
The cold glint in her eyes was bone-chilling. It was the look she reserved exclusively for her worst enemies. The ones she wished to destroy. Recalling everything he'd done, Sierra clenched her jaw. She clenched her hand into a fist.

She grabbed him by the collar and punched him square in the face. Blood spewed from his broken nose. Cedric begged for mercy, but Sierra did not care. In the time she had taken over kingdom affairs in Cair, she learned about the other atrocities he had done. 

The list of war crimes he has committed. Death was too easy. That's what everyone kept saying and she couldn't agree more.

"K…kill me where I lay… atone… sins…," he could barely speak in complete phrases with his face all black and blue. 

"Death is mercy, you fool," she spat, "You will suffer the punishment for the crimes you have committed, for the pain and suffering you have caused."