
Deep in her heart, she celebrated this encounter. She'd been counting on this. Sierra knew there was a good chance Cassandra would come to see her. Perhaps, to gloat at her or, to help her. 

"I guess one of us has clearly seen better days," Cassandra replied nonchalantly. 

She looked down at the ground of the cell with disgust, her shoes were ruined. 

"Sorry about your shoes, I would've preferred for us to meet somewhere… nicer," Sierra chuckled. 

The soldiers she had come with stood guard outside the cell. Sierra knew they were Cassandra's personal guards. They were there for her protection. 

Cassandra shot her a glance as she pursed her lips, "I came here to offer you a chance to escape."

Sierra was surprised, "A chance to escape?" 

Cassandra knew how unbelievable it all was. After all, both of them had not seen eye to eye since the beginning. She had been contemplating her decision to come and see Sierra for an entire day.