
Sierra walked over to it. The box was tied with a beautiful midnight blue ribbon and there was a card attached to it. 

"I can sense your presence you know," Sierra said as she picked up the card to read its contents. 

In the card, elegantly written in cursive and ink were the words 'Congratulations, sweetling. I can't wait to see you in this.'

Sierra knew it was Alistair who delivered the box on her windowsill. For some reason, he refused to show his face to her at present. Opal slithered on the roof tiles and entered the room. 

"Look who decided to come back to me," Sierra chuckled as Opal coiled on her wrist and hissed as she rested her head on Sierra's arm. 

But that little distraction did not stop Sierra from returning her attention to Alistair who was right by her windowsill. She could even see his shadow. 

"You came all this way to drop this off but you're not even going to say anything?" Sierra pouted as she folded her arms.