How Would Things Be Different?

"I grew up in the forest with my mother and hunting was how we survived. After she died, I was found by the royal guards and brought into the castle. I never knew who my father was, and I sure did not expect him to be the King."

Sierra bit her inner lip and waited for a response. If she could, she would have pat herself on the back for her own amazing performance. She had never attempted something like this and hoped she would never have to do so ever again. 

Alistair sat down next to Sierra. He had not expected her to share her past so candidly. He knew Sierra's past was a mystery. At the Ball, Sierra was introduced as King Frederick's adopted daughter. Nothing more was said. 

Naturally, everyone had their version of the story and Alistair had heard them all. Some believed Sierra was an orphan the King had picked off the streets just to play the role of a princess so that his blood daughter, Princess Felicity, could remain in Cair.