New Beginnings

After the wedding ceremony was complete, the royal couple made their first official appearance together before the people of Cair. All the common folk and nobility were gathered in the town square to give their best wishes to the new couple. 

An elaborate feast in the castle was prepared for all attending guests. Sierra and Alistair had a wonderful time with their friends and family. 

"Are you tired, my sweetling?" Alistair whispered to Sierra as he watched her yawn. 

They were making their way back to their Quarters. They've had a wonderful time drinking and entertaining their guests but it took a toll on them too. 

"Beyond tired," Sierra replied as she let out another yawn. 

She could barely keep her eyes open. Alistair could not hide the slight disappointment in his eyes. Sierra took notice instantly. 

"Did you have something in mind?" She asked, as she wrapped her arms around his and leaned on his shoulder.