A Request

She allowed her hands to travel down from his neck, all the way down his back. She winced a little in pain but bore it well. It was worth it as she pulled away from him for a moment to see the look on his face. 

The undeniable blush on his face made her chuckle. Sierra removed her hands from him as she placed them on the bandages on her stomach. Laughing made her hurt but she could not help it. 

Alistair could not help but laugh too, "Looks like someone's already getting her punishment for teasing the King."

He placed his hand behind her head and helped Sierra to lie back down. She pursed her lips as she laid back down on the pillow, both of them were still giggling. 

"We really are made for one another, aren't we?" He mused as he moved the lock of hair that obscured her face. 

"Certainly feels that way," Sierra replied as she traced her finger down the fabric of his shirt.