Hate Love Gum Gum Relationship

"Damn it I'm going to be so late!"

Pushing myself to the Limit I was really testing my stamina as I sprinted all the way throughout the district to the other side.

Lex was so going to scold me for being late, my third day working at the brothel and I was already about to build up a tardiness score.

* * *An Hour Later: brought to you by a chibi Hiro zooming through the streets of district 4* * *

Reaching the entrance I was covered in sweat and panting as I was out of breath.

"I seriously need to run more, haa-ahhh"

Painting my lungs out; I opened the door to feel the cool refreshing air hit my skin from the inside of the front room of the brothel.

"You're an hour late!"

Instantly as I walked in I heard a cranky voice yelling at me from afar.

"Excuses me for my lateness, I was unawar–"

"No excuses! Now go get me something to drink public slave and get to work before I get mad"


"Excuse me?"

Looking over at that voice I didn't see my boss, looking over to it I saw Ursula sitting at my chair looking all cranky...

Wait did I really just mistake this pipsqueak for my boss, Lex!?!?!?

"Hey who are you calling public slave you short munchkin! And I don't work for you! Go get it yourself!"

I snapped back at her,

Imma be honest I was pretty horny and tired from all of that running, hot-headed aggression was just an instinctual reaction to her opposing attitude.

"Who are you calling a munchkin, punk!"

Getting out of the chair and hopped onto the counter where she scowled at me and jumped down from there to approach me.

"You, you wannabe tomboy"

Approaching me my words infuriated her,

"Say that to my face dip shit, or is it true that you actually have a pussy!"

"You little shit"

Approaching her as she came at me in the same manner we both stopped in front of each other as we met in the middle of the room.

"Now say what you said to my face pussy, or are you going to pussy out! PUSSY!!!"

"What's there to say you wannabe tomboy, acting tough won't make you grow a pair, so fuck off you damn munchkin"

"Stop calling me a munchkin!!! You damn slut!"

Bustling with anger she through out a curved punch, swinging her fist in a hook and clocking me dead in the cheek. Forcing me to twist back as she had put a lot of power into her attack.

But it wasn't enough.

"You asked for this!"

Sharply turning after being punched in the face, I cross punched her, hitting her in the nose and knocking her on her ass as there was a lot more power in that punch than we both had expected.


Knocking her flat on her ass I clenched my fist and held it up as her hit stung, but looking down at her, she looked at me super angry and baring her teeth.

But then blood started dripping down her nose.

Feeling it she wiped her nose and saw blood on the back of her hand and she looked furious,

But then she broke out into laughter,

"Hahaha I gotta admit that actually hurt for a pussy cat like you" extending her hand out "Now help me up, you got spunk kid I'll give you that"

But as she said that and extended her hand, the hot-headed blood of a Natsu sorcerer was pumping through my veins and I was still incredibly angry at this munchkin of a woman.

"Go fuck yourself!"

Not hesitating at all I kicked her in the face. . .


"Because your a dumb bitchy bitch you bitch! That's why!"

"That's no way to treat a lady!"

"Shut up your no lady you boyish fuck!"

"I'll kick your ass you rat shit dumbhead!"

"Bit me!"

"Maybe I will you fuck tard!"

We fought... Don't recall how or why but we did and when we had we both ended up against the walls across from each other, just sitting there panting and looking at each other hatefully.

"You're a real piece of shit you know that"

"So are you, twerp"

"Stop calling me thos' dimn' names!"

"Then stop calling me shitty ass names you dum' bitch!"






"I swear to God I can't stand you.. " Stupid fucking Demon, I'll bash your head into the wall given the chance.

Why so angry you might ask? Well. . .It was just sibling love and hate you can say.

"What you say!?"

"I said I can't fucking stand you now shut up!"

"Say it to my face you Hiro punka"

"I'll make you regret popping your head out of your mom's vagina you nasty slut!"

There was a lot of aggression burned out as we fought again, and why did we fight... Yeah... It was just sibling bonding you can just say~

. . . . .

Tiring each other out I was sitting behind my counter and she was in front of it, pressed up against it and panting just as hard as me as we both had brushes on our faces and bodies.

"Ye one pesky motherfucker" Her

"So are you... Dumb bitch" Me

Glaring at her tiredly, I then pressed my head against the counter as this was too fucking exhausting.

But as soon as I had the door opened and then I heard,

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE OR I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS YOU PIG!!!" Ursula yelling at whoever walked in.

"My apologies!" Some guy said back and rushed out.

Hearing this I shot up from the counter,

"Ursula what hell are you doing!!!"

But as I yelled at her she frowned and turned her head back around as she was previously looking at the door; looking over here at me she picked her nose and looked at me stupidly.

"Waht? I'm just telling some loser pig to scram?"

"You can't just do that!"

"Why not? That disgusting pig had no right being here in the first place?"

"Huh? This is literally a brothel you dumb whore?"

"So? And does it look like there's anyone around to take trash like him?"

"Let me see there's you and the other 4"

"First of all I have taste and sweaty fat pigs might turn on another sluts around here but not me, so get it right bitch, plus the others are still fukin around and pumping those Nekomata's dry"

"Ahh~" an occasional boy moans from the right-wing of the brothel...

"They're still going at it?!"

"My sisters have a lot of stamina when it comes to sex..."

". . .Oh, of course they do. . ."

"Actually I could go for a snack right about now? Mind throwing on a condom and fucking me behind that desk for a little, I like to keep my puss nice and tingly or it'll end up getting too hot down there ya know"

She said sliding her hand down and unzipping her shorts exposing her tight blue boy's underwear slightly drenched in her juices.

"No thanks I'm seeing someone at the moment"

But as I said that I could see a wicked grin form on her face from the corner of my eyes as I looked away.

"Your loss"

"More like my save, I'd rather not lose my head thank you"

"Wait, so your not a prostitute?"

"No, I'm just the desk guy here to keep track of things around here and occasionally get stuff like drinks and other stuff to the people who pay to fuck you sluts"

"No wonder I caught him about to masturbate yesterday, how lewd," she said in a low voice.


"Oh, nothing~"

"I feel like your mocking me you cheeky bitch?"

"Oh I am~ I so am you cocky bastard"

"How am I cocky?"

"You just are, hoe"

"Says the one who sells herself for money"

"And I work it like a passion, it's fun"


"Groan all you like you stupid hoe, being a hoe is fun as hell"


"Shit, most of the guys I fuck have such small dicks that all I have to do is lay there and wait, fake a moan or two and I get paid more. It's a pretty nifty gig I got.

Hearing that I wonder if Tina ever faked a moan? probably, but probably not, she might be stretched out like a tire but she's honest with how she feels, so her faking anything would just be a dirty line to arouse her mentally.

"Sounds pretty boring if you ask me"

"Eh, it's a decent meal~"


Saying that she paused as a sliver of sweat came on her forehead, Lex must have spoken to her and the other 2 yesterday before I got there.

"I-... It's an expression dumbass, you know a free meal ticket, hahaha stop thinking about it and shut the fuck up will ya~"

"And yet you're still talking"

"Because I can"



"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Saying that she looked down at me and pointed at my desk.

"I should but I'm not going to, after all, because of a certain someone I had to take over their shift while they slept"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me dumbass! While you slept like a dumb baby yesterday! I was forced to work your job while you sat in that chair and dozed off!!"


Why is she lying so hard right now?

She's acting like nothing happened yesterday?

"What are you talking about I didn't fall asleep!"

Saying that she reached over grabbing my shirt and pulling me over the desk with a weak grip, but we were both equally as tired so it felt strong.

"Like hell you did! I woke up for an instant and went to pee and when I came back you were snoozing in my chair!! And because of you making me have to do your job some scumbag cat stole my stuff"

Holy shit, she thinks I don't remember...

Wait am I not supposed to remember what she did?

Oh shit... I guess I should go along with it then.

Shoot it makes my job easier.

"Oh... Damn?"

"Yeah, and I bet it was those 3 fucking pricks who came late here yesterday! If I find them I'm going to tear them limb from limb!"

Sweating up a storm as it was me who stole from her and not them, I pushed back from her and sat back comfortably in the chair.

"That would be a sight to see"

Sweating balls as she started ranting about how brutally she would hurt them I didn't know where to laugh at how silly and dumb she sounded or be scared out of my mind if she knew it was me who did it.

But then again it was her fault anyways, so ha fucka you! Dumboa~

"Wait so why aren't you working again?"

But as I said that and she was acting out squeezing someone's head in a headlock, she scoffed in detest as she looked at me.

"Because I'm hanging out with my little brother today"

"You have a little brother?!"

"Yea dumbass! It's you"

Holy shit she knows!!!

"What the hell are you talking about!!!"

"Are you stupid? We're all family here?"



"Bla bla bla boring shit whatever, bla bla bla at the silver moon's brothel were all family here, bla bla bla or whatever that idiot Lexitori and nasty sluts Norika and Soragalia would say"

Wait this place is named The Silver Moon? How come I'm now finding this out?

"Wow, you sound like you really don't like the others?"

"Of course I don't you shit-headed dumbass, there a bunch of nasty sluts with overly sexy bodies and they got height. Plus they're a bunch of loud mouth control freaks who don't know how to close their mouths like their damn legs"


"And I don't like you either you prick!"

"Same here you stupid bitch"

"Keep talking to me like that and I'll spank you!"

"I dare you! I'll put your head throughout that fucking wall so try me!!!"

"Hahaha as much as I'd love to see that happen and watch you fail miserably, it cost touch energy to bully someone like you at the moment so you're going to have to hold off till tomorrow"

"Gosh you're so annoying"

"Just like you kid"

"Stop calling me kid! I'm older than you!!"

"Just because I'm small seized doesn't make you older, I'm in my early 20s and you look like a high school dropout"

"You're a grandma?"

"Who are you calling a grandma! I've never gotten pregnant a day in my life!"

"I'm just kidding you dumb little shit~," I said in a sweet manner making her frown.

"Stop calling me " Little" you annoying turd!!!"

"Aww is the short munchkin getting mad~"

Teasing her she scowled at me and got madder, but this was all in fun as it was entertainment for me because why not bully the small one~

"Ugh your so annoying Hiro"

"And so are you"

"Anyway, how old are you, you huckleberry fuck"

"Me? Oh... Well I just turned 18 today"

Saying that she slammed her hands on the counter startling me,

"Today's your birthday!?"

"Yeah... What about it? It's nothing special?"

"Nothing special my ass! Birthdays are fucking awesome! My birthday is the only day where I feel special and aren't picked on by any of my siblings"

I think she's referring to the other Incubi and Succubi of her old nest?

"It's just a day closer to death for me. I don't get what's got your panties in such a twist? There's nothing so special about it?"

Not caring for what I had to say... At all.

"Anyways why the hell are you even here today?! Shouldn't you be celebrating?"

"First off, I kinda need the money and I can't just skip work. Second, there's no one to really celebrate it with, I literally left my only friends not too long ago to come here and my elder sister dislikes me so being around her kinda ruins the mood"

But in saying that she then jumped on and then over the counter, grabbing my hand and pulling me up,

"Shut the fuck up Hiro~! Today's your B-day so let's just skip work since it's not like your going to be doing much of anything other than sitting there being bored!"

"Wait I can't just leave!"

"Sure you can! Now get the fuck up I'm kidnapping you for the night and taking you out to have plenty of fun!"

And so just as she said we left the brothel to go have fun, actual fun, one in which we both enjoyed and had a blast in.

* * *

The following morning I woke up naked in her bed.

She was laying her head on my chest as my arm was wrapped around her and she was snuggling up against me.


It happened again, didn't it?