Setting the stage

*a dozen people standing randomly next to each other in the white room, all facing the direction of the mysterious entity*

*murmurs resound throughout the white room as everyone looks around the unfamiliar surroundings*

*Taegen jumps in shock as he spots Lady Caera among the crowd... furrows his brows when he looks at Ascender Grey who was standing next to Lady Caera!*

Taegen: "L-Lady Caera?!" *Runs towards Caera*

Caera: *Spots Grey standing near her* "Gr—" *freezes as soon as her real voice comes out*

Grey: *furrows his eyebrows as he turns his head to the side and looks at Caera* "Caera! What? How?!..."

Taegen: *reaches Lady Caera, along with Arian* "By the Vritras! Lady Caera, where did you go? Highlord Denoir has been worried sick. Highlady has been contacting your mentor to—"

*Ezra speaks up, gaining everyone's attention in the room*

Ezra: "W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? A-ARE YOU THE ONE WHO K-KIDNAPPED US!?" *pulls out his weapon with trembling hands and points at the mysterious entity*

*Grandbehl siblings all take stance as they flick their gazes between the Denoirs and the mysterious entity that had kidnapped them*

*Riah hides behind Ada*

Grey: (Wait, isn't that the bodyguards of Caera!? Why are they here? Regis ta—) *goes blank and face darkens as he doesn't feel Regis's presence inside him!*

Caera: *looks at Grey's horrified face and starts sweating bullets, before turning to her guards* "Taegen, Arian, how did you—"

Taegen: *shakes his head* "W-We don't know, Lady Caera. One second we were talking with the Highlord and the next a white light enveloped me—us...and when we opened our eyes..." *looks around before his gaze lands on Grey*

Arian: "Mr. Grey, what a coincidence to meet you again!... Do you have any idea...?" *he asks as he gestures around the room*

Grey: *looks at the bodyguard duo with thoughtful gaze before giving a sharp shake of his head*

Arian: *sighs* "I guess we can ask only one person then..." *turns around to look at the mysterious entity*

Taegen: *breaths heavily as his face turns red in anger* "Why the hell should we!? Let's get that bastard. We can't let anything happen to Lady Caera!" *takes out his gauntlets and wears them before cracking his knuckles*

Arian: *slaps Taegen's head* "Don't do anything rash. That—That guy's strong...let us wait till..." *points his chin subtly at the Grandbehl siblings who were ready to attack the mysterious entity anytime now*

Caera: *ignores her bodyguards and takes furtive glances towards Grey as she holds her blade in a defensive stance to the front* (What do I do!? What do I do if he finds out!? He doesn't look like he's figured it out...just maybe...I can escape)

Grey: *looks around the white room frantically* (Where the heck is Haedrig and Regis? Did the green haired ascender steal Regis and left? But—that's not possible...just where is...)

Alaric: *walks leisurely towards the mysterious entity with a bottle of alcohol in his hand* "So...who are you? *takes a gulp from the bottle*

*mysterious entity watches everything happening around the room with interest before turning towards Alaric*

Mysterious entity: "Oh! Its...Grey's "uncle"" *he laughs hysterically as he air quotes his last words*

Alaric: *burps* "Damn right I am. Now speak up, who are you? and why did you bring me here...I paid my damn money, for three bottles, and I got only one before I was brought here dammit!" *points his shaking finger at the mysterious entity while holding the bottle* "you—you owe me two pay up before I ask my nephew to kick your ass" *chugs his alcohol*

*Abby who was standing near the drunkard takes a few steps back in fear*

Abby: (Oh Vritra, where am i? I—I need to get out of here! I can't die now. I am still single, I haven't even had a single boyfriend!...all the males in the academy are old geezers!...I don't wanna die before I find someone to love) *starts sweating as she keeps moving back before bumping into someone*

Grey: (Relax Arthur...That guy is strong, but he doesn't look like he's trying to kill any of us. And why is that old drunkard spouting bullshit at the guy. Should I g—) *stops his thoughts as someone bumps into him*

*Grey looks down to see an unfamiliar woman's back. Her blonde hair brushed against his chin as he sucks in a deep breath...inhaling the mellow scent of the woman's soft and silky hair*

Abby: *yelps before turning around to apologize to the person she just bumped into* "I-I'm so sor—" *freezes as her honey tinted eyes widens to the size of two suns* "OH MY VRITRA YOU'RE PRETTY!" *squirms as she covers her mouth with her hands in surprise, at her own words!*

Grey: *looks flustered and slightly taken aback* "...I-It's okay!"

Abby: *blushes hard* (Oh my! This man...he's so gorgeous. Should I try to introduce myself to this hottie?) *fiddles with her fingers nervously and averts her gaze from the golden eyed ascender shyly, completely forgetting the 'threat' she's in*

Caera: *mouth wide open as she glares at the blonde woman, before flicking her gaze to the golden eyed ascender with a slight frown*

Abby: *takes deep breath and decides to make a move*...*lifts her hands towards Grey* "Hello. My name is Ab—" *stops midsentence as she feels pressure radiating from behind*

Mysterious entity: *clears his throat loudly, gaining everyone's attention* *subtly looking at Abby, he speaks in a cold tone* "Now, that's not allowed in here! Keep your hands and mouth to yourself...until I say so" *flicks his fingers as the white room gets enveloped in a bright light, before it recedes to show several seating placed in a proper order, all pointing to a plain panel behind his form*

*several gasps and murmurs resounds in the room*

Mysterious entity: "Play time is over! Now take your seats!"

Ezra: *shouts in defiance* "Why should we? Who the hell are you man? Why are you doing this to us?"

*several 'nods' and 'yeah's' echoed in the room as the crowd started to rile up*

*mysterious entity simply shrugs his shoulder before snapping his fingers as the familiar white light envelops the room once again*

*many gasps and screams were heard as the white light receded to show everyone seated on the chairs given to them, placed without their consent by the mysterious entity*

*seatings were placed in an orderly manner of 4x3 in two sets. Grandbehl siblings along with Riah sat on the first row; Alaric, Aphene, Briar and Abby sat on the middle row; while Caera and her bodyguards, Taegen and Arian, along with Grey sat on the back row*

Ezra: *shouted as he sprung up from his seat* "H-HOW DID YOU—"

Kalon: "Ezra! Stop acting like a child! Let the man speak... He's obviously stronger than you and I combined..." *he shot his hand out to the chair next to him to grab his brother, Ezra, from getting himself killed by the mysterious entity*

Arian: *speaks in a polite tone* "Sir...can you please let us know why—we all are...summoned—here..."

Mysterious entity: *shrugs his shoulder and looks down at everyone seated in front him* "I guess it is time I let you all know why you are here..." *stares thoughtfully around the room before his eyes lands on Grey* "I'll tell you a part of it; the rest will be known later on. Everyone of you summoned here are connected by fate; while some of you may have already met and some would meet in the future—"

*shouts of disbelief and gasps were heard throughout the white room*


"Future?..are you crazy?..."

"what did you smoke..."

"Oh he's high alright!..."

*Alaric burps loudly, shutting everyone up*

Mysterious entity: *laughs out loud* "Thanks...Grey's 'uncle'. Now that all of you are attentive, let me continue. What you decide to believe and not; it depends on your own will. For I have only one purpose here and I've brought you all here to fulfil that, and that only!"

*room goes into a deep silence, for the first time*

Kalon: "Esteemed sir...can you tell us more about this 'purpose'? And...what about your name that we can refer you to...?"

Mysterious entity: *shrugs* "Fine then, I'll tell you my name first. I'm what many of you refer to as 'God'. I do have different names, but that will just confuse you. So for now, just call me 'God' or simply 'Sir' would suffice; I'm not the one known to be stringent. And to answer your other question, we are here to look into the life of a certain person, among you; live that person's most intimate and personal moments; understand and empathize with; and maybe get the desired outcome as a result."

*everyone stiffens at 'God's' words and many starts to sweat and pray to...well, God*

Kalon: *asks the question that's on everyone's mind* "Si—God, who is this person you are referring to?"

God: *points at a certain individual with wheat blond hair and golden eyes, among the crowd* "As I all are destined to meet, by your fate. Some will die, some will live on to make name for themselves. common factor among you all is—that one person who connects all of your fate, inside his hands."

*shouts rung all over the white room*

*everyone turns their gaze in shock, to look at the person who the God is pointing to...Grey*

Caera: *looks horrified, confused, and concerned all at the same time towards Grey* (...why am I even surprised? Grey...)

Arian: *frowns thoughtfully*

Taegen: (I knew Effeminate one has to be special, with how unnaturally strong he is)

Briar: *looks at Grey with interest, and a sly smile* (...he looks weak?)

Aphene: *gulps down as she starts sweating* (th-this monster...why?...)

Abby: *blushes* (personal life, you say? Maybe I can get to know this stranger better than I thought hehe) *blushes hard*

Alaric: *laughs like a drunkard that he is, with his hoarse voice* "That's my dear nephew, alright! Hahahaha I knew you were a gold mine!"

*Grandbehl siblings looks at Grey cautiously*

Grey: *ignores everyone's peering gazes* (of course it's me! Just fucking great! I'm surrounded by enemies, and this happens? How can I escape? There's literally not a single speck of aether to use and God-step out of here. Just where the hell is Regis?)


God: *laughs out loud in amusement*

*Ezra tries to jump from his seat to attack Grey*

Kalon and Ada: "BROTHER STOP!!!"

God: *snaps his finger loudly*

*white light envelops Ezra before he's back at his chair, but only this time he can't move or get up from his seat*

Ezra: *shouts and curses out loud at God* "You, you are an asura right, you bastard, you think you are the only God? Our High Sovereign is even powerful than...mmmffff..mmff..."

God: *snaps his finger to make Ezra's mouth forcefully close shut before letting out a manaic laughter* "Who? Those pitiful mortals that you all call as deities? Please...stop making me laugh!...I'm not a mortal, boy. I'm what even your deities cower in fear and kowtow in respect and call as 'Gods'! I'm an immortal being, unrivalled" *lets out a tiny fraction of his pressure towards Ezra, making him shiver and wet his pants*

Ezra: " [I'm sooo sorryyy!] mmmffff [Please!]" *cries pitifully and begs*

*Kalon kowtows in front of God*

*Ada shouts and holds her pitiful brother in panic*

Kalon: "Sir God—pl-please let my brother live, he's still a child at heart...please punish me in his stead"

God clicks his tongue *tsk* *tsk*

God: *coughs* " are right about that. But I must say that I went a little overboard...besides..." *looks at Ezra*"...his fate is not mine to decide..."*looks at Grey with a faint smile*

Grey: *flinches before frowning at God* (This bastard...just what game is he playing?)

God: *eyes twinkles with an amiable smile back on his face* "Ah! I almost forgot! Though I'm not one for following rules, I still have to follow a few, since it took a lot to bring you all here. In order to make this event fruitful, I shall make you all understand and follow the simple rules." *flicks his finger as the white panel behind him lits up*

*several letters appear on the panel as they finally formed a list with a title 'RULES FOR THE SHOW'*

*murmurs were audible as everyone intently read the panel*

God: "As you can see, these are the rules that one must follow during this...'grand show'." *lifts his hand and show each finger as he talks about the rules* "first, no unnecceasry fighting, verbally and physically, until I say so that is. Secondly, no questions must be asked until you are given permission. Thirdly, you will be allowed several breaks and entertained throughout the show, cause I'm not an ass...but you shall pay the price, accordingly" *gives a toothy grin* "anyways, I'll tell you more about it when the time comes. And, as for those who fails to follow these three, simple, shall be judged accordingly to your sins and pay the price in return. For what that price is, mmm...dare break it and you will see."

Grey: *stares intently at God* (these higher beings are no different from those damned deities. Using people for their own entertainment with no value for life. God dammit.) *clutches his hand tightly making blood flow from the palms*

*God talks to Grey inside his mind 'mentally'* 'Don't be so serious, Grey! This is no game, as lot is at stake, for both of us. But no one needs to know that. And...a little entertainment does no harm, does it? So stop being so uptight and just enjoy the show. Who knows, maybe by the end you will gain some valuable allies...maybe even more. Let this be an opportunity for retrospection and to observe some of these crucial people who will play an important role in your future*

*Grey flinches in surprise at God's voice inside his head and his ability to read his thoughts*

Grey: *settles down and looks deeply at God and gives a shallow nod* (Fine...I'll play your game this once...not that I have any choice in the matter anyways...)

God: *laughs in amusement* 'you are right hahaha you will thank me in the end'

Abby: "Umm...M-Mr.G-God?..." *looks nervously at God*

God: *smiles* "What is it child? You may speak freely."

Abby: "Why are those seats empty?..."

God: *laughs out loud* "Oh those! Don't worry about them, they...they are not of your concern, for now atleast. Everything will be clear when the right time comes..."

*Abby nods meekly before avoiding her gaze and looks down at the floor*

God: *rubs his palms against each other in anticipation* "Well then, shall we get started? Everyone watch the show from Grey's perspective, thereby live his life...some of his most crucial moments, nonetheless!"

*everyone gets comfortable in their seats...except for Grey*

*Caera's heart beats rapidly as she looks at the white panel with intense, curious gaze* (let's see who you really are, Grey...)

God: "Let the grand show, begin!"

*a voice interrupts God...*

Alaric: "Uhh God, think I can get a bottle or two? Before the show starts...this one's almost empty, now take responsibility" *tries to look straight at God with his inebriated eyes*

God: *sighs at the drunkard* "No food for now, you will be free to consume after the first break. Now let's move on to the show if there's no more questions...!" *grumbles*

*white panel lits up, as a scene starts to play*