My Love

Sierra reached out her hands. Alistair still had his mask on at this moment. She didn't want it there anymore. She lifted herself out of the water a little, the water revealing her womanly figure to him as she did. Alistair felt his heart pound as he squinted close his eyes to keep his promise. 

"I don't mind if you look either, Your Majesty," Sierra chuckled.

She kissed the mask he wore and untied the string that held it in place. She took it off his face and placed it on the side of the bathtub before submerging herself back in the water. 

She was closer to him than she had been before and they were gazing into each other's eyes. 

"Now I can see you clearly," she winked.

Alistair chuckled and Sierra joined him too. 

"You never cease to surprise me, sweetling," he mused, "Most women, if not all would have shied away from this. Where do you get your bravery? Are all women from Cair like you?"