Changing Destiny

Leaving the bathroom I was a mess, because I not only knew who I was now. . .But I don't remember who I was before all of this, I don't recall it at all? Like nothing!

You see, my online name is Turtle Master, I'm an author of a few projects on WebNovel, and even some on this other site, but my main 2 projects are incubus novels.

I don't actually remember my real name or anything else about myself other then knowing that I've been sort of reborn or something by one of my creations, in which I thought was a fictional character but turned out to be...

Not so much fictional seeing as my current situation?

Or else I wouldn't really be here? Now would I?

I don't know how this's possible, and I'm not really going to yell or scream about it... Because I already had... into a pillow, for an hour, on Hiro's bed . . . I mean my bed?

This is all really weird for me, and I don't really approve or accept of it, but there's nothing really that I can do...

Well... Other than seek revenge, and rip the spleen out of that motherfucking Demon, Asmodeus, and then force him to undo whatever the hell he fucking did to me!!!

But that'll have to wait. Because I'm about to fight my inner demons and emotions of bottled rage with logic.

And I'm talking about real logic here.

That motherfucker has to be one of the last Devine ones and he may be one of the most powerful people to exist in this realm! And I know what his overall goal is too, an I think ruling the entire Dark Realm isn't much of a joke.

I'm not joking either, he's 10,000 years old, and he might have only been awake for less than 500 years of his life, but his power has already reached the level of Demon Prince, and in this realm he already has the title of a Demon Lord which he got by some early age. I can't seem to remember but I think it was around 100?

An then there's Izumi, the Litch Progenitor and her army of 6 Litch Generals who are literally trying to conquer this continent an then the rest of the freaking realm.

We're literally stuck in the apocalypse and I've had 2 panic attacks already, as I couldn't stop getting mad, and then sad, and then back to sad again, and finally screaming my fucking voice out into my new pillow.

I don't care that I'm in a world of swords and magic and occasional technology, I don't even want to go back at this point, to be frank, I just wanna be able to survive.

Because Hiro's character has to just have the worst luck out of everyone in the story, a dysfunctional family an a screwed up clan, I hate his ex-girlfriend in which he does really love, an I can't even tolerate his personality, Fluff!!!

Even though... Technically I created all of this stuff...

Wait... Wait one second, I just remembered something!


How could I forget how I ended this novel! Hiro and that Demon Asmodeus made a deal, Asmodeus possessed Hiro's body and then destroyed the entire kingdom of Nefumia, killing the 3rd patriarch of the Natus clan in the process along with all of Hiro's family, friends, and everyone inside of Nefumia with even Hiro himself!

And since Hiro's a Demon he would have respawned in the abyss, but also Mari would be dead along with Hiro and everyone else in the kingdom?! I'm confused now?!

Like... Why the hell is Mari alive!

And why am I in Hiro's room which is in Nefumia!

Because I just heard her earlier yelling at me during my panic, or at least, my realization of who I am right now!

. . . . .

But as soon as I was about to have what I can only see and presume to be a stroke, I rushed over to the bed an next to it to a lamp counter, grabbing Hiro's phone and clicking on the side bottom. Opening it and searching through it for the calendar, I looked over at the date.

"Today's May 11th, Year 12 Of The Apocalypse"

And seeing that date, I dropped to my knees, today's the day after Hiro's girlfriend broke up with him an broke his heart, but that's not important, because I don't care bout that manipulate white girl, named Remi, like him.

What I'm seeing as important right now is that today is equal to the first chapter I wrote in the novel. Meaning I'm so fucked if I fall asleep in this house and I really need to burn this bitch down till it's nothing but ash.

Actually wait, no, I can't burn the house down even if I tried... Which I might try later, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea?... Anyways, I can't burn it down because it's been reinforced by a Rank 5 or Level 5, Fire Resistance spell, because his family tends to play with a lot of fire.

To make it clear, there's only 10 Ranks/An or Levels.

So this house is pretty durable, even to magic fire?

But long story short, Hiro Natsu is a Phyric Sorcerer, an Phyric just means energy fire, in which is a type of root magic called energy magic, which is typically used by witches an warlocks and other magical creatures.

But forget about that!!!

We need to talk about something else!

Like something way more freaking important!

An since I'm clearly delusional since I feel better talking to myself like this, so I don't act like a complete fool, I'll explain what the hell is happening, from the begining.

So today's the first day of summer, yey, that's amazing you know! However, on the second day of summer aka tommow. I'm going to be abducted and transported to the forgotten realms of shadowfell, where I'm going to be touched(Horribly), tortured, and experimented on by this crazy shadow witch and her pet succubus, Lilith.

I don't remember exactly how it happened, my memory's a bit hazy, but someone set me up, I mean Hiro up. And I don't remember who he associates wit today, for this to happen, but they planted this strange amulet on him, an it conjured shadows, weakenin him in his sleep, before abducting him when he wakes up in that weaker state.

But I can't let that happen, I can't let history repeat itself!

Because I know what happens to him! An I physically can't do it, so fuck you fate! You THREE are a bunch of whores and you can suck on this dick because I'm not about to let THIS Hiro, aka, ME, be ensnared into your evil web of endless torment. I'd be better off dead!!!

Sigh, I feel better. . . But what should I do now?

I'm 100% about to change Hiro's Destiny and create my own? An when I do the webs of fate, or atleast, this, his timeline is going to shatter and crumble, and I'm going to be a bit lost, but that doesn't mean my knowledge of his world, and his timeline's going to be unless either?

But what should I do after? I am but I'm not Hiro, it feels wrong to just pretend to be him, or at least I don't really understand our situation, from what I know we're now one, but I don't really know what happened to him...?

Aye! This is making my head spin!

Nope I'm not going to talk about us! I can do that later!

Instead, I should think about our main issues which is us awakening our incubus blood, since it's clearly still dominant and I'm a still human now for the moment.

It's going to come no matter what I do.

First, my blood's going to awaken on my 18th birthday which's in a few days. And since I'm definitely not going to shadowfell or meeting that Witch and Succubus, my Incubus blood isn't going to be suppressed in any way.

It's going to slowly infect my body like a virus, spreading through me, my bones, flesh, and blood until my human body becomes more adaptable to Negative Energies.

Then my bodies going to start taking on the character- istics of an incubus, the same one as Asmodeus which needs life force, or vitality for short to continue a whole metamorphosis process to change me, by consuming a bunch of negative energies around me to change me.

Then, my bones, flesh, and blood are going to turn into something more supernatural like that of my true race, HIS race, that so called bastard who did this to me, an my human body's goin to be no more, which even then there's not much of a change other then my race going through a shift, and me getting a few Pro's an Con's...

Finally, the last stage of this, is literally me changing into a full blown incubus, changin a lot of my old habits. like how I eat, mainly that, it's gonna be a sex diet after it...

Although, this is going to be a major bummer for me, because I never actually got this far when writing the actual novel, so after stage 2 or 3, I'm heading right ahead into uncharted territory an I'll have to wing it!

I'm going to die, aren't I?. . .

"Fuck. . ."

No shut up you're not going to die!

You're going makes this work!

You're going to survive!

Yeah, I got this!

I can do it! I can so do it!

Standing back up and brimming with passion as I was going to prove myself right and survive this hell, I then turned to the door and approached it.

Why you might ask am I doing this, well I'll tell you why. The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to try and get rid of one of my death flags!

Mari, yeah, our sister, she's a bit crazy...

Well not precisely... What I mean is she has a lot of issues, also a lot of anger issues, and she should probably be seeing a therapist? But other than her many, and I mean it by many, issues, she's also hurting on the inside from inner trauma.

My mind gets dizzy thinking about it, but from what I can remember she was mentally scarred from the FALL 12 years ago, back when the Litch Progenitor invaded and it traumatized her causing her to revert to clan's most famous trait, so being hot-headed and angry, which does help, in its own ways I guess?

However, she tends to occasionally lose her mind and go crazy under very high pressure and she hates Hiro with a passion. Why? I can't seem to remember? But she hates his guts and despises him.

And she's also one of his many death flags, meaning that she has a higher chance of killing him than anyone else, and there are a few death flags but I can't seem to remember anyone other than Mari at the moment?

How odd?

Anyways that's the plan for today!

Today I'm going to change fate by slowly getting rid of the biggest threat to my life, my sister, Mari.

Without killing her!

And I'm going to avoid being abducted by shadows.

And change the timeline as I know it!