It's Time For Me To Go

Vy could see her hesitating. Sierra probably did not want to say anything to Alistair about it, knowing well it would hurt his feelings. She knew he had done this for her own good, but she was also worried about how this would affect things. 

"You're your own woman, Sierra. You can make decisions for yourself and even if they differ from what he wants for you, you should make it known," Vy advised. 

Though both women had only known the other for a short period of time, they were becoming fast friends. They understood each other well. 

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," Sierra replied with a smile, feeling a little more relaxed than she was before. 

"You're most welcome," switching gears, Vy decided to change the subject of their conversation, "I heard from Alistair that you tried some ice cream recently, did you like it?"