×Thoughts And Planning×

My first day after being reborn was... Eventful, to say the least. Throughout it was very interesting.

I don't believe I've saved myself from Mari being one of my death flags, But I do believe that I've made progress in simply dissolving our issues by a spec.

Asides from her; throughout it was by coincidence I found myself an incubus but he like all incubus's is a Tanar'ri/Demon, I don't trust him, and I don't think I'll ever trust any Demon.

However, while meeting him I was able to change my/Hiro's destiny as I found the cursed amulet, however, I lost it prolonging what I planned to do with it when It was found. Regardless my life has been saved for what had been planned for him, and I even ran into a bit of luck.

It was a bit of luck because thanks to that incubus I was slowly progressing into a lust frenzy as he didn't spray me with any aphrodisiac, this one was different. And because of that I went after one of Hiro's best friends and lost my virginity, but also discovering that I had awakened as an incubus already which told me that I needed to prepare immediately because I had entered into the 1st phase of becoming an incubus.

However, the disadvantage to my fortunate luck was that I ended up losing my virginity to Tina Zarutoen. Don't get me wrong I'm very thankful to her seeing as the outcome could have been different if it was anyone else and I could have ended up behind bars. However Tina was from what I said earlier a very icky disgusting person, her personality was above average and great but her greatest flaw was that she was a massive pervert and slutty minded.

I don't know much about her life, but she was never one of Hiro's possible love interests, and this wasn't because she had the crotch of a whore, it was just that she was never meant to be with one person, even though she ended up with some girl in the story, that was because she mixed up a vampires compulsion with love and ended up with Stockholm Syndrome as her mind was very fragile to Mind Attacks and she attached herself to the girl.

But I guess it doesn't really matter what I think, this was just a one-time thing and I believe she would think the same.

Anyways, now on to what I need to plan other than having to hear what both Peter and her mom have to say about hearing us have sex.

First of all, I need to get that cursed amulet back in my possession, it needs to be safely disposed of.

After that, I'm going to have to ask around for labor jobs since I can't read or write at the moment,

Half a day's worth of labor is equal to 1 silver piece, however, due to the 2 major factors like how we're in a large agricultural town and the apocalypse is still going on, 2 weeks of labor is equivalent to 1 silver piece.

Which is bullshit by the way!

Actually, it's not because things are way cheaper here.

Like how a night at a poor inn would be 1 silver piece everywhere else, it's a single copper piece here.

The general gist of our money and trade systems isn't that different but because we're successful in agriculture and trade, most people in our town can live modestly for now.

However despite what I do and change I know the possible future? Maybe? But either way, if I'm correct and do, then in 2 years from now Nefumia is going to be attacked by a litch general after one of the churches Paladins accidentally provoked him.

2 years seems like a long time but it's going to fly by quickly.

However, that also means I can't just sit back and be lazy or attempt what Hiro wanted and that was to be normal. Because besides the tournament I have to fight in, in 3 months. Now I have to prepare us for a litch attack, and I say us because Mari's only a Rank 2 Phyric Sorcerer and by then I need her to at least be a Rank 4 which seems impossible but Hiro's parents weren't wrong when they called her a prodigy.

Because it took her a year to reach the peaks of Rank 3 Phyric Sorcery from now. And the reason to why she's only a Rank 2 now, is because unlike everyone else in our clan, she didn't just cultivate her sorcery, she's been studying to master and improve each rank's individual abilities. She refines each technique to a sharp point and attempts to master each skill so that she just like her mother, she can become an Arch-Sorcerer or grater.

Meanwhile, it took him 10 years to reach the peaks of Rank 3 sorcery without learning a single skill.

Hiro from what I remember is a Rank 3 Phyric Sorcerer almost rank 4. But he hasn't practiced sorcery in around 3 years.

Hiro had been inspired to be a Paladin like his father since he looked up to him at an early age, despite his mother wanting him to be a pure sorcerer like her and his sister.

However, he didn't follow their Path as he trained to become a paladin at the age of 4 and started lightly exercising his sorcery at the age of 5 to develop himself because a sorcerer's body unlike a normal human was more attuned to developing magic and not physical strength.

However, he stopped both 3 years ago after one mission with his father in which they stained the battlefield with a river of blood. Why he did so was unknown as he never told anyone why and I believed that it should stay that way.

Falling asleep as I was going over a few more it was already the next day as we had had sex for hours past midnight, however, I'm just going to pretend that it was midnight, and day 1 was now coming to a close.

* * *

My first night sleeping in this new world was shit as I woke up a few moments later, if I had to guess since it was still dark out, I got less than an hour of sleep.

Why? Because when I fell asleep I woke up inside of this black room and as soon as I looked around I was met with this little kid who started yelling at me.

It was a fragment of Hiro's consciousness that hadn't fused with me and he was very mad and sad as he yelled at me for sleeping with "our" best friend the day after "our" girlfriend broke up with "us".

Waking up with my mind hurting as I felt like I could still hear him crying about it, Tina rubbed her head against my chest as she seemed to be laying on me a bit now, but I just wanted to sleep, I was exhausted and tired because of her and those stupid magic flowers.

We did it for hours and it was so inhumanly impossible that it's making me question life. Well... I guess going at it for a super long time isn't that impossible seeing as people use alchemy pills of endurance and or vitality to keep going. But I never stopped cumming and for me as I could remember a good bit of it since I woke up towards the end already exhausted, fuck those magic flowers' aphrodisiac because I still feel numb down there.

Closing my eyes again and falling asleep I woke up again soon after as I appeared back in that black room with Hiro's fragment and he was still angry and sad at me.

I can't catch a break, can I?

Slowly moving Tina off of me she mumbled as she slightly drooled "more dick— please" I flinched and hurried faster to get her off me; No more for you!

With her off of me, I got out of bed and as I was completely naked I grabbed my clothes from the floor and I left the room without putting them on, I was glad that she had wanted me to strip because I didn't know how I was going to hide the smell from Mari when I got home.

Since we're in a powerful clan being a virgin is kinda a must encase Mary our mother was to marry us off to another clan or another branch of our Natsu clan. And since Mary and Paul our father have no clue of Hiro's real rank(3), he's seen to them and our clan as dominantly weaker and can be used as a bargaining chip or token for our branch to gain minor connections seeing as I'd be more likely to be married off than someone married to me.

And since we're an awakening incubus, It won't be long before I get the First incubus talent Enhanced Charisma which upgrade my appeal to others and then my Second incubus talent Racial Adaptation which unlike the others makes me more acceptable and seen as neutral to others of a weaker or equal metal power to me at first.

Because of these 2 talents that are categorized as an incubus's [|Hunting Talents|]; It won't matter if Mary or my clan sees me as a trash cultivator; weak in sorcery.

Because by looks alone and if I manage to pique the interest of one of those hot-headed Natsus, there's a chance that my mom might trade or bargain me to another branch leader's weaker daughters if they take interest in me despite my cultivation actually being stronger than theirs.

But I can't let that happen, if I'm an incubus that means I need to feed on the life force/vitality of others, and there are too many cons in this seeing as me being married to someone means I can't have any concubines but they can... And if I try the one who I was married to can forbid it and or kill the concubine their weaker partner has.

See it's complicated!

Also... I believe you should marry the person you love and fluff, not this. . .

So I can't let myself get married off! I have to show them in the tournament that Me/Hiro aren't trashed and we aren't just some pawn on the branch leader's chessboard, I will attempt to earn and live life on my own terms or I'll escape.

Escape? Yeah, escape.

I don't want anything to do with the Natsu clan, I just want to survive, like fuck... If the Natsu clan makes my life hell on purpose I'm not going to just let it happen, they can go fuck themselves.

In the story they planned on executing Hiro for a crime that they would have overlooked if it was any other clan member, but because he was seen as trash, they thought of him as a nuisance and just saw to get rid of him.

It was fucked up and even though I'm not going to commit that action he had, it was just as if they didn't read the document to what he did and just said dispose of him.

Uh, I'm talking too much to myself it's making my head spin just thinking about his ex-future.

Walking into the bathroom and taking a hot shower to cleanse my body, while in the shower I felt it, but it wasn't my mana, it was the thing all sorcerers hold as their primary power, it's my phyric energy.

After being able to feel it I felt as if I needed to touch it. It was so warm and drawing in that it was as if I lusted to obtain that power and hold it in my hands. So touching where it was on my body; it came all the way up to my fingertip and when it had, a particle of orange fire conjured from my finger and steamed as it was instantly hit with falling water from the showerhead. But I hadn't realized that as I shook my hand because it surprised me to see real fire coming from my finger.

Getting out after seeing fire come out from my fingertip when I turned off the showerhead as I was sitting on a stool seeing as the bathroom in houses was different from what I was used to. I felt the warmth in which was the phyric energy and as it flower back to the origin from my fingertip I could feel what felt like was a ball in my center belly.

"So this is my Phyric Energy pool? Then that means just under it at my navel is my Mana Pool?"

I spoke to myself and as I put my hand on my center belly I felt the warmth start to dissipate and I couldn't feel the energy anymore.

This was trippy like an acid high? I didn't get it or why my energy suddenly started acting on its own? Wait? Or did I do that?

Not knowing, I went out the door into the small room and put my clothes back on in which had turned damped as I was still wet, but it was hot out, plus it was summer so they'd dry soon.

I forgot a towel to begin with and I didn't know where any were, so this'll do.

Leaving the bathroom and going downstairs as the lights were already on? I walked down there to see no one down there? It was strange and I found it quite creepy as it was silent. Looking over to the couch expecting, and just hoping to see someone down here with me... There wasn't... I was the only one down here and and as I had confirmed that, I turned off the lights to all but the kitchen as Peter had probably turned them on and forgot to turn them off before he went to the guest room to sleep.

Which now that I look at it the lights weren't powered by electricity? There was no light bulb or cable? Instead there was a glow crystal and contraction.

Walking over to the kitchen I was super tired but I can't go back to sleep or else I'll have to deal with Hiro's fragment, so walking over I saw some coffie beans and I started to grind them and open cabinets to find a thin sheet so I can make coffie.

From what I can remember I used to work at a cafe– GAH! Owy that hurt my head! No, forgot me thinking about my old life, let's just make coffie from what I can remember, I think trying to remember 2 things at once makes my head super hurt.

Using an old coffie brewer which looked new but to me felt old, I started to make coffie and as I finished making a hot pot, I saw some brown sugar cubes and used 2 before letting it cool a little as the pot was streaming.

While waiting a bit so I didn't burn my tongue I saw that the kitchen was a bit unorganized and to avoid getting sleeper I kept myself busy as I just did some light cleaning.

While doing so as I finished putting some things away, I then heard the sounds of pouring and turning around,

"Since when did you become so responsible? And know how to brew?"

Turning around I saw Tina's mom pouring a cup of coffie and as she looked over to me with a slight smile, my body tensed up,
