudly.


The enemy did not send enough troops to chase them.

A large number of troops remained behind Barco, and at this rate, Roman's plan could not even be attempted.

But despite Flora's cry, Lawrence's soldiers could not stand it.

The had already lost there will, and the momentum of Barco's rushing in like a rush was not enough to stop them, with there will alone.

Flora stayed up all night studying warfare, but on the battlefield she faced a reality that the book did not tell.

'I should have known our level. Unlike the Barco, we where not completely ready to fight.'

Lawrence people lived a peaceful life with the wealth that came from the fertile land, but did not put much effort to use them in some protection, which lead to the rise of problems whom they are currently facing.

Although Barco had nothing, Lawrence was a very easy prey in their eyes because it was a force that only focused on agriculture.

It was an obvious in a fight who will have advantage.

At the sight of two Lawrence's soldiers stepping out to deal with one of Barco's soldiers, Flora lost her mind.

'We have no chance of winning.'

And from which Roman Dmitry won't show up for our help.

She don't know if Lawrence had acted as the bait as planned, but now they have no reason to go out.

It would be a meaningless sacrifice.

Then, Lawrence's choice became self-reliant.

Still, if she had stood by the wall, they could have survived for a day or two, but after opening the gate, there was no way to stop Barco's forces.

" What should I do? " , Her father was thinking to sent messages to give up countless times, but Flora's mental power, which had grown stronger within a few days, was constantly looking for answers.


An arrow that cuts through the wind.

Even if the castle wall fell, Flora had no intention of surrendering to the enemy and begging for her life.

She said to her maid she will stay there and continue to fire arrow.

It was Flora's choice to die in the battlefield, rather than to become a concubine of garbage Anthony Barco.

That was then.

" ?!"

from far away

A series of hordes were seen.

Their goal was clear.


They were running towards the siege weapon.

10 minutes ago.

Roman's soldiers waited for the command with nervous faces.


this plan.

They couldn't help but become nervous.

Even when sparring in privates, they had no idea that they would go into battle so quickly, and even more that they had no idea that it would be a crazy plan to attack Barco's rear.

The time to risk your life has come too soon.

Contrary to Chris and Kevin, who take the reality seriously, the soldiers who have just decided to follow Roman where impatient.

However, Roman thought that there was no need for consideration and they had completed understand there own situation.

'From now on, it is a reality that they have to face. If they survive as a soldier, I will grant the life I promised in the beginning as a predator, but whether I survive or not is ultimately a matter of my own strength.'

For last ten days, Roman's soldiers where training continuosly.

They trained hard in there own way with Chris' whiplash, but that alone didn't catch the eye of Roman.

For Roman now is not the time for empathy.

Before the operation began Roman said, "As I explained at the beginning, this operation aims to attack Barco's rear and destroy their siege weapons. Perhaps Lawrence will not do the job properly. The difference in power between Lawrence and Barco is huge, and as a result, there will be quite a few troops behind Barco."

Barco variable it was expected.

Roman didn't expect much from them, and the worst Roman had already excepted Flora capabilities.

Finally in a sense, it meant that it wasn't good.

At the gaze that of Roman, soldiers did not avoid their gaze.

30 soldiers.

They risked their lives in the test.

Basically, they were characters with strong hearts, and even though they were nervous when they entered under Roman, they did not turn away from reality.

It was enough for now.

Roman had the minimum number of people for the plan.

"I will not distribute many roles to you guys in this operation. I will take the lead. If I run out from the front and slaughter the enemies and open the way, you guys will follow me from behind and clean up the remnants. keep in mind Our primary goal is to destroy the siege weapons. If there is any bastard who can't come to his senses, drunk with blood and carnage, I will without hesitation dump him after these all ends.

At Roman's words, soldiers' eyes flickered.

At first glance, the remarks seemed cruel, but Roman said he would take the lead in this dangerous situation.

He didn't trust these soldiers yet.

So, Roman decided to take on the role of facing the enemy head-on.


The time has come.

At Roman's command, the soldiers ran out at once.

From far when Barco soldiers saw Roman and his troops.

Barco quickly grasped the situation, but he did not immediately summon the troops from the front.

" What is that? "

Viscount Barco.

He had a distorted his expression.

Perhaps the opponent had prepared to blow a conversion with them, but the crude number of opponent was so low to the point of he laughing out loud.

"How are you going to treat us with that number of people? Anyway, guys who don't know much about war want miracles to happen at their desks, All the soldiers right now, get ready for crazy guests."

Chuckling sound was coming from many of the standing soldiers.

The soldiers moved.

He attached the shield to his body and finished preparing to meet the enemy with a spear.

The difference in power was obvious.

There were only 30 people who carried out the surprise attack, but there were three times as many people behind Barco.

Moreover, among them were elites such as the commander of the Bergue mercenary corps and knights.

As Viscount Barco, there was absolutely no reason to be afraid, and he believed that the enemy's reckless attempts would soon be over.

not long after

Enemies have arrived.

The moment he confirmed that his opponent wasn't Lawrence's, the man in the lead kicked the ground alone.

They couldn't keep up with the man's movements

Thought it was a little far away, he reached the front of the soldiers and hurled himself towards them.

That was suicide.

The soldiers raised their shields high to prepare for the opponent's attack, and at the same time, the soldiers in the second line behind the shields pierced the spears and tried to slash the man's body.

The future was clear.

The man's body will become a rag.

Viscount Barco, observing the situation, opened his eyes wide to the scene which followed by.



blood splashed

They thought it was blocked with a shield, but the soldiers' heads fell off the man's sword.

The massacre that followed immediately.

The defensive formation collapsed in an instant.

It was an unbelievable sight, beyond common sense for him.