Make a changé

I was in a state of mess and I couldn't think at the time when she had said, "Let's pick this up later" there were no thoughts, it was only me and my perverted body, just begging for more.

Just pleading for her not to leave and take me.

Laying there on the bed as she had gotten up, grabbed some extra clothes, and told me she was going to take a shower before leaving with Peter. But I just blankly laid there catching my breath as I wasn't in control of myself as everything just came to a stop after she unhanded me.

I was weak. . .

I was weak to the pleasure and I knew it.

I was no more than prey waiting to be hunted and assaulted by any woman wanting to get their hands on me.

I was no more than prey to any and everyone.

The hell. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't want to be weak and submit myself to anyone. No! I'm not going to be weak and submit to anyone! This isn't a later objective! This was a now thing! I'm not letting myself be seen as the weaker male!

Tina, I don't care if you're a dominatrix! Switch! or plain psycho! I'll conquer you no matter what!!

And this isn't just because you keep calling me cute!. . .It's partially why...

* * *Later that day: Brought to you by a chibi Hiro cleaning Tina's room and scrubbing the stained carpet floor* * *

After getting home and taking a quick shower as I had been all sweaty and sticky from before, I looked around my room and found this little circle device in which was the charger for my phone.

It wasn't what I was looking for but I guess it was a good find?

After putting it on the charger and making sure to grab the house key, I had many shower thoughts from when I was in the shower and if I was going to conquer Tina I was going to have to try and overcome her.

Yeah I know it's kind of my fault this happened since I was the one to draw on her face when she was asleep, but I wasn't over how she... Got me to submit without even trying that hard.

"If that's ever going to happen at least force it or try hard! I felt so pathetic to lose to a mere handjob that didn't even need any skill!!!"

Okay, now that I kinda said that out loud I feel foolish... I'm mad over something trivial when I could be doing many other actually important things.

Like trying to sense my Mana.

Like seriously I can feel my root magic but not my actual magic.

Anyway, this is seriously pointless to think about at the moment, I'll give it some thought at work when I'm not busy, right now I need to be productive, the tournament is in 3 months and if I don't even know how to use basic attack magic and I don't even know how to fight, then I'm going to be sitting duck out there.

And I promised not to bother Mari for a week so I can't ask her.

Let's see what can I do? I don't actually know anyone I can ask to teach me. A basic martial arts manual is expensive and since I used the 1 silver piece to buy groceries and Mari's snacks, I only have 1 silver and 8 copper pieces left, but I need that for transportation.

Money's tight so buying anything is out of the question, and I don't think asking the incubus to teach me to fight is useful seeing as the only thing I'd learn from him is how to fight with my dick and I don't think I wanna learn how to do that.

Wait Peter is apart of a Dojo, if I ask him to teach me how to fight there's a chance I can learn basic fighting from him.

Yeah, I guess I can ask him? But is it worth the trouble... Yes... Probably?

Okay, I'll call him when my phone is charged, as for now, what to do? I guess I can keep trying to sense my Mana and catch up on sleep before I head to work? Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

* * *

Going back and forth between Mana training and going to sleep, time had seemed to fly by and before I knew it I needed to catch the 5 o'clock train to District 4.

And let me tell you, I had some of the best sleep in between training. Why? Well, Hiro's fragment was so furious at me that he didn't even yell or shout, he didn't even look at me, that's how furious he was.

It was amazing.

While on the train I got a random call from someone asking how I was doing? And I of course didn't know who it was so doing the reasonable thing, I trolled them... And then hung up.

Don't worry about that though~ Anyway, getting to work and checking in earlier than I needed to, I met 3 more of my co-workers.

And apparently, they've heard about me from Sona and Rika and they really didn't like me either? They hated me from the start?.

Ouch, just started and no one likes me.

Anyways, the 3 girls I met when getting there were named, Iris Gekumi, Ursula Zenith, and Kasumi Kereni.

Iris was tall and busty, her face was gentle but sour and her eyes and back long hair were both a sharp brown, she had an average figure, nothing too special, and she wore overly sexy clothes unfitting of a typical prostitute.

Kasumi was tall and flat, she had an overly beautiful face and had pretty milk chocolate skin, her eyes were a sparkily golden and she had solid white hair that grew down to her neck, her figure was rather average and her clothes seemed to be rather appealing to the eye as they were held together by laced strings of different colors and her neck, shoulders, belly, and thighs were exposed.

Ursula was short and bland, there wasn't really much appealing to her other than her odd personality as it was more boyish with a hint of sadistic. She wasn't in any way a loli or anything she was just short. Her ear long hair was a nice hazel and her eyes were a pretty pink, she also wore common summer clothes as she didn't look like she wanted to get out of bed today seeing as she had heavy bags under her eyes.

And as I said to myself before when I first met them, they seriously don't like me... and I don't mean it from a figurative point of view, the two not-so-tired girls literally told me that they didn't want me here and that I need to quit.

But fuck them because I can't afford to care for their thoughts about me, like fuck, listen whores I'm doing this for money, not to peek at your dumb asses.

* * *

After ignoring them telling me to quit I checked in and then got behind the counter as they continued to verbally assault me and other stuff,

You know the usual this and that about man filth, calling us pigs despite them literally selling their bodies to such men and other shit.

I tried not paying much attention to them as I sophisticatedly handled it by taking it and not doing anything other than listening.

However, as I did, the tired short one walked behind the counter and throughout I thought she was actually going to do something, like hurt me, she just pushed my chair over to the side of the counter and then sat in it, falling asleep and not paying much attention to us over here.

Just watching as she did all of that, I respected it, when you're tired you're tired.

At least she wasn't complaining like the others despite also not liking me.

Before this could continue on, suddenly a certain incubus who I know could hear all of this, busted through the door.

"Hey everyone guess what!!! A special guest and friend of mine from the Neko tribe is coming to our brothel! So guess what I got for the all of you to wear~"

And as soon as he said that all of us looked at him blankly except the now sleeping small girl,

Looking at him he was holding clip-on cat ears and attachable tails.

"You gotta be kidding me" Kasumi

Both girls instantly looked down as they blankly stare at him, however. . .

*Hiro suddenly bursted with excitement!*

"Wait so your tell me that cat people are actually coming here!!!~"

The 3 of them looked over to me as I bursted with a thrill of excitement.

"They prefer to be called Nekos, but essentially yes"

"That's awesome!"

Not going to lie I've been avoiding everything and everyone to prevent Hiro's awful luck from affecting me so I haven't actually seen and beast people yet, and to think they actually existed was so freaking awesome!

"Indeed there awesome, thought they don't visit much, when they do I want them to feel welcomed, so take this and don't forget to put a bright smile on your face hiro, yesterday was slow at night, but today's going to be different, got it, same for you girls"

Saying that he licked his lips and bashfully looked away,

"Also, I'll be joining you all today, the chief and her boys are coming"

He said bashful but he looked as if he was excited as well, as he thought about his friend the Neko tribes chief.

looking back to us,

"Okay everyone gets to your stations they're going to be here in less than an hour, this is our chance to bring in a lot of coin, so do whatever you can to... Spice it up"

He hinted to the 2 girls to use their powers.