Everyone's Man (2)

Human heart are very deceitful.

If Flora had come to know about the banquet being held for Dmitry before the issue between Dmitry and Lawrence had happened, she would have made excuses to not go. However, things have changed, even setting aside her curiosity about Roman.

For now, she needed time to reflect on herself. So she stayed in her room for just a few days.

However when Sylvia said, "...Sister, you didn't know about the party? Oh, I guess uncle didn't tell you about it because of the annulment of the engagement between you and Roman Dmitry. This grand banquet isn't being hosted by Dmitry but by Lawrence. As Lawrence just overcame an enormous hurdle with the help of Roman Dmitry, it seems that uncle has planned a banquet for him to show his sincerity to him. He invited me, as well. I am very happy and I also wanted to go to the banquet with my sister, but after seeing you, I think will go by myself."

[ It was a heartbreaking for Flora, even though she didn't show any interest in party and even though she had no intention to participating in the first place, Flora got angry.

Flora got little angry after particular hearing Sylvia's words, Flora felt as if she was turned down by her own father. ]

'Did father did not tell me about it for that reason?'

'Due to the annulment between us?'

She admitted it would be embarrassing. However, considering the fact that banquet was held by Lawrence to thank Roman Dmitry for helping them, she had all the right to go there.

Honestly, wasn't it her judgment that drew Roman into their war?

Flora struggled to smiled in front of Sylvia. However, as soon as their conversation was over, she went straight to her father and asked.

"Father! There is a banquet being held for Dmitry, Why wasn't I told about it?"

[ She asked it from her father straightforwardly about it, and why was that because She wanted to know what her father was thinking. However, the answer she was given was unexpected to her. ]

Viscount Lawrence looked at Flora stiffly and said, "Flora, through this incident, I as your father had realized a lot. Thus, I had made up my mind to never force you to do things, that you don't like in the future."

For Viscount Lawrence this answer was embarrassing to say it to his daughter. However during the war with Barco, Viscount Lawrence seriously pondered on the change happened in Flora. He constantly thought of her as a flower, who he needed to protect, but in this war she showed her true self.

'I was stupid that time. Flora you are a person who can do more than your current self, but due to lack of my insight didn't make me aware of you potential. Your decision to break up with Roman was your own choice, you deserves to live your own life, and not as someone else's woman.'

[ Watching his daughter fight till the end, Viscount Lawrence reflected on his actions. And what he realized that he was terrible father.

He was a father who didn't know what his daughter was good at and forced her into marriage to solve the family's crisis. He never wanted to do that again. It was especially because he found out what his daughter was like. Thus, he made up his mind to not let her have regrets about her life. ]

"Flora when Lawrence had only two choice to survive or to be destroyed, I witnessed your talent shining brighter than anyone else. As your father I am really proud on your decision in the war. We were able to win the war because of your correct judgement, and by bringing Roman Dmitry into the battlefield. So, from now on, live for your dreams upto the fullest. I will not repeat the same mistake by trying to marry you of, and I am ready to support whatever decision you had made for your future."

[ Undoubtedly, that was an inspiring statement. Viscount Lawrence looked at Flora with eyes filled with love. Nevertheless, the problem was that Flora didn't want this. ]

' I want to attend the party.'

Sylvia was going to attend the banquet on her behalf and she didn't like that, for Flora Sylvia was like a sly fox.

When she imagined the scene where, Sylvia was flirting with Roman to seduce him, it already made her mood grumpy.

To be honest she also wanted to have a proper conversation with Roman.

While speaking through the magic communication device, Roman said Flora was his person. Obviously, it was surprising for her. That was because she thought of him person with cold personality. However, his action of taking revenge against Anthony for touching her, made her want to see Roman again.

Her time for self-blame was already over. Now, she was ready to face Roman.

And because of that reason, Flora spoke differently than she usually did.

"But why did you invite Sylvia to the banquet that I wasn't told of"

"That's because of my personal greed."


Viscount Lawrence laughed softly. He had decided to let Flora do whatever she want to do in future. However, he still felt greedy for Roman.

'He's a man that everyone want to coveted.'

In the war, actions of Roman were shocking. He had boldly decided to attack alone with his few soldier and change the flow of the war by attacking Barco's rear and defeating Homer with just one slash from his sword.

Lately, people have been calling Roman Dmitry the Man of all Men. He was a man everyone in the North-East coveted, and naturally Viscount Lawrence was no different. However, he couldn't use Flora for that. Therefore, he decided to invite Sylvia to replace Flora at the banquet.

"Awhhh" Viscount Lawrence let out a cough.

After seeing that Viscount Lawrence didn't give her the answer, Flora said.

"I understand that you didn't want to give me the answer, but I will help Sylvia and act like her guide. Still this is an event to repay Roman Dmitry for what he did, and it doesn't make sense to not even tell me about the party just because I am bit entangled in the past."

" It's fine, if you don't want to go. Daughter I hope that in the future you will marry someone you truly love. You will never have anything to do with Roman Dmitry in the future, so don't worry about that. "

Viscount Lawrence stand on his decision till end.

Flora though, How can he be like that?

And for a moment, Flora wanted to bang her father's head.

But still after his father persuasion, Flora decided to attend the party.

It wasn't because of her stubbornness, she was about to give up on his father's stubborn attitude, but an invitation came from Dmitry.

[Even though our relationship has deteriorated due to an unfortunate incident, how about proving to people that this incident has restored our relationship? Dmitry is ready to forget the past and start it from new. So, at the party for Roman Dmitry, I hope Flora Lawrence's will shine.]

Baron Romero was such a great man forgetting about past thing.

Although Flora didn't want to involved with Roman Dmitry anymore at least after knowing him perfectly, Baron Romero responded first and told them that he wanted to reconcile with their families.

That was a nice thing for Lawrence, With the collapse of Barco and the rise of Dmitry, if Dmitry showed a hostile attitude towards Lawrence, then the Lawrence family would crumble like dust. Fortunately, that didn't happen, and Viscount Lawrence was relieved of his worries. Thankfully, Flora was allowed to attend the banquet as well.

Flora, Sylvia, and other noble families visited Dmitry together that afternoon. The party was scheduled for the evening, but many arrived early. Except for Flora, everyone had a clear purpose. It was to try snatch Roman for themselves, so they wanted to get to the place in advance.

"This is Dmitry."

"It's drab as rumoured."

When they where walking through the Dmitry.

The ladies of noble families showed a slightly dissatisfied reaction.

Sylvia was particularly bad at that, seeing Dmitry didn't care about beauty, she frowned and looked around.

"I don't know anything else, but I do know that Dmitry's owner doesn't know art. I don't know how to live in a town like this. In the capital, even commoners who are not nobles care about basic aesthetics, but Dmitry is dull from beginning to end. It did look like a place where top blacksmith's live."

They continuously complaints.

When they where about to return to the party hall, they saw an unfamiliar sight in their gaze.


"Are those the miners?"

Far away from where they where standing, there were a series of hoard of people moving by.

Their bodies looked dusty, as if they had just finished their jobs, and their faces were so black that they couldn't even be recognized them. Instantly, the faces of women full with curiousity at first, frowned. And as the miners approached and created some dust in the surroundings, the women covered their noses.

"Ah, my pretty dress is going to get dirty."

"That's why Dmitry is a problem to live in. Mines workers can freely roam on the streets."( TN -- so much complain, just don't visit Dmitry...)

It was a double attitude showed by them, nobles in the northeast area recognized Dmitry's power.

However, knowing that Dmitry came from a family of commoners, they thought that they were are little different from them by birth.

But Flora's reaction was different.

At one time, she also hesitated to marry due to her prejudice against Dmitry, but as she experienced Roman, she realized how foolish and premature she was in the past.

Now she don't judge people hastily from the first meeting.

For that reason, Flora did not go as far away from the miners as everyone else did.

Knowing that the miners and mines are the source of Dmitry wealth.

She looked at the miners with curiously, then suddenly her eyes widened and she saw the face of one of the miners.

Surely it was clear and familiar face to her, because one of the miners was Roman Dmitry.

At first she thought she saw it wrong.

She thought, Why did Roman Dmitry appear covered in dust like the miners from mines?

He was wearing shabby cloth, and his body was covered with dust.

However, as far as the face visible under the dust, he was just like the Roman Dmitry she remembered.

And at that moment, a middle-aged man rushed to Roman and shouted.

"Young master!"

The middle aged man was non other than Hans.

Hans looked at Roman's condition, and trembling seeing it, he wiped Roman's body with a handkerchief.

"I might not have stopped you from going to the mine, but if you work so much, then what about your body's condition? You will become sick? Didn't I tell you? Young master's body doesn't belong to the young master alone. And my fragile heart will be torn each time you come back covered in dust. Take a look at this. Even after wiping just a little, the handkerchief turned dirty and you are not clean properly!"

"That is enough."

"no! No!"

Because Hans's voice was loud, the ears of noble women, including Sylvia, pricked up.

" Young master!"

Since except Roman every son son of Baron Romero had left Dmitry, so there is only one person left who can be called Young master in Dmitry.

And he was Roman Dmitry.

In an instant, the eyes of noble ladies turned to Roman.

'You mean that person is Roman Dmitry?'

There eyes where like a hyena who caught its prey.